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author:Trevor Bentley
committer:Trevor Bentley
date:Sun May 26 14:25:38 2019 +0200
Document C API header
diff --git a/ffi/ossuary.h b/ffi/ossuary.h
line changes: +229/-1
index 04d3b13..f6a3a68
--- a/ffi/ossuary.h
+++ b/ffi/ossuary.h
@@ -5,34 +5,262 @@
 typedef struct OssuaryConnection OssuaryConnection;
 typedef enum {
+  // Connection is a client
+  // Connection is a server that only permits known clients.
+  // Connection is a server that permits any client.
 } ossuary_conn_type_t;
 typedef enum {
+  // Most errors return this for now.
+  // Returned from recv/send functions when only a partial packet was read
+  // or written.  This is not an error, but if received frequently it may
+  // indicate that your buffers are too small or your connection is highly
+  // fragmented.
+  // Returned when connection is established to a remote host whose public
+  // authentication key is not known.  This is an error for connections that
+  // require known authentication, but can be recoverable for connections that
+  // implement a Trust-On-First-Use policy.
 } ossuary_error_t;
+// Create a new Ossuary connection object
+// This is the first Ossuary function called.  It creates a stateful context
+// representing one half of an encrypted communication channel.  All subsequent
+// Ossuary calls take this object as a parameter.
+// The OssuaryConnection object is dynamically allocated, and should be relased
+// with ossuary_destroy_connection() when no longer needed.
+// It is highly recommended that you read the Rust documentation for Ossuary, in
+// addition to this C API documentation.
+// 'type'     - Specify client or server type for this end of the connection
+// 'auth_key' - Specify the secret authentication key (ed25519) of this connection.
+//              This may be NULL, in which case a secret key is randomly generated.
+// Returns: Allocated connection object, or NULL on error.
 OssuaryConnection *ossuary_create_connection(ossuary_conn_type_t type, const uint8_t auth_key[32]);
-int32_t ossuary_destroy_connection(OssuaryConnection **conn);
+// Destroy an existing Ossuary connection object
+// Deallocates an OssuaryConnection object created with
+// ossuary_create_connection().
+// 'conn' - A pointer to an OssuaryConnection created with ossuary_create_connection
+void ossuary_destroy_connection(OssuaryConnection **conn);
+// Change the secret authentication key for an Ossuary connection
+// This changes the ed25519 authentication keypair that the host uses to
+// identify itself during connection handshakes.  It is the same as the
+// 'auth_key' parameter to ossuary_create_connection(), but this function does
+// not allow NULLs.
+// 'conn' - An OssuaryConnection allocated by ossuary_create_connection()
+// 'key' - Specify the secret authentication key (ed25519) of this connection.
+// Returns: 0 on success, -1 on failure.
 int32_t ossuary_set_secret_key(OssuaryConnection *conn, const uint8_t key[32]);
+// Add one public authentication key to the list of authorized remote hosts.
+// Server connections with type OSSUARY_CONN_TYPE_AUTHENTICATED_SERVER only
+// permit connections from clients that authorize with a known key.  Client
+// connections only permit connections to servers with a known key.  This
+// function adds an ed25519 public key to the list of known keys, permitting
+// connections to or from a host that proves it has the matching secret key.
+// 'conn' - An OssuaryConnection allocated by ossuary_create_connection()
+// 'key'  - Ed25519 public authentication key to permit connections from
+// Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
 int32_t ossuary_add_authorized_key(OssuaryConnection *conn, const uint8_t key[32]);
+// Add multiple public authentication keys to the list of authorized hosts.
+// See ossuary_add_authorized_key() for details.  This function does the same,
+// but allows more than one key to be specified at a time.
+// 'conn'  - An OssuaryConnection allocated by ossuary_create_connection()
+// 'key'   - An array of 32-byte Ed25519 public keys
+// 'count' - The number of 32-byte keys in 'key'
+// Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
 int32_t ossuary_add_authorized_keys(OssuaryConnection *conn, uint8_t *key[], uint8_t count);
+// Get the public Ed25519 authentication key of the remote host
+// When a connection to a remote host has been established, this function
+// returns the public Ed25519 authentication key of the remote side.
+// This key becomes available during the handshake process.  In the special case
+// of a client connecting to a server, when the client has not added the
+// server's public key to its authorized key list with
+// ossuary_add_authorized_key(), the ossuary_handshake_done() function will
+// return OSSUARY_ERR_UNTRUSTED_SERVER and pause the handshake.  For clients
+// that wish to use a Trust-On-First-Use (TOFU) policy, they can immediately
+// call this function to get the public key, add it to the list of authorized
+// keys with ossuary_add_authorized_key() if it has never been seen before, and
+// the handshake will continue.
+// 'conn'    - An OssuaryConnection allocated by ossuary_create_connection()
+// 'key_buf' - A buffer of at least 32 bytes to receive the public key
+// 'key_buf_len' - Size of 'key_buf' in bytes
+// Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
 int32_t ossuary_remote_public_key(OssuaryConnection *conn,
                                   uint8_t *key_buf, uint16_t key_buf_len);
+// Generate a random new Ed25519 authentication key pair
+// This is a utility function for generating Ed25519 authentication keys.
+// It does not require an established connection.  It can be used for initial
+// generation of keypairs when configuring new hosts.
+// 'secret_buf'     - Buffer of at least 32 bytes to receive the secret key
+// 'secret_buf_len' - Size, in bytes, of 'secret_buf'
+// 'public_buf'     - Buffer of at least 32 bytes to receive the public key
+// 'public_buf_len' - Size, in bytes, of 'public_buf'
+// Returns 0 on success, -1 on failure
 int32_t ossuary_generate_auth_keypair(uint8_t *secret_buf, uint16_t secret_buf_len,
                                       uint8_t *public_buf, uint16_t public_buf_len);
+// Parse connection handshake packets out of an input buffer
+// This function is part of the handshake loop used to establish a new encrypted
+// session.  When data is received from a remote host, it must be passed to this
+// function if the handshake is not yet completed (ossuary_handshake_done()).
+// This function parses and decrypts any handshake packets in the input and
+// updates the internal state of the connection.
+// This function 'consumes' input data, and updated 'in_buf_len' to be the
+// number of bytes consumed.  The caller should take care to remove exactly
+// 'in_buf_len' bytes from the beginning of 'in_buf' after calling.
+// When a partial packet is received, this function returns
+// OSSUARY_ERR_WOULDBLOCK.  Data might still be consumed in this case,
+// so 'in_buf_len' is still valid.
+// 'conn'       - An OssuaryConnection allocated by ossuary_create_connection()
+// 'in_buf'     - Buffer containing data received from remote host
+// 'in_buf_len' - Length of 'in_buf' in bytes
+// Returns number of bytes consumed from 'in_buf', or OSSUARY_ERR_WOULDBLOCK
+// if a partial packet was received.  In either case, 'in_buf_len' is set to
+// the number of bytes to remove from the beginning of 'in_buf'.  Returns
+// other values <0 on error.
 int32_t ossuary_recv_handshake(OssuaryConnection *conn,
                                uint8_t *in_buf, uint16_t *in_buf_len);
+// Get handshake packet to send to remote host
+// This function is part of the handshake loop used to establish a new encrypted
+// session.  When the local side of the connection is ready to send another
+// handshake packet, this function fills a buffer with the encrypted data
+// that needs to be sent to the remote host.  It should continue to be called
+// in a loop until the handshake is done (ossuary_handshake_done()).
+// It is up to the caller to push the data in 'out_buf' to the remote host via
+// whatever communication transport is in use.
+// When a partial packet is written, this function returns
+// OSSUARY_ERR_WOULDBLOCK.  Data might still be written to 'out_buf'  in this
+// case, so 'out_buf_len' is still valid.
+// 'conn'        - An OssuaryConnection allocated by ossuary_create_connection()
+// 'out_buf'     - Buffer to receive data to send to remote host
+// 'out_buf_len' - Size of 'out_buf' in bytes
+// Returns number of bytes written to 'out_buf', or OSSUARY_ERR_WOULDBLOCK
+// if a partial packet was written.  In either case, 'out_buf_len' is set to
+// the number of bytes to send.  Returns other values <0 on error.
 int32_t ossuary_send_handshake(OssuaryConnection *conn,
                                uint8_t *out_buf, uint16_t *out_buf_len);
+// Returns whether the handshake process has completed
+// Ossuary's encrypted connections are established via a 'handshake' process,
+// which involves checking in a loop of the handshake is completed by calling
+// this function, and if it is not then data received from the transport layer
+// should be fed in via ossuary_recv_handshake(), and data returned by
+// ossuary_send_handshake() should be sent out on the transport layer.
+// As Ossuary can drop back into handshake mode if a connection is interrupted
+// or corrupted, the calling application should *always* call this function on
+// every loop.
+// If an error has occurred during the handshake process, this function
+// can return an error code.
+// 'conn'    - An OssuaryConnection allocated by ossuary_create_connection()
+// Returns: 0 if handshake is not finished, 1 if handshake is finished,
+//          error code <0 on error.  OSSUARY_ERR_UNTRUSTED_SERVER can be
+//          returned if the remote host's authentication key is not known, and
+//          a Trust-On-First-Use policy can be implemented.
 int32_t ossuary_handshake_done(OssuaryConnection *conn);
+// Encrypt data for transmisssion over an established Ossuary connection
+// This is the main function for transmitting encrypted data.  When an
+// application has data to transmit to the remote host, it passes it into this
+// function and receives back an encrypted block of data suitable for
+// transmission.
+// Should only be called if ossuary_handshake_done() returns 1.
+// 'conn'        - An OssuaryConnection allocated by ossuary_create_connection()
+// 'in_buf'      - Buffer of unencrypted data to encrypt with Ossuary
+// 'in_buf_len'  - Length of 'in_buf' in bytes
+// 'out_buf'     - Buffer to receive encrypted data
+// 'out_buf_len' - Size of 'out_buf' in bytes.  Updated to be number of bytes
+//                 written to 'out_buf'.
+// Returns number of bytes written if a full packet fit in 'out_buf', or
+// OSSUARY_ERR_WOULDBLOCK if a partial packet was written.  Returns a different
+// error code <0 on error.
 int32_t ossuary_send_data(OssuaryConnection *conn,
                           uint8_t *in_buf, uint16_t in_buf_len,
                           uint8_t *out_buf, uint16_t *out_buf_len);
+// Decrypt data that was received over an established Ossuary connection
+// This is the main function for receiving encrypted data.  When an application
+// has received data from a remote host, it passes it into this function and
+// receives back an unencrypted block of data suitable for internal use.
+// Should only be called if ossuary_handshake_done() returns 1.
+// 'conn'        - An OssuaryConnection allocated by ossuary_create_connection()
+// 'in_buf'      - Buffer of encrypted data to decrypt with Ossuary
+// 'in_buf_len'  - Length of 'in_buf' in bytes.  Updated to be number of bytes
+//                 read from 'in_buf'.
+// 'out_buf'     - Buffer to receive decrypted data
+// 'out_buf_len' - Size of 'out_buf' in bytes.  Updated to be number of bytes
+//                 written to 'out_buf'.
+// Returns number of bytes read if a full packet was read from 'in_buf', or
+// OSSUARY_ERR_WOULDBLOCK if a partial packet was read.  Returns a different
+// error code <0 on error.
 int32_t ossuary_recv_data(OssuaryConnection *conn,
                           uint8_t *in_buf, uint16_t *in_buf_len,
                           uint8_t *out_buf, uint16_t *out_buf_len);