add_to_playlist: "",
+ pub const BAD_TEST_API: SpotifyEndpoints = SpotifyEndpoints {
+ scopes: "user-read-private streaming user-read-playback-state",
+ scopes_version: 1,
+ authorize: "",
+ token: "",
+ devices: "",
+ player_state: "",
+ play: "",
+ pause: "",
+ next: "",
+ previous: "",
+ seek: "",
+ volume: "",
+ shuffle: "",
+ repeat: "",
+ player: "",
+ add_to_playlist: "",
+ };
/// Macro to parse the body of a POST request and send a response.
/// There's probably a "body.to_string()" function somewhere. I didn't find it.
fn init() {
- while !WEBSERVER_STARTED.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
- sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
- }
START.call_once(|| {
#[derive(Clone, Copy)]
struct Webapi;
thread::spawn(move || {
let addr = "".parse().unwrap();
let server = Http::new().bind(&addr, || Ok(Webapi)).unwrap();
-;, Ordering::Relaxed);
// Give it some time to really come up. It would be nicer to
// actually try to connect to it.
+ while !WEBSERVER_STARTED.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
+ sleep(Duration::from_millis(100));
+ }
fn test_refresh_oauth_tokens_no_connection() {
let now = time::now_utc().to_timespec().sec as u64;
let spotify = SpotifyConnectr::new()
- .with_api(TEST_API)
+ .with_api(BAD_TEST_API)
.with_oauth_tokens("access", "refresh", now + 3600)
fn test_alarm_scheduler() {
+ let now = time::now_utc().to_timespec().sec as u64;
let mut spotify = SpotifyConnectr::new()
+ .with_oauth_tokens("access", "refresh", now + 3600)