// corruption.rs
// Test cases for Ossuary handshakes with packet corruption
// Runs through a bunch of rounds of connection handshaking with corrupted data
// injected at known points throughout the handshake. Verifies that the correct
// errors are raised, and that the connection either retries successfully or
// fails permanently depending on the test.
use ossuary::{OssuaryConnection, ConnectionType};
use ossuary::OssuaryError;
enum Corruption {
fn corruption() {
// Corruption test tuple format:
// (test type, loop iteration, byte offset, byte value, expected recv error, permanent)
let corruptions = [
// loop iteration 0: Client -> Server
// 8 bytes network header, 8 bytes packet header, 32 bytes key, 12 bytes nonce, 32 bytes challenge
(Corruption::ClientInvalidPkt, 0, 0, 0xaa, OssuaryError::InvalidPacket("Oversized packet".into()), true),
(Corruption::ClientInvalidPkt, 0, 2, 0xaa, OssuaryError::InvalidPacket("Message ID does not match".into()), true),
(Corruption::ClientInvalidPkt, 0, 3, 0xaa, OssuaryError::InvalidPacket("Message ID does not match".into()), true),
(Corruption::ClientInvalidPkt, 0, 4, 0xaa, OssuaryError::InvalidPacket("Received unexpected handshake packet.".into()), true),
(Corruption::ClientKey, 0, 18, 0xaa, OssuaryError::DecryptionFailed, false),
(Corruption::ClientNonce, 0, 50, 0xaa, OssuaryError::DecryptionFailed, false),
(Corruption::ClientChal, 0, 64, 0xaa, OssuaryError::InvalidSignature, false),
// loop iteration 3: Server -> Client
// 8 bytes net header, 8 bytes packet header, 32 bytes key, 12 bytes nonce, ~150 bytes encrypted auth
(Corruption::ServerInvalidPkt, 3, 0, 0xaa, OssuaryError::InvalidPacket("Oversized packet".into()), true),
(Corruption::ServerInvalidPkt, 3, 2, 0xaa, OssuaryError::InvalidPacket("Message ID does not match".into()), true),
(Corruption::ServerInvalidPkt, 3, 4, 0xaa, OssuaryError::InvalidPacket("Received unexpected handshake packet.".into()), true),
(Corruption::ServerKey, 3, 18, 0xaa, OssuaryError::DecryptionFailed, false),
(Corruption::ServerNonce, 3, 50, 0xaa, OssuaryError::DecryptionFailed, false),
(Corruption::ServerAuth, 3, 64, 0xaa, OssuaryError::DecryptionFailed, false),
(Corruption::ServerAuth, 3, 84, 0xaa, OssuaryError::DecryptionFailed, false),
// loop iteration 2: Client -> Server
// 8 bytes net header, 8 bytes packet header, 4 byte encryption packet, ~120 bytes encrypted auth
(Corruption::ClientInvalidPkt, 6, 18, 0xaa, OssuaryError::InvalidPacket("Invalid packet length".into()), false),
(Corruption::ClientAuth, 6, 24, 0xaa, OssuaryError::DecryptionFailed, false),
(Corruption::ClientAuth, 6, 96, 0xaa, OssuaryError::DecryptionFailed, false),
enum LoopConn {
for corruption in &corruptions {
println!("Corruption test: {:?}", corruption.0);
let server_secret_key = &[
0x50, 0x29, 0x04, 0x97, 0x62, 0xbd, 0xa6, 0x07,
0x71, 0xca, 0x29, 0x14, 0xe3, 0x83, 0x19, 0x0e,
0xa0, 0x9e, 0xd4, 0xb7, 0x1a, 0xf9, 0xc9, 0x59,
0x3e, 0xa3, 0x1c, 0x85, 0x0f, 0xc4, 0xfa, 0xa2,
let server_public_key = &[
0x20, 0x88, 0x55, 0x8e, 0xbd, 0x9b, 0x46, 0x1d,
0xd0, 0x9d, 0xf0, 0x00, 0xda, 0xf4, 0x0f, 0x87,
0xf7, 0x38, 0x40, 0xc5, 0x54, 0x18, 0x57, 0x60,
0x74, 0x39, 0x3b, 0xb9, 0x70, 0xe1, 0x46, 0x98,
let pubkeys: Vec<&[u8]> = vec![server_public_key];
let mut server_conn = OssuaryConnection::new(ConnectionType::UnauthenticatedServer, Some(server_secret_key)).unwrap();
let mut client_conn = OssuaryConnection::new(ConnectionType::Client, None).unwrap();
let _ = client_conn.add_authorized_keys(pubkeys).unwrap();
let mut loop_conn = LoopConn::LoopClient;
let mut client_buf: Vec<u8> = vec!();
let mut server_buf: Vec<u8> = vec!();
let mut loop_count = 0;
loop {
let mut done = 0;
let (send_conn, recv_conn, mut send_buf, recv_buf) = match loop_conn {
LoopConn::LoopClient => (&mut client_conn, &mut server_conn, &mut client_buf, &mut server_buf),
_ => (&mut server_conn, &mut client_conn, &mut server_buf, &mut client_buf),
match send_conn.handshake_done() {
Ok(true) => done += 1,
Ok(false) => {},
Err(OssuaryError::ConnectionFailed) => {
match corruption.5 {
true => break,
false => panic!("Unexpected connection failure."),
Err(e) => match e {
ref e if e == &corruption.4 => {}, // expected error
OssuaryError::ConnectionFailed => {
match corruption.5 {
true => break,
false => panic!("Unexpected connection failure."),
OssuaryError::ConnectionReset(b) => { recv_buf.drain(0..b); },
_ => panic!("Handshake failed: {:?}", e),
match recv_conn.handshake_done() {
Ok(true) => done += 1,
Ok(false) => {},
Err(OssuaryError::ConnectionFailed) => {
match corruption.5 {
true => break,
false => panic!("Unexpected connection failure."),
Err(e) => match e {
ref e if e == &corruption.4 => {}, // expected error
OssuaryError::ConnectionFailed => {
match corruption.5 {
true => break,
false => panic!("Unexpected connection failure."),
OssuaryError::ConnectionReset(b) => { recv_buf.drain(0..b); },
_ => panic!("Handshake failed: {:?}", e),
if done == 2 {
send_conn.send_handshake(&mut send_buf).unwrap();
if send_buf.len() > 0 {
//println!("{:?}({}) {:?}", loop_conn, loop_count, send_buf);
if loop_count == corruption.1 {
send_buf[corruption.2] = corruption.3;
match send_conn.recv_handshake(&mut recv_buf.as_slice()) {
Ok(b) => { recv_buf.drain(0..b); },
Err(OssuaryError::WouldBlock(b)) => { recv_buf.drain(0..b); },
Err(e) => match e {
ref e if e == &corruption.4 => {}, // expected error
OssuaryError::ConnectionFailed => {
match corruption.5 {
true => break,
false => panic!("Unexpected connection failure."),
OssuaryError::ConnectionReset(b) => { recv_buf.drain(0..b); },
_ => panic!("Handshake failed: {:?}", e),
// Check if handshake is done and call recv_data because recv_handshake()
// does not respond to connection resets after the connection is (thought
// to be) established.
match send_conn.handshake_done() {
Ok(true) => {
let mut plaintext = Vec::<u8>::new();
match send_conn.recv_data(&mut recv_buf.as_slice(), &mut plaintext) {
Ok((b,_)) => { recv_buf.drain(0..b); },
Err(OssuaryError::WouldBlock(b)) => { recv_buf.drain(0..b); },
Err(e) => match e {
ref e if e == &corruption.4 => {}, // expected error
OssuaryError::ConnectionFailed => {
match corruption.5 {
true => break,
false => panic!("Unexpected connection failure."),
OssuaryError::ConnectionReset(b) => { recv_buf.drain(0..b); },
_ => panic!("Handshake failed: {:?}", e),
//Err(e) => panic!("ERROR: {:?}", e),
Err(e) => match e {
ref e if e == &corruption.4 => {}, // expected error
OssuaryError::ConnectionFailed => {
match corruption.5 {
true => break,
false => panic!("Unexpected connection failure."),
OssuaryError::ConnectionReset(b) => { recv_buf.drain(0..b); },
_ => panic!("Handshake failed: {:?}", e),
_ => {},
loop_conn = match loop_conn {
LoopConn::LoopClient => LoopConn::LoopServer,
_ => LoopConn::LoopClient,
loop_count += 1;