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emacs-maxibuffer (maxibuffer.el)


maxibuffer provides a way to request user input in a temporary buffer, similar to the temporary buffers used by org-capture, org-src-edit, and magit commit buffers. Sometimes you want to ask the user for plenty of input, and let them write it in a real buffer with whichever modes they prefer, and get the results back asynchronously. That's what maxibuffer is for.

A maxibuffer can be spawned empty, or pre-filled with some text.

Depending on how maxibuffer-open is called, when a maxibuffer is saved-and-closed (with C-c C-c by default) the contents of the buffer are either inserted at the point where the cursor was when the maxibuffer was spawned, or passed to a provided callback function.

A maxibuffer can be killed without saving with C-c C-k by default.

Key bindings can be changed or extended by customizing maxibuffer-mode-map.


(maxibuffer-open) -- Opens an empty maxibuffer. When the buffer is saved, the contents of the buffer are inserted at the point where the cursor was when the maxibuffer was opened.

(maxibuffer-open "His name is Robert Paulson." 'cb-fn) -- Opens a maxibuffer pre-populated with a string. When it is saved, the cb-fn function is called with the entire contents of the maxibuffer.

As a text, you can execute this line then type C-c C-c in the spawned window. You should see this message, with any modifications you made, printed in the echo area.

(maxibuffer-open "This is a test" 'message)


Insert into buffer:

Send to function:


  1. Clone repo in your ~/.emacs.d/ folder:
$ cd ~/.emacs.d/ && git clone
  1. Add it to your ~/.emacs config:
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/.emacs.d/emacs-maxibuffer/")
(require 'maxibuffer)


Make a pull request, or send an e-mail.


Trevor Bentley (
