// Rubrail Example
// Demonstrates using Rubrail to layout and interact with a persistent Touchbar
// on Macbooks that support it.
// Usage notes:
// To access the touchbar, Rubrail *must* execute inside an OS X app bundle.
// Since Cargo doesn't do that itself, this example uses the Trampoline feature
// of the fruitbasket crate to relaunch itself in an app bundle.
// Simply run:
// $ cargo test && cargo run --example example
extern crate rubrail;
extern crate fruitbasket;
use rubrail::Touchbar;
use rubrail::TTouchbar;
use rubrail::TScrubberData;
use rubrail::ItemId;
use rubrail::SwipeState;
extern crate log;
use std::rc::Rc;
use std::cell::RefCell;
struct TouchbarHandler {
devices: RefCell<Vec<String>>,
impl TScrubberData for TouchbarHandler {
fn count(&self, _item: ItemId) -> u32 {
self.devices.borrow().len() as u32
fn text(&self, _item: ItemId, idx: u32) -> String {
self.devices.borrow()[idx as usize].to_string()
fn width(&self, _item: ItemId, idx: u32) -> u32 {
// 10px per character + some padding seems to work nicely for the default
// font. no idea what it's like on other machines. does the touchbar
// font change? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
let len = self.devices.borrow()[idx as usize].len() as u32;
let width = len * 8 + 20;
fn touch(&self, _item: ItemId, idx: u32) {
info!("scrub touch: {}", idx);
fn populate(bar_rc: Rc<RefCell<Touchbar>>, count: u32, stopper: fruitbasket::FruitStopper) {
// Get touchbar from the refcell. It's wrapped in a cell so
// it can be passed around in the button callbacks.
let mut tb = (bar_rc).borrow_mut();
// Create the lowest level "root" touchbar
let mut barid = tb.create_bar();
// Create a quit button for root bar
let quit_stopper = stopper.clone();
let quit_id = tb.create_button(None, Some("Quit"), Box::new(move |_| {quit_stopper.stop();}));
// Create an action button for the root bar. When clicked, it will
// close the bar and re-create itself.
let bar_copy = bar_rc.clone();
let text = format!("button{}", count);
let button1_id = tb.create_button(None, Some(&text), Box::new(move |_| {
populate(bar_copy.clone(), count+1, stopper.clone())
// Create a text label for the root bar
let label1_id = tb.create_label("This is a label");
tb.update_label(&label1_id, "This is a label\nWith two rows");
tb.update_label_width(&label1_id, 100);
// Support double-clicking the label with one finger
tb.add_item_tap_gesture(&label1_id, 2, 1, Box::new(move |_item| {
info!("Label double-clicked!");
// Add a swipe gesture to the label that changes the text color to
// increasingly green as you swipe right, or increasingly red as you swipe
// left, and resets to white when released.
tb.add_item_swipe_gesture(&label1_id, Box::new(move |item,state,translation| {
let color: f64 = match translation.abs().trunc() as u32 {
t if t < 10 => 1.0,
t if t > 100 => 0.0,
_ => (45. / translation.abs()),
let rgba = match state {
SwipeState::Ended => (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
_ => {
match translation.is_sign_positive() {
true => (color, 1.0, color, 1.0),
false => (1.0, color, color, 1.0),
unsafe { rubrail::util::set_text_color(item, rgba.0, rgba.1, rgba.2, rgba.3); }
// Create a data backend for scrolling text "scrubbers"
let scrubber = Rc::new(TouchbarHandler {
devices: RefCell::new(vec![
"one".to_string(), "two".to_string(),
"a little bit longer one".to_string(),
"this one is really quite a bit longer than the others".to_string()]),
// Create a scrubber for the root bar
let scrubber1_id = tb.create_text_scrubber(scrubber.clone());
tb.select_scrubber_item(&scrubber1_id, 1);
// Create a 'popbar', a second level deep bar
let mut popbar1_id = tb.create_bar();
let popbutton1_id = tb.create_popover_item(None, Some("Popbar1"), &popbar1_id);
// Create another scrubber with the same data, for the popbar.
// Note that the data and callbacks are shared, but this is a different
// instance and can store a different active selection.
let scrubber2_id = tb.create_text_scrubber(scrubber.clone());
tb.select_scrubber_item(&scrubber2_id, 3);
// Create a slider for the popbar.
let slider1_id = tb.create_slider(0.0, 50.0, Some("Slide"), true,
Box::new(move |_s,v| {info!("Slid to: {}", v);}));
tb.update_slider(&slider1_id, 15.0);
// Create a another popbar. This will make a 2-level deep UI.
let mut popbar2_id = tb.create_bar();
let popbutton2_id = tb.create_popover_item(None, Some("Popbar2"), &popbar2_id);
// Create buttons to display on the popbars
let popbar_button_id = tb.create_button(None, Some("1 level deep"), Box::new(move |_| {}));
let deep_button_id = tb.create_button(None, Some("2 levels deep"), Box::new(move |_| {}));
// Layout the deepest (2-level) popbar
tb.add_items_to_bar(&mut popbar2_id, vec![deep_button_id]);
// Layout the middle (1-level) popbar
tb.add_items_to_bar(&mut popbar1_id, vec![popbar_button_id, popbutton2_id, slider1_id, scrubber2_id]);
// Layout the root bar
tb.add_items_to_bar(&mut barid, vec![quit_id, button1_id, popbutton1_id, label1_id, scrubber1_id]);
// Register the root bar and display it.
fn main() {
// Write log to home directory
fruitbasket::create_logger(".rubrail.log", fruitbasket::LogDir::Home, 5, 2).unwrap();
// Initialize OS X application.
let icon = std::path::PathBuf::from(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))
let mut nsapp = fruitbasket::Trampoline::new(
"rubrail_example", "rubrail_example", "com.trevorbentley.rubrail_example")
.plist_key("LSBackgroundOnly", "1")
// Initialize the touchbar
let bar_rc = Rc::new(RefCell::new(Touchbar::alloc("bar")));
let stopper = nsapp.stopper();
// Populate the touchbar with UI elements
populate(bar_rc.clone(), 1, stopper);
// Enter OS X application loop.
nsapp.run(fruitbasket::RunPeriod::Forever).expect("Failed to launch app");