summary history branches tags files
Commit Message Author Date Diff Refs
84309f8 return usize instead of u16 in Rust API Trevor Bentley 2019-01-18 2 (+12/-12)
dfaa971 Support non-blocking I/O, expand error handling Trevor Bentley 2019-01-17 4 (+160/-62)
02a7478 Improve error handling, remove all unwraps Trevor Bentley 2019-01-17 5 (+313/-145)
4af85b1 Add authentication with ed25519 keys Trevor Bentley 2019-01-16 7 (+632/-172)
50e96fd Add throughput benchmark Trevor Bentley 2019-01-14 1 (+63/-0)
b056114 Clean up test cases Trevor Bentley 2019-01-13 3 (+47/-36)
ab0d628 FFI examples working Trevor Bentley 2018-12-20 6 (+549/-131)
a1eb942 Move test functions into test module Trevor Bentley 2018-12-13 2 (+42/-43)
a3286e9 Started C FFI Trevor Bentley 2018-12-13 2 (+86/-1)
fab25d4 Implemented 4-function API Trevor Bentley 2018-12-13 1 (+127/-101)
17872a5 starting to implement API Trevor Bentley 2018-12-13 1 (+126/-233)
a966b7a encrypted packet test Trevor Bentley 2018-12-03 3 (+484/-0)