summary history branches tags files
Branch Commit Message Author Date
0.3.3 0ff1188 Bump hn to 0.3.1 - fix infinte loop crash Trevor Bentley 2017-08-08
0.5.1 945867e Update fruitbasket, fix quitting bug Trevor Bentley 2017-08-04
bump_deps 7ec17f5 Bump deps Trevor Bentley 2018-04-02
fruitbasket b7b42c4 Create app bundle in relative target/ directory Trevor Bentley 2017-07-29
hn-0.3 ecf5466 Bump to hn-0.3 Trevor Bentley 2017-07-30
master cc9d3d3 Update Trevor Bentley 2018-04-02
rubrail_0.5.0 9513ec2 Bump to rubrail 0.5.0, switching entirely to fruitbasket Trevor Bentley 2017-07-30
swipe_cancel 0b00638 Support cancelling swipes. Fixes colors getting stuck. Trevor Bentley 2017-07-27