Brief comments on all functions
Ok((hours*60*60) + (mins*60) + secs)
-// Call 'w' command and return minimum idle time
+/// Call 'w' command and return minimum idle time
fn idle_w() -> IdleResult {
let w_output = Command::new("w")
Ok(idle_times.iter().cloned().fold(std::u32::MAX, std::cmp::min))
-// Call 'xssstate' command and return idle time
+/// Call 'xssstate' command and return idle time
fn idle_xssstate() -> IdleResult {
let output = Command::new("xssstate")
.env("DISPLAY", ":0.0")
-// Call 'xprintidle' command and return idle time
+/// Call 'xprintidle' command and return idle time
fn idle_xprintidle() -> IdleResult {
let output = Command::new("xprintidle")
.env("DISPLAY", ":0.0")
-// Compare whether 'uptime' 5-min CPU usage compares
-// to the given thresh with the given cmp function.
-// ex: thresh_cpu(CpuHistory::Min1, 0.1, std::cmp::PartialOrd::lt) returns true
-// if the 5-min CPU usage is less than 0.1 for the past minute
+/// Compare whether 'uptime' 5-min CPU usage compares
+/// to the given thresh with the given cmp function.
+/// ex: thresh_cpu(CpuHistory::Min1, 0.1, std::cmp::PartialOrd::lt) returns true
+/// if the 5-min CPU usage is less than 0.1 for the past minute
fn thresh_cpu<C>(history: CpuHistory, thresh: f64, cmp: C) -> ThreshResult
where C: Fn(&f64, &f64) -> bool {
let output = Command::new("uptime")
+/// Determine whether a process (by name regex) is running.
fn exist_process(prc: &str) -> ExistResult {
let output = Command::new("pgrep")
Ok(count > 0)
+/// Determine whether the given type of network connection is established.
fn exist_net_connection(conn: NetConnection) -> ExistResult {
let output = Command::new("netstat")
Ok(connections.len() > 0)
+/// Determine whether audio is actively playing on any ALSA interface.
fn exist_audio() -> ExistResult {
let mut count = 0;
for device in glob("/proc/asound/card*/pcm*/sub*/status")? {