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## Settings
## Options used to configure Circadian itself.
# How verbose the output should be while running, between 0 and 4
# inclusive.  '0' is for normal usage, '4' is intended for active
# debugging.
# Default: 0
verbosity = 0

## Heuristics
## Options used to detect whether the system is idle.
# Whether TTY input on *any* TTY blocks idle.  This includes X terminals,
# virtual terminals, SSH sessions, etc.  Resets whenever a TTY determines
# that it has input, which is typically keypresses.
# At least one of tty_input or x11_input must be 'yes'.
# Monitors the idle column of the 'w' command.
# Default: yes
tty_input = yes

# Whether X11 idle detection is used, the specifics of which are determined
# by your particular combination of window/display manager.  This is normally
# any user input device (keyboard, mouse), but can additionally be reset
# by certain programs.  Typically, any program that prevents the screensaver
# from displaying will also reset this.
# At least one of tty_input or x11_input must be 'yes'.
# Monitors xprintidle and xssstate
# Default: yes
x11_input = yes

# Whether active SSH connections block the system from being idle.  Both
# inbound and outbound connections will prevent the system from going idle
# if this is 'yes'.
# Monitors netstat
# Default: yes
ssh_block = yes

# Whether active Samba connections block the system from being idle.  Note
# that GVfs sometimes makes local loopback connections to a local Samba
# share, which will prevent idle.  This is disabled by default because of
# the aggressiveness of SMB browsing clients.
# Monitors netstat
# Default: no
smb_block = no

# Whether active NFS connections block the system from being idle.  Both
# inbound and outbound connections will prevent the system from going idle
# if this is 'yes'.
# Monitors netstat
# Default: no
nfs_block = no

# Whether active audio playback blocks the system from being idle.
# Monitors /proc/asound
# Default: yes
audio_block = yes

# Max CPU load for the past minute to be considered idle.  This is the
# unscaled load, can go above 1.0 even on non-maxed multi-core systems.
# Set to 999.0 or comment out to disable.
# Monitors uptime
# Default: 0.5
max_cpu_load = 0.5

# Specific processes that block the system from being considered idle if
# they are running.  Supply as a comma separated list.  Basic regex is
# permitted, and the format "^full-process-name$" is recommended.
# Monitors pgrep
# Example:
#   process_block = mplayer,vlc
# Default: some common file transfer utils
process_block = ^dd$,^rsync$,^apt-get$,^dpkg$,^cp$,^mv$

# How long the system must be idle before the idle action is taken.
# Empty or 0 is disabled.
# NOTE: only the '*_input' heuristics need to be continuously idle without
# interruption.  The other heuristics only need to be true instantaneously
# after idle_time has passed.  (ex: with an idle_time of 1 hour, the mouse
# must not move at all for 1 hour, but SSH connections can come and go
# during that hour.  The on_idle command will run the next time that _at least_
# 1 hour has gone by without mouse movement, and no SSH connections are
# currently active.)
# This is also the minimum amount of time that Circadian must be awake before
# it wll sleep (again).
# Suffix:
#   - seconds
#  m - minutes
#  h - hours
# Default: 120 minutes
idle_time = 120m

# Command to execute when the system is determined to have been idle for at
# least idle_time.  Typically a suspend or hibernate command.
# Common options:
#  * pm-suspend
#  * pm-hibernate
#  * pm-suspend-hybrid
#  * systemctl suspend
#  * systemctl hibernate
#  * dbus-send --system --print-reply --dest="org.freedesktop.UPower" \
#      /org/freedesktop/UPower org.freedesktop.UPower.Suspend
# Default: pm-suspend
on_idle = "systemctl suspend"

# Time of day (in local timezone) to automatically wake the machine if it
# is sleeping.  Specify in 24-hour time format with a colon.  Leave blank
# or comment out for no wake time.
# This depends on the hardware RTC being enabled and supported by your kernel.
# Example:
#   auto_wake = 16:00
# Default: disabled
auto_wake =

# Command to execute after waking from a sleep.
# Default: 
on_wake = ""