update README for org-mode
`$ fstop-print-calc 16 --stops 3 --csv --table-stops 3 --table-fraction 3`
+Instead of exporting the CSV as explicit values, you can export it as
+cell formulas instead with `--formulas`. This produces a spreadsheet
+with the centermost-cell as the base time, which can be changed at
+will and all other cells will update accordingly.
+`$ fstop-print-calc 16 --stops 3 --csv --table-stops 3 --table-fraction 3 --formulas`
You can add `--relative` to any combination to display the
calculations relative to the base time instead of as absolute times.
+`$ fstop-print-calc 16 --stops 3 --csv --table-stops 3 --table-fraction 3 --relative`
+You can export it as an Emacs org-mode table with `--org`. All of the
+table options are also available for org-mode: `--table-stops`,
+`--table-fraction`, `--formulas`, and `--relative`.
+`$ fstop-print-calc 16 --stops 3 --org --table-stops 3 --table-fraction 3 --formulas`
# The math