summary history branches tags files
author:Trevor Bentley
committer:Trevor Bentley
date:Tue May 7 11:09:05 2024 +0200
add a README
diff --git a/ b/
line changes: +116/-0
index 0000000..e6b401f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+# menomonmon
+A usbmon packet filtering library
+## What
+menomonmon is a library for viewing all or a subset of the USB packets from the linux kernel's [usbmon]( subsystem, optionally controlled by a set of triggers and filters.
+## Why
+menomonmon is intended to help isolate and analyze specific transactions or events within a large stream of USB traffic.  When you know what you are looking for, menomonmon will help you pluck it out of the firehose.
+## How
+The core of menomonmon is built as a Rust library.  This core is responsible for opening the usbmon bus device, reading and parsing the raw packets, applying optional filters and triggers, and finally printing the matching packets.
+A simple `menomonmon` binary is also provided, which can be used to dump all traffic (equivalent to `cat /sys/kernel/debug/usb/usbmon/0u`) or apply basic filtration on USB bus, device vendor ID, or device product ID.
+For more advanced usage, users are expected to write small Rust applications using the menomonmon library with custom filters.  Several examples are provided in the `examples/` directory.
+menomonmon has four fundamental filter types:
+* **DeviceFilter** -- This filter performs selection of which device(s) to monitor.  Filters on USB bus (depends on your system's hardware hierarchy), device Vendor ID, or device Product ID.
+* **StartFilter** -- This filter triggers on the contents of a USB packet.  If provided, no packets are output until the StartFilter matches.
+* **EndFilter** -- Same as StartFilter, but packets stop being output after EndFilter matches.
+* **ActiveFilter** -- Same as StartFilter, but this filter further filters which packets are output in between the StartFilter and EndFilter packets.
+As a conceptual example, one might write a program with the following four filters installed:
+1) Filter on the Product ID of a specific USB keyboard
+2) Set a StartFilter to begin capturing when the ESC key is pressed
+3) Set an ActiveFilter to only output device-to-host packets with data payloads
+3) Set an EndFilter to stop capturing when the RET key is pressed
+menomonmon would then output all data payloads received from the attached keyboard between the pressing of the escape and return keys.
+## Project Status
+menomonmon is a "one-off" project to scratch an itch.  It is not under active development, but bug reports are welcome.
+## Building
+$ git clone git://
+$ cd menomonmon
+$ cargo build --release --examples
+$ sudo modprobe usbmon
+$ sudo ./target/release/menomonmon --help"
+## Limitations
+* Packets are not saved in memory or to disk
+* Filters apply to a single packet only.  Multi-packet pattern detection is not supported.
+* Questionable handling of device hot connect/disconnect
+## Example output
+The following shows the provided example `mon_fido_enumeration_data_only` in action, which outputs the bidirectional data payload packets during early device enumeration of a USB device that advertises a FIDO/U2F HID interface:
+# ./target/debug/examples/mon_fido_enumeration_data_only
+0000000000 05:98:00  <   83:02   [000]: |80 06 0100 0000 18|
+0000000320 05:98:00  <   67:02   [018]: 12010002000000405010160149030102
+                                        0001
+0000001428 05:98:00  <   67:02   [009]: 09029600030100800f
+0000001798 05:98:00  <   67:02   [150]: 09029600030100800f09040000010301
+                                        01000921100100012247000705810308
+                                        000a0904010002030000000921100100
+                                        01222200070504034000020705840340
+                                        000209040200030b0000003621000100
+                                        0702000000a00f0000a00f00000000b0
+                                        040000b00400006e0500000000000000
+                                        000000fe00040078050000ffff000000
+                                        01070502024000000705820240000007
+                                        058303080020
+0000001985 05:98:00  <   67:02   [004]: 04030904
+0000002215 05:98:00  <   67:02   [050]: 320359007500620069006b0065007900
+                                        20004e0045004f0020004f0054005000
+                                        2b005500320046002b00430043004900
+                                        4400
+0000002439 05:98:00  <   67:02   [014]: 0e03590075006200690063006f00
+0000022725 05:98:00  <   67:02   [071]: 05010906a101050719e029e715002501
+                                        75019508810295017508810195057501
+                                        05081901290591029501750391019506
+                                        75081500256505071900296581000903
+                                        75089508b102c0
+0000023101 05:98:00  >   83:02   [001]: |21 09 0200 0000 01|
+                                        00
+0000080840 05:98:00  <   83:02   [000]: |81 06 2200 0001 34|
+0000081213 05:98:00  <   67:02   [034]: 06d0f10901a1010920150026ff007508
+                                        954081020921150026ff007508954091
+                                        02c0
+FIDO device enumerated in: 81213 µs
+The space-separated fields are:
+* *timestamp* (microseconds)
+* *usb_bus* : *device_number* : *endpoint*
+* *direction* ('<' is device-to-host, '>' is host-to-device)
+* *pkt_type* : *xfer_type*
+* [*data_length*]
+* |*setup_packet*| (if present)
+* *data_payload* (if present)
+## Main Dependencies
+* [nix]( -- linux ioctl access
+* [regex]( -- Regular expression matching
+* [clap]( -- Command-line arguments parsing
+## Related Software
+* [wireshark](
+* [usbmon-tools](