+ remove-collided-bullets
+ maybe-enemies-shoot
(defn game-logic-non-playable
"Called by next-game-state for non-playable animations."
"Returns a dictionary describing a projectile (bullet) on the given level,
in the given segment, with a given stride (steps per update to move, with
negative meaning in and positive meaning out), and given step to start on."
- [level seg-idx stride & {:keys [step] :or {step 0}}]
+ [level seg-idx stride & {:keys [step from-enemy?]
+ :or {step 0 from-enemy? false}}]
{:step step
:stride stride
:segment seg-idx
:level level
:path-fn path/projectile-path-on-level
+ :from-enemy? from-enemy?
(def ^{:doc "Enumeration of directions a flipper can be flipping."}
:flip-max-angle 0
:flip-cur-angle 0
:can-flip false
+ :shoot-probability 0
(defn build-flipper
:flip-cur-angle 0
:flip-permanent-dir nil
:can-flip true
+ :shoot-probability 0.005
+(defn projectiles-after-shooting
+ [enemy-list projectile-list]
+ (loop [[enemy & enemies] enemy-list
+ projectiles projectile-list]
+ (if (nil? enemy) projectiles
+ (if (and (<= (rand) (:shoot-probability enemy))
+ (not= (:step enemy) (:steps (:level enemy))))
+ (recur enemies (add-enemy-projectile projectiles enemy))
+ (recur enemies projectiles)))))
+(defn maybe-enemies-shoot
+ [game-state]
+ (let [enemies (:enemy-list game-state)
+ projectiles (:projectile-list game-state)]
+ (assoc game-state
+ :projectile-list (projectiles-after-shooting enemies projectiles))))
(defn maybe-make-enemy
"Randomly create new enemies if the level needs more. Each level has a total
count and probability of arrival for each type of enemy. When a new enemy
(:step bullet)
(entity-next-step bullet)
- (if collision?
+ (if (and (not (:from-enemy? bullet)) collision?)
(recur (decrement-enemy-hits entity)
(concat projectiles-out (rest projectiles-in))
(>= (:step projectile) (:steps (:level projectile))) true
:else false))
+(defn add-enemy-projectile
+ "Add a new projectile to the global list of live projectiles, originating
+ from the given enemy, on the segment he is currently on."
+ [projectile-list enemy]
+ (let [level (:level enemy)
+ seg-idx (:segment enemy)
+ stride (+ (:stride enemy) 2)
+ step (:step enemy)]
+ (conj projectile-list
+ (build-projectile level seg-idx stride :step step :from-enemy? true))))
(defn add-player-projectile
"Add a new projectile to the global list of live projectiles, originating
from the given player, on the segment he is currently on."
enemy-list :enemy-list
projectile-list :projectile-list
player :player}
- game-state]
+ game-state
+ {enemy-shots true player-shots false}
+ (group-by :from-enemy? projectile-list)]
(if (not (:is-dead? player))
(draw/draw-player context dims level player))
(draw/draw-entities context dims level enemy-list {:r 150 :g 10 :b 10})
- (draw/draw-entities context dims level projectile-list {:r 255 :g 255 :b 255})
+ (draw/draw-entities context dims level
+ player-shots
+ {:r 255 :g 255 :b 255})
+ (draw/draw-entities context dims level
+ enemy-shots
+ {:r 150 :g 15 :b 150})
(defn remove-collided-entities
:projectile-list plist
:enemy-list elist))))
+(defn remove-collided-bullets
+ "TODO: remove bullets that hit each other"
+ [game-state]
+ (let [projectile-list (:projectile-list game-state)]
+ ;; Gets a group of lists of projectils, where each group contains
+ ;; projectiles in the same spot.
+ (filter #(> (count %) 1) (vals (group-by #(select-keys % [:segment :step]) projectile-list)))
+ game-state))
(defn update-projectile-locations
"Returns game-state with all projectiles updated to have new positions
based on their speeds and current position."