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author:Trevor Bentley
committer:Trevor Bentley
date:Thu Dec 3 22:08:55 2020 +0100
package description: performance and limitations
diff --git a/snitch.el b/snitch.el
line changes: +24/-0
index 6b49a04..13ab09f
--- a/snitch.el
+++ b/snitch.el
@@ -269,6 +269,24 @@
 ;; hook causes it to be allowed.
+;; === PERFORMANCE ===
+;; Performance has not been measured, and should not be assumed to be
+;; particularly good.  Nothing is currently optimized.
+;; Memory usage should not be particularly high, as events are
+;; ephemeral and only contain a small amount of metadata.  The largest
+;; use of memory is the audit log, which does keep copies of all
+;; events in the log.  This can be controlled via
+;; ‘snitch--log-buffer-max-lines’.
+;; Firewall rules are traversed linearly, and short-circuit (if an
+;; early rule terminates processing, the subsequent rules will not be
+;; considered).  To optimize for performance, the total number of
+;; rules should be kept to a minimum, and most likely to match rules
+;; should be added earlier in the lists.
 ;; === SECURITY ===
 ;; snitch provides, effectively, zero security.
@@ -306,6 +324,12 @@
+;; When snitch blocks events, some emacs functions that seldom throw
+;; errors in normal use will throw errors because of snitch.  It is
+;; very likely that blocked connections will cause errors to bubble up
+;; in strange and unexpected ways, as many package authors have not
+;; handled these exceptional cases.
 ;; snitch does not intercept domain name resolution (DNS).
 ;; snitch has a strong preference for identifying user-provided