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author:Trevor Bentley
committer:Trevor Bentley
date:Thu Dec 3 00:59:56 2020 +0100
add auto-generated README for github
diff --git a/ b/
line changes: +302/-0
index 0000000..222aa61
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+snitch.el (pronounced like schnitzel) is a firewall for emacs.
+snitch intercepts calls to create network connections or launch
+subprocesses.  Through user-configured default policies, filter
+rules, and user hooks it is able to log and potentially block each
+action.  It can be configured with ‘M-x customize-group <RET>
+Subprocesses and network connections are handled independently,
+with their own separate default policies, blacklist and whitelist,
+and logging policies.
+The main purpose of snitch is network monitoring.  Subprocesses are
+included because it is extremely common for emacs packages to
+"shell out" to an external program for network access, commonly to
+‘curl’.  As a side effect, snitch can also effectively audit and
+prevent undesired access to other programs.
+Notifications can be raised on each logged event by ensuring the
+’alert’ package is installed and customizing
+‘snitch-enable-notifications’ to t.
+=== MECHANISM ===
+The underlying ’firewall’ mechanism is built on function advice
+surrounding emacs’s lowest-level core functions for spawning
+connections or subprocesses.  When an emacs package or script makes
+such a request, snitch receives it first, and either passes it
+through or rejects it based on the current rules.  Once a
+connection or process is accepted, snitch is no longer involved for
+the duration of that particular communication stream.
+For each intercepted call, snitch first builds an event object
+defining everything snitch knows about the call.  The metadata
+differs for network connections (host, port, family) and processes
+(executable and argument list), but all events share a common set:
+calling function, calling function’s file path, calling package,
+and request name.
+Once an event object is created, it is passed to any hooks defined
+in ‘snitch-on-event-functions’ for early processing.  If a hook
+returns nil, the event is dropped immediately.  Otherwise, snitch
+then checks the corresponding whitelist (if the default policy is
+deny) or the blacklist (if the default policy is allow) and makes
+its internal decision.  Before executing the decision, it calls the
+corresponding hook functions to give the user hooks one more
+opportunity to change the decision.  Finally, only if the decision
+was ‘allow’, snitch executes the original request and passes the
+result back to the caller.
+As the event flows through the decision tree, it also triggers log
+events.  There are several different types defined in
+‘snitch-log-policies’, and users can subscribe to any combination
+of them by customizing ‘snitch-log-policy’.  Logs are displayed in
+text format in a dedicated log buffer (by default: ‘*snitch
+firewall log*’), along with text properties that allow extracting
+the event information programatically from a log line with
+‘get-text-property’.  The text lines can be "pretty printed" by
+customizing ‘snitch-log-verbose’.
+=== USAGE ===
+Enabling snitch is as simple as calling ‘(snitch-init)’.
+Initialization does very little, so this is safe to call in your
+emacs init without worrying about deferral or negative consequences
+on startup time.
+An example initialization using ‘use-package’ might look like so:
+(use-package snitch
+:ensure t
+snitch then runs in the background, performing its duties according
+to your configuration, and logging in its dedicated buffer.
+You may add firewall exception rules manually, as covered in the
+CONFIGURATION section below.  Alternatively, you can also build
+filters with a guided UI by switching to the firewall log buffer
+(‘*snitch firewall log*’), highlighting an entry that you wish to
+filter on, and execute ‘M-x snitch-filter-from-log’.  This launches
+a popup window that allows you to configure a new filter based on
+one or more fields of the selected log line, and add it to either
+your blacklist or whitelist.
+To disable snitch, call ‘(snitch-deinit)’.
+Customize snitch with ‘M-x customize-group <RET> snitch’, or
+manually in your emacs initialization file.
+Most users will have five variables that need to be configured
+before use:
+- ‘snitch-network-policy’ -- whether to allow or deny network
+connections by default.
+- ‘snitch-process-policy’ -- whether to allow or deny subprocesses
+by default.
+- ‘snitch-log-policy’ -- which events to log (to see the options,
+run ‘M-x describe-variable <RET> snitch-log-policies’)
+- ‘snitch-network-*list’ -- filter rules containing exceptions to
+the default network policy.  See FILTER RULES below.  Use
+‘-whitelist’ if the default policy is ‘deny’, or ‘-blacklist’ if
+the default policy is ‘allow’
+- ‘snitch-process-*list’ -- filter rules containing exceptions to
+the default process policy.  See FILTER RULES below.  Use
+‘-whitelist’ if the default policy is ‘deny’, or ‘-blacklist’ if
+the default policy is ‘allow’
+A useful configuration is to deny all external communication by
+default, but allow certain packages to communicate.  This example
+demonstrates permitting only the ’elfeed’ package to create network
+(use-package snitch
+:ensure t
+(setq snitch-network-policy 'deny)
+(setq snitch-process-policy 'deny)
+(setq snitch-log-policy '(blocked whitelisted allowed))
+(add-to-list 'snitch-network-whitelist
+(cons #'snitch-filter/src-pkg '(elfeed)))
+Another useful configuration is to allow all accesses, but log them
+to keep an audit trail.  This might look like so:
+(use-package snitch
+:ensure t
+(setq snitch-network-policy 'allow)
+(setq snitch-process-policy 'allow)
+(setq snitch-log-policy '(allowed blocked whitelisted blacklisted))
+(setq snitch-log-verbose t)
+==== FILTER RULES ====
+Filter rules, as specified in ‘snitch-(process|network)-*list’
+variables, are specified as cons cells where the car is a filtering
+function, and the cdr is a list of arguments to pass to the
+function in addition to the event object:
+(setq snitch-network-whitelist
+(filter-fn1 . (argQ argL))
+(filter-fn2 . (argN argP))
+Each filter function should have a prototype accepting EVENT as the
+snitch event object in consideration, and ARGS as the list of
+arguments from the cdr of the rules entry:
+(defun filter-fn1 (event &rest args))
+A trivial function which matches if a single string in the event
+object matches a known value might look like so:
+(defun filter-fn1 (event name)
+(string-equal (oref event proc-name) name))
+While a more complex filter function might treat ARGS as an
+associative list of key/value pairs:
+(defun filter-fn2 (event &rest alist)
+(cl-loop for (aslot . avalue) in alist with accept = t
+(let ((evalue (eieio-oref event aslot))
+(val-type (type-of avalue)))
+(unless (cond
+((eq val-type 'string) (string-equal avalue evalue))
+(t (eq avalue evalue)))
+(setq accept nil)))
+when (null accept)
+return nil
+finally return accept))
+The return value of a filter function determines whether the filter
+should take effect.  t means "take effect" and nil means "do not
+take effect".  What that means for the event depends on which list
+the filter rule is in.  If the rule is in a whitelist, t means
+allow and nil means block.  If it is in a blacklist, t means block
+and nil means allow.
+==== HOOKS ====
+Events are passed to user-provided hook functions, if specified.
+These hooks can subscribe to receive events either immediately on
+arrival, upon a final decision, or both.  The hooks can change
+snitch’s final decision.
+Hook functions take a single argument, the event object:
+(defun snitch-hook (event))
+Hooks should return t to allow snitch to continue processing as it
+would have, or return nil to reverse snitch’s decision.  For hooks
+in ‘snitch-on-event-functions’, returning nil cancels all further
+processing of the event and blocks it immediately.  For other hook
+lists, returning nil reverses the action implied by the list name:
+returning nil in a ‘snitch-on-allow-functions’ hook causes the
+event to be blocked, returning nil in a ‘snitch-on-block-functions’
+hook causes it to be allowed.
+=== SECURITY ===
+snitch provides, effectively, zero security.
+If you were to ask your Principal Security Engineer friends, they
+might say that an effective security boundary must be
+"tamper-proof" and provide "complete mediation."  snitch does
+Tamper-proof: none at all.  Any other emacs package can simply
+disable snitch, or modify it to pass malicious traffic undetected.
+Complete mediation: no attempt has been made to verify that *all*
+network and subprocess accesses must go through the functions that
+snitch hooks.  Given the complexity of emacs, it is extremely
+unlikely that they do.
+However, your Principal Security Engineer friends also like to
+blather on about ’defining your security model’, and a fun game to
+play with them is to define your security model such that none of
+the insecurities are in it.  As so:
+Security model: includes malicious adversaries
+snitch effectiveness: zero.
+Security model: includes no malicious adversaries
+snitch effectiveness: great!
+snitch is useful for auditing and blocking unwanted features in an
+otherwise well-behaving ecosystem.  It is handy for getting a
+record of exactly what your emacs is doing, and for fine-tuning
+accesses beyond emacs’s boundaries a little bit better.  It will
+not, however, save you from the bad guys.
+snitch does not intercept domain name resolution (DNS).
+snitch has a strong preference for identifying user-provided
+packages as the "originating source" of events.  Events that you
+may consider as originated in built-in/site-lisp code may be
+attributed to a user package instead, if one is higher up in the
+backtrace.  For instance, `helm' may often show up as the source if
+installed, since `helm-M-x-execute-command' is often somewhere in
+the stack.
+=== TODO ===
+- send notifications in batches?
+- interactive prompts?
+- handle service strings as port numbers
+- ensure the inverted negation rules make sense
+- automated test suite
+- publish on gitwhatever
+- publish on MELPA?
+- profit!
+This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
+any later version.
+This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+GNU General Public License for more details.
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
+the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth
+Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA.

diff --git a/ b/
line changes: +8/-0
index 0000000..b949505
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+echo "\`\`\`" >
+cat snitch.el \
+    | awk 'f&&f++&&f>2;/^;;; Commentary/{f=1};/^;;; Code/{f=0}' \
+    | sed \$d \
+    | sed 's/^;;[ ]*//' \
+          >>
+echo "\`\`\`" >>