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;;; snitch-custom.el -- part of snitch     -*- lexical-binding: t; -*-
;; See snitch.el for full details.
;; Copyright (C) 2020 Trevor Bentley
;; Author: Trevor Bentley <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; Commentary:
;; This file provides the customizable user options for snitch.el.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
;; Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.
;;; Code:

;; Customizable variables

(defgroup snitch nil
  "Customization options for the snitch firewall"
  :group 'communication
  :prefix "snitch-")

(defcustom snitch-lighter nil
  "Text to display for snitch in mode-line.

Text to display in mode-line when snitch is enabled, or nil to
  :type 'string
  :group 'snitch)

(defgroup snitch-log nil
  "Logging options for snitch firewall"
  :group 'snitch
  :prefix "snitch-")

(defcustom snitch-log-policy '(all)
  "Logging policies for snitch.

Specifies types of actions that snitch should log.  Provided as a
list of symbols defined in ‘snitch-log-policies’"
  :type '(repeat (choice (const all)
                         (const blocked)
                         (const allowed)
                         (const whitelisted)
                         (const blacklisted)))
  :group 'snitch-log)

(defcustom snitch-log-verbose nil
  "Enable verbose logging for snitch.

Whether the log output should be extra verbose (pretty-printed
multi-line event logs)."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'snitch-log)

(defcustom snitch-log-buffer-max-lines 1000
  "Max lines in snitch log buffer.

Maximum number of lines to keep in the snitch event log
buffer.  When it grows larger than this, the least recent lines
are periodically truncated by a timer.

Since trimming is timer-based, the log buffer can temporarily
grow larger than the requested value.  It is only trimmed after a
period of Emacs idle time.

Set to 0 for unlimited."
  :type 'number
  :group 'snitch-log)

(defcustom snitch-enable-notifications nil
  "Enable pop-up notifications for snitch events.

Whether snitch should raise notifications for each log
message, in addition to printing them in the log buffer.

This feature requires the ‘alert’ package to be available.

Users can define custom styles for alert with
‘alert-define-style’.  All snitch alerts set ‘category’ to
‘snitch’, provide an ‘id’ field unique to each event, and provide
the event object in ‘data’."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'snitch-log)

(defgroup snitch-policy nil
  "Default firewall policy options for snitch"
  :group 'snitch
  :prefix "snitch-")

(defcustom snitch-process-policy 'allow
  "Default firewall policy for subprocesses.

When set to allow, exceptions can be specified in
‘snitch-process-blacklist’.  When set to deny, exceptions can be
specified in ‘snitch-process-whitelist’."
  :type '(choice (const deny)
                 (const allow))
  :group 'snitch-policy)

(defcustom snitch-network-policy 'allow
  "Default firewall policy for network connections.

When set to allow, exceptions can be specified in
‘snitch-network-blacklist’.  When set to deny, exceptions can be
specified in ‘snitch-network-whitelist’."
  :type '(choice (const deny)
                 (const allow))
  :group 'snitch-policy)

(defgroup snitch-rules nil
  "Firewall rules for snitch (blacklists/whitelists)"
  :group 'snitch
  :prefix "snitch-")

(defcustom snitch-network-blacklist
  "List of forbidden network connections.

A list of rules defining which network connections are forbidden
when snitch.el is configured to allow connections by default.

See documentation of ‘snitch-process-whitelist’ for details."
  :group 'snitch-rules
  :type '(alist :key-type function
                :value-type (repeat sexp)))

(defcustom snitch-network-whitelist
  "List of permitted network connections.

A list of rules defining which network connections are permitted
when snitch.el is configured to deny connections by default.

See documentation of ‘snitch-process-whitelist’ for details."
  :group 'snitch-rules
  :type '(alist :key-type function
                :value-type (repeat sexp)))

(defcustom snitch-process-blacklist
    ;; Example: block processes from elfeed
    ;;(snitch-filter/src-pkg . (elfeed))

    ;; Example: block processes from system packages
    ;;(snitch-filter/src-pkg . (site-lisp))

    ;; Example: block processes from Emacs built-ins
    ;;(snitch-filter/src-pkg . (built-in))

    ;; Example: block processes from an unknown user package
    ;;(snitch-filter/src-pkg . (user))
  "List of forbidden subprocesses.

A list of rules defining which subprocess calls are forbidden
when snitch.el is configured to allow subprocesses by default.

See documentation of ‘snitch-process-whitelist’ for details."
  :group 'snitch-rules
  :type '(alist :key-type function
                :value-type (repeat sexp)))

(defcustom snitch-process-whitelist
  "List of permitted subprocesses.

A list of rules defining which subprocess calls are permitted
when snitch.el is configured to deny subprocesses by default.

If any filter returns true, the process is immediately allowed
without checking any remaining rules.

Format is an alist of filter function and argument lists, in the

   '((filter-fn1 . (arg1))
     (filter-fn2 . (arg2 arg3))
     (filter-fn3 . (arg4 arg5 arg6)))

Each filter function must take a ‘snitch-network-entry’ eieio
object as its first parameter, and any number of subsequent
arguments which are specified as the arguments in this alist.

In the above example, filter-fn2 might be defined:

  (defun filter-fn2 (net-event fn-arg pkg-arg)
    (or (string-equal (oref net-event :src-fn) fn-arg)
        (string-equal (oref net-event :src-pkg) pkg-arg)))

This allows any arbitrary filtering rules, at the expense of
efficiency.  Keep short-circuiting in mind, and put more general
rules earlier in the list."
  :group 'snitch-rules
  :type '(alist :key-type function
                :value-type (repeat sexp)))

;; Hooks

(defgroup snitch-hooks nil
  "Hooks (callbacks) for snitch firewall events."
  :group 'snitch
  :prefix "snitch-")

(defcustom snitch-on-event-functions '()
  "Hooks called for every event that snitch can intercept.

Note that every event that is not blocked by these hooks is sent
twice: once to these hooks on initial reception, and again to one
of the other hooks with snitch's final decision.

Callback functions must take two arguments:

  1) a ‘snitch-actions’ symbol describing the event type (‘event’)

  2) an event object, either a ‘snitch-process-entry’ or

Returning nil blocks the event, terminating processing."
  :group 'snitch-hooks
  :type 'hook)

(defcustom snitch-on-block-functions '()
  "Hooks called for events that are about to be blocked by policy.

Callback functions must take two arguments:

  1) a ‘snitch-actions’ symbol describing the event type (‘block’)

  2) an event object, either a ‘snitch-process-entry’ or

Returning nil interrupts the block, allowing the event to pass."
  :group 'snitch-hooks
  :type 'hook)

(defcustom snitch-on-allow-functions '()
  "Hooks called for events that are about to be allowed by policy.

Callback functions must take two arguments:

  1) a ‘snitch-actions’ symbol describing the event type (‘allow’)

  2) an event object, either a ‘snitch-process-entry’ or

Returning nil blocks the event, terminating processing."
  :group 'snitch-hooks
  :type 'hook)

(defcustom snitch-on-whitelist-functions '()
  "Hooks called for events that are about to be allowed by whitelist.

Callback functions must take two arguments:

  1) a ‘snitch-actions’ symbol describing the event type (‘whitelist’)

  2) an event object, either a ‘snitch-process-entry’ or

Returning nil blocks the event, terminating processing."
  :group 'snitch-hooks
  :type 'hook)

(defcustom snitch-on-blacklist-functions '()
  "Hooks called for events that are about to be blocked by blacklist.

Callback functions must take two arguments:

  1) a ‘snitch-actions’ symbol describing the event type (‘blacklist’)

  2) an event object, either a ‘snitch-process-entry’ or

Returning nil interrupts the block, allowing the event to pass."
  :group 'snitch-hooks
  :type 'hook)

(defcustom snitch-log-filter-window-open-hook '()
  "Called immediately after log filter window opens."
  :group 'snitch-hooks
  :type 'hook)

(defcustom snitch-log-filter-window-close-hook '()
  "Called immediately after log filter window closes."
  :group 'snitch-hooks
  :type 'hook)

(defcustom snitch-init-hook '()
  "Called immediately after snitch initializes."
  :group 'snitch-hooks
  :type 'hook)

(defcustom snitch-deinit-hook '()
  "Called immediately after snitch deinitializes."
  :group 'snitch-hooks
  :type 'hook)

(defcustom snitch-log-functions '()
  "Hooks called for snitch log entries.

These hooks can be used to filter snitch's log output.  One
possible use is removing potentially sensitive information from
the log, such as authentication tokens passed to curl as

Callback functions must take one argument: a log message string,
propertized with details about the event that generated it.

Return t to keep the log unchanged, nil to block the log entry,
or a new propertized string to replace the log line.

If several hooks are registered, the first hook to return nil or
a modified string terminates processing.

Hooks that modify the message are strongly encouraged to keep the
timestamp and trailing newline intact."
  :group 'snitch-hooks
  :type 'hook)

;; Fonts

(defgroup snitch-faces nil
  "Faces for snitch firewall windows"
  :group 'snitch
  :prefix "snitch-")

(defface snitch--log-filter-face
  '((t . (:inherit default)))
  "Face for log filter wizard"
  :group 'snitch-faces)

(defface snitch--log-filter-active-face
  '((t . (:inherit snitch--log-filter-face :inverse-video t :weight bold)))
  "Face for log filter wizard, selected entries"
  :group 'snitch-faces)

;; Timers

(defgroup snitch-timer nil
  "Options related to when and how snitch monitors timers."
  :group 'snitch-timer
  :prefix "snitch-")

(defcustom snitch-trace-timers t
  "Enable tracing event sources through Emacs timers.

Whether to decorate timer callbacks with backtraces, so snitch
can identify the package source of an event that was scheduled on
a timer.

This must be configured before initializing snitch with function
‘snitch-mode’.  If it is changed while snitch is running, call

Enabling this requires snitch to intercept all Emacs timers.
This can cause significant delays if there are very many timers,
or very high-speed timers.  Use ‘snitch-timer-blacklist’ to
exclude specific timers from snitch’s tracking.

You can run ‘snitch-monitor-unique-timer-fns’ to find out if any
timers are running often.  Use ‘M-x describe-function <RET>
snitch-monitor-unique-timer-fns’ for more."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'snitch-timer)

;; TODO: hook this up, and consider a whitelist too
;;(defcustom snitch-timer-blacklist
;;  '(
;;    #'isearch-lazy-highlight-start
;;    #'undo-auto--boundary-timer
;;    #'helm-M-x--notify-prefix-arg
;;    #'helm-ff--cache-mode-refresh
;;    #'helm-match-line-cleanup
;;    #'company-idle-begin
;;    )
;;  "List of timer functions to skip decorating with backtraces
;;when ‘snitch-trace-timers’ is t.  Backtrace decoration takes
;;time, and may cause noticeable delays if coupled with high-speed
;;Functions can be specified as symbols, or, for byte-compiled
;;functions and lambdas, as the SHA1 hash digest of the byte code
;;or lambda expression in hex string format.
;;You can run ‘snitch-monitor-unique-timer-fns’ to find out if any
;;timers are running often.  Use ‘M-x describe-function <RET>
;;snitch-monitor-unique-timer-fns’ for more.  This function also
;;displays the SHA1 hash of unnamed functions."
;;  :type '(repeat (choice (function) (string)))
;;  :group 'snitch-timer)

(defcustom snitch-print-timer-warnings t
  "Print warnings related to snitch timer tracing.

Whether snitch should output warnings when the functions tracking
timer backtraces encounter an unusual situation, such as a
missing timer or a timer that never fires.

Note that misbehaved packages that cancel timers that aren't
scheduled will trigger false-positive warnings."
  :type 'boolean
  :group 'snitch-timer)

(provide 'snitch-custom)

;;; snitch-custom.el ends here