mut revwalk: git2::Revwalk,
references: &BTreeMap<String, Vec<String>>,
settings: &GitsySettingsRepo,
+ max_diffs: usize,
) -> Result<Vec<GitObject>, Error> {
let mut history: Vec<GitObject> = vec![];
if idx >= settings.limit_history.unwrap_or(usize::MAX) {
- let parsed = parse_commit(idx, settings, repo, &oid.to_string(), &references)?;
+ let parsed = parse_commit(idx, settings, repo, &oid.to_string(), &references,
+ history.len() < max_diffs)?;
" + [{}] {} {}",
let repo_path = repo.path();
- let thread_jobs: Vec<usize> = (0..thread_jobs).rev().collect(); // note the subtle rev() to do this in the right order
+ // Make a list of thread IDs to execute. Note the subtle rev() to
+ // do this in the right order.
+ let thread_jobs: Vec<usize> = (0..thread_jobs).rev().collect();
+ // Make a matching list of the maximum number of diffs to
+ // calculate on each thread. It's unknown how many commits each
+ // thread will find, but each should find at least `chunk_size`.
+ let diffs: Vec<usize> = thread_jobs
+ .iter()
+ .scan(settings.limit_diffs.unwrap_or(usize::MAX), |acc, _x| {
+ match (*acc > 0, chunk_size > *acc) {
+ (true, true) => {
+ let old_acc = *acc;
+ *acc = 0;
+ Some(old_acc)
+ }
+ (true, false) => {
+ *acc -= chunk_size;
+ Some(chunk_size)
+ }
+ _ => Some(0),
+ }
+ })
+ .collect();
+ let zipped_thread_jobs: Vec<(usize, usize)> = thread_jobs.iter().cloned().zip(diffs).collect();
let atomic_commits = AtomicUsize::new(0);
- let mut history: Vec<_> = thread_jobs
+ let mut history: Vec<_> = zipped_thread_jobs
|| Vec::<_>::new(),
- |mut acc, thread| {
+ |mut acc, (thread, max_diffs)| {
if atomic_commits.load(Ordering::SeqCst) > settings.limit_history.unwrap_or(usize::MAX) {
// TODO: should convert all error paths in this function
// to GitsyErrors, and differentiate between real failures
false => revwalk.push_range(&range)?,
- let res = parse_revwalk(&repo, revwalk, &references, &settings)?;
+ let res = parse_revwalk(&repo, revwalk, &references, &settings, *max_diffs)?;
louder!(" - Parsed {} on thread {}", res.len(), thread);
atomic_commits.fetch_add(res.len(), Ordering::SeqCst);
pub fn parse_commit(
- idx: usize,
- settings: &GitsySettingsRepo,
+ _idx: usize,
+ _settings: &GitsySettingsRepo,
repo: &Repository,
refr: &str,
references: &BTreeMap<String, Vec<String>>,
+ with_diff: bool,
) -> Result<GitObject, Error> {
let obj = repo.revparse_single(refr)?;
let commit = repo.find_commit(;
_ => None,
- let (stats, commit_diff) = match idx < settings.limit_diffs.unwrap_or(usize::MAX) {
+ let (stats, commit_diff) = match with_diff {
false => (None, None),
true => {
let b = commit.tree()?;
let diff = repo.diff_tree_to_tree(a.as_ref(), Some(&b), Some(&mut diffopts))?;
let stats = diff.stats()?;
- let commit_diff: Option<GitDiffCommit> = match idx < settings.limit_diffs.unwrap_or(usize::MAX) {
+ let commit_diff: Option<GitDiffCommit> = match with_diff {
true => Some(GitDiffCommit {
file_count: stats.files_changed(),
additions: stats.insertions(),