pub mod http;
pub mod settings;
pub mod webapi;
// Re-export webapi interface to connectr root
pub use webapi::*;
extern crate lazy_static;
extern crate log;
extern crate dirs;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub mod osx;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub mod win;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
extern crate objc;
extern crate serde_derive;
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
pub struct SpotifyEndpoints<'a> {
scopes: &'a str,
scopes_version: u32,
authorize: &'a str,
token: &'a str,
devices: &'a str,
player_state: &'a str,
play: &'a str,
pause: &'a str,
next: &'a str,
previous: &'a str,
seek: &'a str,
volume: &'a str,
shuffle: &'a str,
repeat: &'a str,
player: &'a str,
add_to_playlist: &'a str,
pub const SPOTIFY_API: SpotifyEndpoints = SpotifyEndpoints {
scopes: "user-read-private streaming user-read-playback-state playlist-modify-public playlist-modify-private",
scopes_version: 1, // increment if scopes change
authorize: "",
token: "",
devices: "",
player_state: "",
play: "",
pause: "",
next: "",
previous: "",
seek: "",
volume: "",
shuffle: "",
repeat: "",
player: "",
add_to_playlist: "",
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
pub type Object = u64;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub type Object = u32;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub type Object = osx::Object;
#[cfg(target_os = "linux")]
pub type StatusBar = DummyStatusBar;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
pub type StatusBar = osx::OSXStatusBar;
#[cfg(target_os = "windows")]
pub type StatusBar = win::WindowsStatusBar;
pub type MenuItem = *mut Object;
pub trait TStatusBar {
type S: TStatusBar;
fn new(tx: Sender<String>) -> Self::S;
fn can_redraw(&mut self) -> bool;
fn clear_items(&mut self);
fn add_separator(&mut self);
fn add_label(&mut self, label: &str);
fn add_submenu(&mut self, label: &str, callback: NSCallback) -> *mut Object;
fn add_item(&mut self, menu: Option<*mut Object>,item: &str, callback: NSCallback, selected: bool) -> *mut Object;
fn add_quit(&mut self, label: &str);
fn update_item(&mut self, item: *mut Object, label: &str);
fn sel_item(&mut self, sender: u64);
fn unsel_item(&mut self, sender: u64);
fn set_tooltip(&mut self, text: &str);
fn register_url_handler(&mut self);
fn run(&mut self, block: bool);
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
pub type NSCallback = Box<dyn Fn(u64, &Sender<String>)>;
pub struct DummyStatusBar {}
impl TStatusBar for DummyStatusBar {
type S = DummyStatusBar;
fn new(_: Sender<String>) -> Self::S { DummyStatusBar {} }
fn can_redraw(&mut self) -> bool { true }
fn clear_items(&mut self) {}
fn add_separator(&mut self) {}
fn add_submenu(&mut self, _: &str, _: NSCallback) -> *mut Object { 0 as *mut Object }
fn add_label(&mut self, _: &str) {}
fn add_item(&mut self, _: Option<*mut Object>, _: &str, _: NSCallback, _: bool) -> *mut Object{ 0 as *mut Object }
fn add_quit(&mut self, _: &str) {}
fn update_item(&mut self, _: *mut Object, _: &str) {}
fn sel_item(&mut self, _: u64) {}
fn unsel_item(&mut self, _: u64) {}
fn set_tooltip(&mut self, _: &str) {}
fn register_url_handler(&mut self) {}
fn run(&mut self, _: bool) {}
#[cfg(feature = "scrobble")]
extern crate rustfm_scrobble;
#[cfg(feature = "scrobble")]
use self::rustfm_scrobble::{Scrobbler, Scrobble};
#[cfg(not(feature = "scrobble"))]
type Scrobbler = DummyScrobbler;
#[cfg(not(feature = "scrobble"))]
type Scrobble = DummyScrobble;
pub struct DummyScrobbler {}
impl DummyScrobbler {
pub fn new(_api: String, _key: String) -> DummyScrobbler {
DummyScrobbler {}
pub fn authenticate_with_password(&self, _a: String, _b: String) -> Result<(), String> { Ok(()) }
pub fn authenticate_with_session_key(&self, _a: String) {}
pub fn session_key(&self) -> Option<String> { None }
pub fn now_playing(&self, _a: DummyScrobble) -> Result<(), String> { Ok(())}
pub fn scrobble(&self, _a: DummyScrobble) -> Result<(), String>{ Ok(()) }
pub struct DummyScrobble {}
impl DummyScrobble {
pub fn new(_a: String, _b: String, _c: String) -> DummyScrobble {
DummyScrobble {}
pub fn reconfigure(settings: Option<&settings::Settings>) {
let web_config = settings::request_web_config(settings);
let _ = settings::save_web_config(settings, web_config);
pub fn search_paths() -> Vec<String> {
use std::collections::BTreeSet;
//let mut v = Vec::<String>::new();
let mut v = BTreeSet::<String>::new();
// $HOME
if let Some(dir) = dirs::home_dir() {
#[cfg(not(target_os = "macos"))]
let bundle: Option<String> = None;
#[cfg(target_os = "macos")]
let bundle = osx::resource_dir();
// OS bundle/resource dir
if let Some(dir) = bundle {
// $CWD
if let Ok(dir) = std::env::current_dir() {
// exe_dir
if let Ok(mut dir) = std::env::current_exe() {
dir.pop(); // remove the actual executable
let mut list: Vec<String> = Vec::new();
for dir in v {