use std::fs::File;
use std::io::Write;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicUsize, Ordering};
use tera::{Context, Filter, Function, Tera, Value, to_value, try_get_value};
#[cfg(feature = "markdown")]
+static VERBOSITY: AtomicUsize = AtomicUsize::new(0);
+macro_rules! always {
+ () => { println!() };
+ ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ println!($($arg)*); }};
+macro_rules! error {
+ () => { eprintln!() };
+ ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ eprintln!($($arg)*); }};
+macro_rules! normal {
+ () => { if VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0 { println!() } };
+ ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ if VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0 { println!($($arg)*); } }};
+macro_rules! normal_noln {
+ () => { if VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0 { print!(); let _ = std::io::stdout().flush(); } };
+ ($($arg:tt)*) => { if VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 0 { {print!($($arg)*);}; let _ = std::io::stdout().flush(); }};
+macro_rules! loud {
+ () => { if VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 1 { println!() } };
+ ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ if VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 1 { println!($($arg)*); } }};
+macro_rules! louder {
+ () => { if VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 2 { println!() } };
+ ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ if VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 2 { println!($($arg)*); } }};
+macro_rules! loudest {
+ () => { if VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 3 { println!() } };
+ ($($arg:tt)*) => {{ if VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 3 { println!($($arg)*); } }};
// TODO:
-// * verbose output
// * pagination
// * remote repositories
// * extra metadata for recursive repo listings?
is_binary = blob.is_binary();
size = blob.content().len();
+ loudest!(" + file: {}", path);
files.push(GitFile {
name: name.clone(),
let mut branch_count = 0;
let mut tag_count = 0;
+ loud!();
let mut revwalk = repo.revwalk()?;
+ loudest!(" - Parsing history:");
for oid in revwalk {
let oid = oid?;
if commit_count >= settings.limit_commits.unwrap_or(usize::MAX) ||
if history_count < settings.limit_history.unwrap_or(usize::MAX) {
+ loudest!(" + {} {}", full_hash, first_line(commit.message_bytes()));
// TODO: this is basically a duplicate of the commit
// array, and really should be pointers to that array
// instead. But it's not a quick task to switch to
history_count += 1;
+ loud!(" - parsed {} history entries", history_count);
+ loud!(" - parsed {} commits", commit_count);
+ loudest!(" - Parsing branches:");
for branch in repo.branches(None)? {
if branch_count >= settings.limit_branches.unwrap_or(usize::MAX) {
let commit = repo.find_commit(;
let full_hash =;
let short_hash = obj.short_id()?.as_str().unwrap_or_default().to_string();
+ loudest!(" + {} {}", full_hash, name);
branches.push(GitObject {
branch_count += 1;
+ loud!(" - parsed {} branches", branch_count);
+ loudest!(" - Parsing tags:");
for tag in repo.tag_names(None)?.iter() {
if tag_count >= settings.limit_tags.unwrap_or(usize::MAX) {
Some(m) => Some(first_line(m)),
_ => None,
+ loudest!(" + {} {}", full_hash, tag);
tags.push(GitObject {
tag_count += 1;
+ loud!(" - parsed {} tags", tag_count);
let mut root_files: Vec<GitFile> = vec!();
let mut all_files: Vec<GitFile> = vec!();
let max_depth = settings.limit_tree_depth.unwrap_or(usize::MAX);
if max_depth > 0 {
+ loudest!(" - Walking root files");
walk_file_tree(&repo, "HEAD", &mut root_files, 0, usize::MAX, false, "")?;
// TODO: maybe this should be optional? Walking the whole tree
// could be slow on huge repos.
+ loudest!(" - Walking all files");
walk_file_tree(&repo, "HEAD", &mut all_files, 0, max_depth, true, "")?;
+ loud!(" - parsed {} files", all_files.len());
Ok(GitRepo {
name: name.to_string(),
match html_generator.parse_html_for_line_which_includes_newline(line) {
Ok(_) => {},
Err(_) => {
- println!("Warning: failed to apply syntax highlighting.");
+ error!("Warning: failed to apply syntax highlighting.");
return contents.to_string();
let (content, rendered, pre) = match path.extension() {
#[cfg(feature = "markdown")]
Some(x) if settings.render_markdown.unwrap_or(false) && x == "md" => {
+ loudest!(" - rendering Markdown in {}", path.display());
let (cstr, rendered, pre) = (parse_markdown(&cstr), true, false);
(cstr, rendered, pre)
#[cfg(any(feature = "highlight", feature = "highlight_fast"))]
Some(x) if settings.syntax_highlight.unwrap_or(false) => {
+ loudest!(" - syntax highlighting {}", path.display());
(syntax_highlight(&cstr, x.to_string_lossy().to_string().as_str()), true, true)
_ => (cstr, false, true),
#[derive(Parser, Debug)]
-#[command(author, version, about, long_about = None)]
+#[command(author = "Trevor Bentley", version, about, long_about = None)]
+#[command(help_template = "\
+{name} v{version}, by {author-with-newline}
+{usage-heading} {usage}
struct CliArgs {
#[arg(short, long, value_name = "FILE")]
config: Option<PathBuf>,
+ #[arg(short, long)]
+ quiet: bool,
+ #[arg(short, long, action = clap::ArgAction::Count)]
+ verbose: u8,
+#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct GitsySettings {
recursive_repo_dirs: Option<Vec<PathBuf>>,
extra: Option<BTreeMap<String, toml::Value>>,
+#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct GitsySettingsTemplates {
path: PathBuf,
repo_list: Option<String>,
error: Option<String>,
+#[derive(Deserialize, Debug)]
struct GitsySettingsOutputs {
path: PathBuf,
repo_list: Option<String>,
output_path_fn!(repo_assets , GitObject, full_hash, true, "%REPO%/assets/");
-#[derive(Deserialize, Default)]
+#[derive(Deserialize, Default, Debug)]
struct GitsySettingsRepo {
path: PathBuf,
name: Option<String>,
.expect(&format!("Unable to write to output path: {}", path));
.expect(&format!("Failed to save rendered html to path: {}", path));
+ louder!(" - wrote file: {}", path);
fn main() {
+ let start_all = std::time::Instant::now();
let cli = CliArgs::parse();
let config_path = cli.config.as_deref().unwrap_or(Path::new("config.toml"));
+ cli.quiet {
+ true => 0,
+ false => (cli.verbose + 1).into(),
+ }, Ordering::Relaxed);
// Parse the known settings directly into their struct
let toml = std::fs::read_to_string(config_path).expect(&format!("Configuration file not found: {}", config_path.display()));
Err(e) => {
- println!("Failed to parse repo [{}]: {:?}", k, e);
+ error!("Failed to parse repo [{}]: {:?}", k, e);
- match settings.recursive_repo_dirs {
+ match &settings.recursive_repo_dirs {
Some(dirs) => {
- for parent in &dirs {
+ for parent in dirs {
for dir in std::fs::read_dir(parent).expect("Repo directory not found.") {
let dir = dir.expect("Repo contains invalid entries");
+ let name: String = dir.file_name().to_string_lossy().to_string();
repo_descriptions.insert(GitsySettingsRepo {
path: dir.path().clone(),
+ name: Some(name),
render_markdown: settings.render_markdown.clone(),
syntax_highlight: settings.syntax_highlight.clone(),
syntax_highlight_theme: settings.syntax_highlight_theme.clone(),
let mut tera = match Tera::new(template_path.to_str().expect("No template path set!")) {
Ok(t) => t,
Err(e) => {
- println!("Parsing error(s): {}", e);
+ error!("Parsing error(s): {}", e);
let _ = std::fs::create_dir(settings.outputs.path.to_str().expect("Output path invalid."));
let generated_dt = chrono::offset::Local::now();
+ let mut global_bytes = 0;
let mut total_bytes = 0;
let mut repos: Vec<GitRepo> = vec!();
- for repo_desc in &repo_descriptions {
+ // Sort the repositories by name
+ let mut repo_vec: Vec<GitsySettingsRepo> = repo_descriptions.drain().collect();
+ repo_vec.sort_by(|x,y||n| n.cmp(&
+ .unwrap_or(std::cmp::Ordering::Equal));
+ // Find the one with the longest name, for pretty printing
+ let global_name = "repo list";
+ let longest_repo_name = repo_vec.iter().fold(0, |acc, x| {
+ std::cmp::max(acc,|n| n.len()).unwrap_or(0))
+ }).max(global_name.len());
+ loudest!("Global settings:\n{:#?}", &settings);
+ // Iterate over each repository, generating outputs
+ for repo_desc in &repo_vec {
+ loudest!("Repo settings:\n{:#?}", &repo_desc);
let mut repo_bytes = 0;
let dir = &repo_desc.path;
match dir.metadata() {
_ => continue,
let repo_path: String = dir.to_string_lossy().to_string();
- let name: String = dir.file_name().expect("Encountered directory with no name!").to_string_lossy().to_string();
+ let name =;
let repo = Repository::open(&repo_path).expect("Unable to find git repository.");
let metadata = GitsyMetadata {
clone: None,
attributes: repo_desc.attributes.clone().unwrap_or_default(),
+ normal_noln!("[{}{}]... ", name, " ".repeat(longest_repo_name - name.len()));
+ let start_parse = std::time::Instant::now();
let summary = parse_repo(&repo, &name, &repo_desc, metadata).expect("Failed to analyze repo HEAD.");
let mut local_ctx = Context::from_serialize(&summary).unwrap();
Err(x) => match x.kind {
tera::ErrorKind::TemplateNotFound(_) if settings.templates.repo_summary.is_none() => {},
- _ => println!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
+ _ => error!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
Err(x) => match x.kind {
tera::ErrorKind::TemplateNotFound(_) if settings.templates.branch.is_none() => {},
- _ => println!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
+ _ => error!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
Err(x) => match x.kind {
tera::ErrorKind::TemplateNotFound(_) if settings.templates.tag.is_none() => {},
- _ => println!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
+ _ => error!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
Err(x) => match x.kind {
tera::ErrorKind::TemplateNotFound(_) if settings.templates.commit.is_none() => {},
- _ => println!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
+ _ => error!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
Err(x) => match x.kind {
tera::ErrorKind::TemplateNotFound(_) if settings.templates.file.is_none() => {},
- _ => println!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
+ _ => error!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
Err(x) => match x.kind {
tera::ErrorKind::TemplateNotFound(_) if settings.templates.dir.is_none() => {},
- _ => println!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
+ _ => error!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
- println!("Wrote repo: {} ({} bytes)", name, repo_bytes);
+ normal!("{}done in {:.2}s ({} bytes)",
+ match VERBOSITY.load(Ordering::Relaxed) > 1 {
+ true => " - ",
+ _ => "",
+ },
+ start_parse.elapsed().as_secs_f32(), repo_bytes);
total_bytes += repo_bytes;
size_check!(repo_desc, repo_bytes, total_bytes);
+ let start_global = std::time::Instant::now();
+ normal_noln!("[{}{}]... ", global_name, " ".repeat(longest_repo_name - global_name.len()));
let mut global_ctx = Context::new();
global_ctx.try_insert("repos", &repos).expect("Failed to add repo to template engine.");
if let Some(extra) = &settings.extra {
match tera.render(&settings.templates.repo_list.as_deref().unwrap_or("repos.html"), &global_ctx) {
Ok(rendered) => {
- total_bytes += write_rendered(&settings.outputs.repo_list(None, None), &rendered);
+ global_bytes += write_rendered(&settings.outputs.repo_list(None, None), &rendered);
Err(x) => match x.kind {
tera::ErrorKind::TemplateNotFound(_) if settings.templates.repo_list.is_none() => {},
- _ => println!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
+ _ => error!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
match tera.render(&settings.templates.error.as_deref().unwrap_or("404.html"), &global_ctx) {
Ok(rendered) => {
- total_bytes += write_rendered(&settings.outputs.error(None, None), &rendered);
+ global_bytes += write_rendered(&settings.outputs.error(None, None), &rendered);
Err(x) => match x.kind {
tera::ErrorKind::TemplateNotFound(_) if settings.templates.error.is_none() => {},
- _ => println!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
+ _ => error!("ERROR: {:?}", x),
std::fs::copy(&src_file, &dst_file)
.expect(&format!("Failed to copy asset file: {}", src_file.display()));
if let Ok(meta) = std::fs::metadata(dst_file) {
- total_bytes += meta.len() as usize;
+ global_bytes += meta.len() as usize;
- println!("Total bytes written: {}", total_bytes);
+ total_bytes += global_bytes;
+ normal!("done in {:.2}s ({} bytes)", start_global.elapsed().as_secs_f32(), global_bytes);
+ loud!("Wrote {} bytes in {:.2}s", total_bytes, start_all.elapsed().as_secs_f32());