+extern crate regex;
+use regex::Regex;
+use std::error::Error;
+use std::process::Stdio;
+use std::process::Command;
+pub struct CircadianError(String);
+impl std::fmt::Debug for CircadianError {
+ fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter) -> std::fmt::Result {
+ write!(f, "{}", self.0)
+ }
+impl From<std::io::Error> for CircadianError {
+ fn from(error: std::io::Error) -> Self {
+ CircadianError(error.description().to_owned())
+ }
+impl From<regex::Error> for CircadianError {
+ fn from(error: regex::Error) -> Self {
+ CircadianError(error.description().to_owned())
+ }
+type IdleResult = Result<u32, CircadianError>;
+type ThreshResult = Result<bool, CircadianError>;
+enum CpuHistory {
+ Min1,
+ Min5,
+ Min15
+/// Parse idle time strings from 'w' command into seconds
+fn parse_w_time(time_str: &str) -> Result<u32, CircadianError> {
+ let mut secs: u32 = 0;
+ let mut mins: u32 = 0;
+ let mut hours:u32 = 0;
+ let re_sec = Regex::new(r"^\d+.\d+s$")?;
+ let re_min = Regex::new(r"^\d+:\d+$")?;
+ let re_hour = Regex::new(r"^\d+:\d+m$")?;
+ if re_sec.is_match(time_str) {
+ let time_str: &str = time_str.trim_matches('s');
+ let parts: Vec<u32> = time_str.split(".")
+ .map(|s| str::parse::<u32>(s).unwrap_or(0))
+ .collect();
+ secs = *parts.get(0).unwrap_or(&0);
+ }
+ else if re_min.is_match(time_str) {
+ let parts: Vec<u32> = time_str.split(":")
+ .map(|s| str::parse::<u32>(s).unwrap_or(0))
+ .collect();
+ mins = *parts.get(0).unwrap_or(&0);
+ secs = *parts.get(1).unwrap_or(&0);
+ }
+ else if re_hour.is_match(time_str) {
+ let time_str: &str = time_str.trim_matches('m');
+ let parts: Vec<u32> = time_str.split(":")
+ .map(|s| str::parse::<u32>(s).unwrap_or(0))
+ .collect();
+ hours = *parts.get(0).unwrap_or(&0);
+ mins = *parts.get(1).unwrap_or(&0);
+ }
+ else {
+ return Err(CircadianError("Invalid idle format".to_string()));
+ }
+ Ok((hours*60*60) + (mins*60) + secs)
+// Call 'w' command and return minimum idle time
+fn idle_w() -> IdleResult {
+ let w_output = Command::new("w")
+ .arg("-hus")
+ .stdout(Stdio::piped()).spawn()?;
+ let w_stdout = w_output.stdout
+ .ok_or(CircadianError("w command has no output".to_string()))?;
+ let awk_output = Command::new("awk")
+ .arg("{print $4}")
+ .stdin(w_stdout)
+ .output()?;
+ let idle_times: Vec<u32> = String::from_utf8(awk_output.stdout)
+ .unwrap_or(String::new())
+ .split("\n")
+ .filter(|t| t.len() > 0)
+ .map(|t| parse_w_time(t))
+ .filter_map(|t| t.ok())
+ .collect();
+ Ok(idle_times.iter().cloned().fold(std::u32::MAX, std::cmp::min))
+// Call 'xssstate' command and return idle time
+fn idle_xssstate() -> IdleResult {
+ let output = Command::new("xssstate")
+ .env("DISPLAY", ":0.0")
+ .arg("-i")
+ .output()?;
+ let mut idle_str = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)
+ .unwrap_or(String::new());
+ idle_str.pop();
+ Ok(idle_str.parse::<u32>().unwrap_or(0)/1000)
+// Call 'xprintidle' command and return idle time
+fn idle_xprintidle() -> IdleResult {
+ let output = Command::new("xprintidle")
+ .env("DISPLAY", ":0.0")
+ .output()?;
+ let mut idle_str = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)
+ .unwrap_or(String::new());
+ idle_str.pop();
+ Ok(idle_str.parse::<u32>().unwrap_or(0)/1000)
+// Compare whether 'uptime' 5-min CPU usage compares
+// to the given thresh with the given cmp function.
+// ex: thresh_cpu(CpuHistory::Min1, 0.1, std::cmp::PartialOrd::lt) returns true
+// if the 5-min CPU usage is less than 0.1 for the past minute
+fn thresh_cpu<C>(history: CpuHistory, thresh: f64, cmp: C) -> ThreshResult
+ where C: Fn(&f64, &f64) -> bool {
+ let output = Command::new("uptime")
+ .output()?;
+ let uptime_str = String::from_utf8(output.stdout)
+ .unwrap_or(String::new());
+ let columns: Vec<&str> = uptime_str.split(" ").collect();
+ let cpu_usages: Vec<f64> = columns.iter()
+ .rev().take(3).map(|x| *x).collect::<Vec<&str>>().iter()
+ .rev()
+ .map(|x| *x)
+ .filter(|x| x.len() > 0)
+ .map(|x| str::parse::<f64>(&x[0..x.len()-1]).unwrap_or(std::f64::MAX))
+ .collect::<Vec<f64>>();
+ let idle: Vec<bool> = cpu_usages.iter()
+ .map(|x| cmp(x, &thresh))
+ .collect();
+ // idle is bools of [1min, 5min, 15min] CPU usage
+ let idx = match history {
+ CpuHistory::Min1 => 0,
+ CpuHistory::Min5 => 1,
+ CpuHistory::Min15 => 2,
+ };
+ Ok(*idle.get(idx).unwrap_or(&false))
+fn main() {
+ println!("Hello, world!");
+ println!("Sec: {:?}", parse_w_time("10.45s"));
+ println!("Sec: {:?}", parse_w_time("1:11"));
+ println!("Sec: {:?}", parse_w_time("0:10m"));
+ loop {
+ println!("w min: {:?}", idle_w());
+ println!("xssstate min: {:?}", idle_xssstate());
+ println!("xprintidle min: {:?}", idle_xprintidle());
+ println!("cpu: {:?}", thresh_cpu(CpuHistory::Min5, 0.1, std::cmp::PartialOrd::lt));
+ std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(2000));
+ }