use rubrail::TScrubberData;
use rubrail::ImageTemplate;
use rubrail::SpacerType;
+use rubrail::SwipeState;
extern crate ctrlc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
- let playing_label = touchbar.create_label(
- "Now Playing Long Track \n\
- Now Playing Long Artist ");
+ let playing_label = touchbar.create_label("");
+ // Fade text color to green as finger swipes right across the label, and
+ // add a solid white border indicating the label is 'selected' after a
+ // long enough slide. Will be used for 'swipe to save' feature.
+ touchbar.add_item_swipe_gesture(&playing_label, Box::new(move |item,state,translation| {
+ let color: f64 = match translation.abs().trunc() as u32 {
+ t if t < 10 => 1.0,
+ t if t > 150 => 0.0,
+ _ => (45. / translation.abs()),
+ };
+ let rgba = match state {
+ SwipeState::Ended => (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ _ => {
+ match translation.is_sign_positive() {
+ true => (color, 1.0, color, 1.0),
+ false => (1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0),
+ }
+ }
+ };
+ unsafe { rubrail::util::set_text_color(item, rgba.0, rgba.1, rgba.2, rgba.3); }
+ if translation > 170. && state != SwipeState::Ended {
+ unsafe { rubrail::util::set_bg_color(item, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.95); }
+ // TODO: save track as favorite
+ }
+ else {
+ unsafe { rubrail::util::set_bg_color(item, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0); }
+ }
+ }));
let image = touchbar.create_image_from_template(ImageTemplate::RewindTemplate);
let tx_clone = tx.clone();
let prev_button = touchbar.create_button(Some(&image), None, Box::new(move |s| {
let cmd = MenuCallbackCommand {
action: CallbackAction::SkipPrev,
- sender: s,
+ sender: *s,
data: String::new(),
let _ = tx_clone.send(serde_json::to_string(&cmd).unwrap());
let play_pause_button = touchbar.create_button(Some(&image), None, Box::new(move |s| {
let cmd = MenuCallbackCommand {
action: CallbackAction::PlayPause,
- sender: s,
+ sender: *s,
data: String::new(),
let _ = tx_clone.send(serde_json::to_string(&cmd).unwrap());
let next_button = touchbar.create_button(Some(&image), None, Box::new(move |s| {
let cmd = MenuCallbackCommand {
action: CallbackAction::SkipNext,
- sender: s,
+ sender: *s,
data: String::new(),
let _ = tx_clone.send(serde_json::to_string(&cmd).unwrap());
false, Box::new(move |s,v| {
let cmd = MenuCallbackCommand {
action: CallbackAction::Volume,
- sender: s,
+ sender: *s,
data: (v as u32).to_string(),
let _ = tx_clone.send(serde_json::to_string(&cmd).unwrap());