summary history branches tags files
Recent history
Commit Message Author Date Diff Refs
c6fc440 bump fruitbasket dep to fix build issues Trevor Bentley 2020-12-12 1 (+1/-1) master
73db350 Update Trevor Bentley 2019-07-12 1 (+2/-2)
7d0e291 eh. didn't show this package before... Trevor Bentley 2019-07-12 4 (+2/-6)
853a6b4 Update changelog Trevor Bentley 2019-07-12 1 (+21/-1)
1190eb6 Remove 175 transitive dependencies Trevor Bentley 2019-07-12 7 (+25/-28)
fb5d39b prefer local connectr.ini to ~/.connectr.ini Trevor Bentley 2019-07-10 1 (+4/-4)
7bc4686 Remove dylib output. Windows can't handle it. Trevor Bentley 2019-06-30 1 (+2/-1)
6f30e8d Fix all warnings Trevor Bentley 2019-06-30 6 (+11/-9)
68ca6a8 Fix unimplemented URL handler for Windows build Trevor Bentley 2019-06-30 1 (+2/-0)
f18a415 Bump rubrail. Fixes touchbar on macOS Mojave. Trevor Bentley 2019-06-30 1 (+3/-3)
Recent branches
Branch Commit Message Author Date
master c6fc440 bump fruitbasket dep to fix build issues Trevor Bentley 2020-12-12
refresh_errors f81597c Bump dependencies. Fruitbasket and Rubrail updated to work with Rust Nightly Trevor Bentley 2018-04-02
release1.0rc 874b4b4 Handle Spotify outages: support empty device list and absurdly large timestamps Trevor Bentley 2018-01-22
scrobble dbca623 Clean up log output Trevor Bentley 2018-01-21
alarm 3a4e7d7 Fix automated tests Trevor Bentley 2018-01-17
volume_submenu 431fc09 Move volume into submenu on OS X Trevor Bentley 2017-08-06
quicksave 37373f0 Move volume into submenu on OS X Trevor Bentley 2017-08-06
0.2.1 1c1e73e Add dependencies to readme Trevor Bentley 2017-08-05
webconfig cda70a2 Delay automated tests to wait for HTTP server to really start Trevor Bentley 2017-08-03
fruitbasket 38e225d Switch to self-bundling and Mac app handling with fruitbasket Trevor Bentley 2017-07-30
Recent tags
Tag Commit Message Author Date
File tree
File Type Mode Size
.cargo/ dir 0 0
.gitignore file 644 45
.gitmodules file 644 217
.travis.yml file 644 341
CHANGELOG file 644 908
Cargo.toml file 644 2293
LICENSE file 644 11357 file 644 15488
appveyor.yml file 644 4462 file 755 1122 file 755 1751
connectr.ico file 755 26622 file 644 153
connectr.xcf file 755 258941
connectr_80px_300dpi.png file 755 2215
deps/ dir 0 0
docs/ dir 0 0
icon/ dir 0 0 file 755 48
osx_installer/ dir 0 0 file 755 325
src/ dir 0 0