use connectr::MenuItem;
use connectr::NSCallback;
+extern crate rubrail;
+use rubrail::Touchbar;
+use rubrail::TTouchbar;
+use rubrail::TScrubberData;
+use rubrail::ImageTemplate;
+use rubrail::SpacerType;
extern crate ctrlc;
use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering};
use std::sync::Arc;
use std::thread::sleep;
use std::time::Duration;
use std::sync::mpsc::channel;
+use std::sync::mpsc::{Sender, Receiver};
+use std::rc::Rc;
+use std::cell::RefCell;
extern crate time;
- Debug,
#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
player_state: Option<connectr::PlayerState>,
+struct TouchbarScrubberData {
+ entries: RefCell<Vec<String>>,
+impl TouchbarScrubberData {
+ fn new() -> Rc<TouchbarScrubberData> {
+ Rc::new(TouchbarScrubberData {
+ entries: RefCell::new(Vec::<String>::new())
+ })
+ }
+ fn fill(&self, items: Vec<String>) {
+ let mut entries = self.entries.borrow_mut();
+ entries.clear();
+ for item in items {
+ entries.push(item);
+ }
+ }
+impl TScrubberData for TouchbarScrubberData {
+ fn count(&self, _item: rubrail::ItemId) -> u32 {
+ self.entries.borrow().len() as u32
+ }
+ fn text(&self, _item: rubrail::ItemId, idx: u32) -> String {
+ self.entries.borrow()[idx as usize].to_string()
+ }
+ fn width(&self, _item: rubrail::ItemId, idx: u32) -> u32 {
+ // 10px per character + some padding seems to work nicely for the default
+ // font. no idea what it's like on other machines. does the touchbar
+ // font change? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
+ let len = self.entries.borrow()[idx as usize].len() as u32;
+ let width = len * 8 + 20;
+ width
+ }
+ fn touch(&self, _item: rubrail::ItemId, idx: u32) {
+ info!("scrub touch: {}", idx);
+ }
+struct TouchbarUI {
+ touchbar: Touchbar,
+ tx: Sender<String>,
+ rx: Receiver<String>,
+ root_bar: rubrail::BarId,
+ playing_label: rubrail::ItemId,
+ prev_button: rubrail::ItemId,
+ play_pause_button: rubrail::ItemId,
+ next_button: rubrail::ItemId,
+ preset_bar: rubrail::BarId,
+ preset_popover: rubrail::ItemId,
+ preset_data: Rc<TouchbarScrubberData>,
+ preset_scrubber: rubrail::ItemId,
+ device_bar: rubrail::BarId,
+ device_popover: rubrail::ItemId,
+ device_data: Rc<TouchbarScrubberData>,
+ device_scrubber: rubrail::ItemId,
+ volume_bar: rubrail::BarId,
+ volume_popover: rubrail::ItemId,
+ volume_slider: rubrail::ItemId,
+ submenu_bar: rubrail::BarId,
+ submenu_popover: rubrail::ItemId,
+impl TouchbarUI {
+ fn init() -> TouchbarUI {
+ let (tx,rx) = channel::<String>();
+ let mut touchbar = Touchbar::alloc("cnr");
+ let icon = rubrail::util::bundled_resource_path("connectr_80px_300dpi", "png");
+ if let Some(path) = icon {
+ touchbar.set_icon(&path);
+ }
+ let playing_label = touchbar.create_label(
+ "Now Playing Long Track \n\
+ Now Playing Long Artist ");
+ let image = touchbar.create_image_from_template(ImageTemplate::RewindTemplate);
+ let tx_clone = tx.clone();
+ let prev_button = touchbar.create_button(Some(&image), None, Box::new(move |s| {
+ let cmd = MenuCallbackCommand {
+ action: CallbackAction::SkipPrev,
+ sender: s,
+ data: String::new(),
+ };
+ let _ = tx_clone.send(serde_json::to_string(&cmd).unwrap());
+ }));
+ let image = touchbar.create_image_from_template(ImageTemplate::PlayPauseTemplate);
+ let tx_clone = tx.clone();
+ let play_pause_button = touchbar.create_button(Some(&image), None, Box::new(move |s| {
+ let cmd = MenuCallbackCommand {
+ action: CallbackAction::PlayPause,
+ sender: s,
+ data: String::new(),
+ };
+ let _ = tx_clone.send(serde_json::to_string(&cmd).unwrap());
+ }));
+ let image = touchbar.create_image_from_template(ImageTemplate::FastForwardTemplate);
+ let tx_clone = tx.clone();
+ let next_button = touchbar.create_button(Some(&image), None, Box::new(move |s| {
+ let cmd = MenuCallbackCommand {
+ action: CallbackAction::SkipNext,
+ sender: s,
+ data: String::new(),
+ };
+ let _ = tx_clone.send(serde_json::to_string(&cmd).unwrap());
+ }));
+ let preset_scrubber_data = TouchbarScrubberData::new();
+ let preset_scrubber = touchbar.create_text_scrubber(preset_scrubber_data.clone());
+ let preset_bar = touchbar.create_bar();
+ touchbar.add_items_to_bar(&preset_bar, vec![preset_scrubber]);
+ let preset_popover = touchbar.create_popover_item(
+ None,
+ Some(&format!("{:-^35}", "Presets")),
+ &preset_bar);
+ let device_scrubber_data = TouchbarScrubberData::new();
+ let device_scrubber = touchbar.create_text_scrubber(device_scrubber_data.clone());
+ let device_bar = touchbar.create_bar();
+ touchbar.add_items_to_bar(&device_bar, vec![device_scrubber]);
+ let device_popover = touchbar.create_popover_item(
+ None,
+ Some(&format!("{:-^35}", "Devices")),
+ &device_bar);
+ let tx_clone = tx.clone();
+ let volume_slider = touchbar.create_slider(0., 100., Box::new(move |s,v| {
+ let cmd = MenuCallbackCommand {
+ action: CallbackAction::Volume,
+ sender: s,
+ data: (v as u32).to_string(),
+ };
+ let _ = tx_clone.send(serde_json::to_string(&cmd).unwrap());
+ }));
+ let volume_bar = touchbar.create_bar();
+ touchbar.add_items_to_bar(&volume_bar, vec![volume_slider]);
+ let image = touchbar.create_image_from_template(ImageTemplate::AudioOutputVolumeMediumTemplate);
+ let volume_popover = touchbar.create_popover_item(
+ Some(&image),
+ None,
+ &volume_bar);
+ let submenu_bar = touchbar.create_bar();
+ touchbar.add_items_to_bar(&submenu_bar, vec![
+ preset_popover,
+ device_popover,
+ ]);
+ let image = touchbar.create_image_from_template(ImageTemplate::GoUpTemplate);
+ let submenu_popover = touchbar.create_popover_item(
+ Some(&image),
+ None,
+ &submenu_bar);
+ let flexible_space = touchbar.create_spacer(SpacerType::Flexible);
+ let flexible_space2 = touchbar.create_spacer(SpacerType::Flexible);
+ let root_bar = touchbar.create_bar();
+ touchbar.add_items_to_bar(&root_bar, vec![
+ playing_label,
+ prev_button,
+ play_pause_button,
+ next_button,
+ flexible_space,
+ volume_popover,
+ flexible_space2,
+ submenu_popover,
+ ]);
+ touchbar.set_bar_as_root(root_bar);
+ TouchbarUI {
+ touchbar: touchbar,
+ tx: tx,
+ rx: rx,
+ root_bar: root_bar,
+ playing_label: playing_label,
+ prev_button: prev_button,
+ play_pause_button: play_pause_button,
+ next_button: next_button,
+ preset_bar: preset_bar,
+ preset_popover: preset_popover,
+ preset_data: preset_scrubber_data,
+ preset_scrubber: preset_scrubber,
+ device_bar: device_bar,
+ device_popover: device_popover,
+ device_data: device_scrubber_data,
+ device_scrubber: device_scrubber,
+ volume_bar: volume_bar,
+ volume_popover: volume_popover,
+ volume_slider: volume_slider,
+ submenu_bar: submenu_bar,
+ submenu_popover: submenu_popover,
+ }
+ }
+ fn update_now_playing(&mut self, track: &str, artist: &str) {
+ let text = format!("{:<50}\n{:<50}", track, artist);
+ self.touchbar.update_label(&self.playing_label, &text);
+ }
+ fn update_volume(&mut self, volume: u32) {
+ self.touchbar.update_slider(&self.volume_slider, volume as f64);
+ }
+ fn update_scrubbers(&mut self) {
+ self.touchbar.refresh_scrubber(&self.device_scrubber);
+ self.touchbar.refresh_scrubber(&self.preset_scrubber);
+ }
+ fn set_selected_device(&mut self, selected: u32) {
+ self.touchbar.select_scrubber_item(&self.device_scrubber, selected);
+ }
fn play_action_label(is_playing: bool) -> &'static str {
match is_playing {
true => "Pause",
fn update_state(app: &mut ConnectrApp, spotify: &mut connectr::SpotifyConnectr) -> bool {
+ info!("Request update");
let dev_list = spotify.request_device_list();
let player_state = spotify.request_player_state();
match dev_list {
-fn fill_menu<T: TStatusBar>(app: &mut ConnectrApp, spotify: &mut connectr::SpotifyConnectr, status: &mut T) {
+fn fill_menu<T: TStatusBar>(app: &mut ConnectrApp, spotify: &mut connectr::SpotifyConnectr,
+ status: &mut T, touchbar: &mut TouchbarUI) {
let ref device_list = app.device_list.as_ref().unwrap();
let ref player_state = app.player_state.as_ref().unwrap();
status.add_label(&format!("{:<50}", &;
status.add_label(&format!("{:<50}", &player_state.item.artists[0].name));
status.add_label(&format!("{:<50}", &;
+ touchbar.update_now_playing(&,
+ &player_state.item.artists[0].name);
let ms = player_state.item.duration_ms;
let min = ms / 1000 / 60;
let sec = (ms - (min * 60 * 1000)) / 1000;
let presets = spotify.get_presets();
+ let preset_names: Vec<String> = presets.into_iter().map(|p| {p.0.clone()}).collect();
+ touchbar.preset_data.fill(preset_names);
for preset in presets {
let ref name = preset.0;
let uri = preset.1.clone();
println!("Visible Devices:");
+ let device_names: Vec<String> = (*device_list).into_iter().map(|d| {}).collect();
+ touchbar.device_data.fill(device_names);
+ let selected_arr: Vec<bool> = (*device_list).into_iter().map(|d| {d.is_active}).collect();
+ if let Ok(selected) = selected_arr.binary_search(&true) {
+ touchbar.set_selected_device(selected as u32);
+ }
+ touchbar.update_scrubbers();
let mut cur_volume: u32 = 0;
+ let mut cur_volume_exact: u32 = 0;
for dev in *device_list {
println!("{}", dev);
let id = match {
let item = status.add_item(&, cb, dev.is_active);
if dev.is_active {
+ cur_volume_exact = dev.volume_percent.unwrap_or(0);
cur_volume = match dev.volume_percent {
Some(v) => {
(v as f32 / 10.0).round() as u32 * 10
None => 100,
- }
+ };
}, id));
+ touchbar.update_volume(cur_volume_exact);
- let cb: NSCallback = Box::new(move |sender, tx| {
- let cmd = MenuCallbackCommand {
- action: CallbackAction::Debug,
- sender: sender,
- data: String::new(),
- };
- let _ = tx.send(serde_json::to_string(&cmd).unwrap());
- });
- status.add_item("Fuck With Touchbar", cb, false);
- status.add_separator();
for item in volume {
status.unsel_item(*item as u64);
- status.sel_item(cmd.sender);
+ // TODO: select correct volume some other way
+ //status.sel_item(cmd.sender);
- CallbackAction::Debug => {
- status.touchbar();
- }
let mut status = connectr::StatusBar::new(tx);
info!("Created status bar.");
+ let mut touchbar = TouchbarUI::init();
+ info!("Created touchbar.");
let mut tiny: Option<process::Child> = None;
if let Some(wine_dir) = find_wine_path() {
// Redraw the whole menu once every 60 seconds, or sooner if a
// command is processed later.
clear_menu(&mut app, &mut spotify, &mut status);
- fill_menu(&mut app, &mut spotify, &mut status);
+ fill_menu(&mut app, &mut spotify, &mut status, &mut touchbar);
refresh_time_utc = refresh_time(&mut app, now);
info!("Refreshed Spotify state.");
handle_callback(&mut app, &mut spotify, &mut status, &cmd);
refresh_time_utc = now + 1;
+ if let Ok(s) = touchbar.rx.try_recv() {
+ println!("Received {}", s);
+ let cmd: MenuCallbackCommand = serde_json::from_str(&s).unwrap();
+ handle_callback(&mut app, &mut spotify, &mut status, &cmd);
+ refresh_time_utc = now + 1;
+ };
mod rustnsobject;
-#[cfg(feature = "mac_touchbar")]
-mod touchbar;
-#[cfg(feature = "mac_touchbar")]
-use self::touchbar::{Touchbar, TouchbarTrait, TScrubberData};
-#[cfg(not(feature = "mac_touchbar"))]
-struct Touchbar {}
-#[cfg(not(feature = "mac_touchbar"))]
-impl Touchbar {
- fn alloc() -> Touchbar { Touchbar {} }
- fn set_icon(&self, _: *mut Object) {}
- fn enable(&self) {}
extern crate objc;
extern crate objc_foundation;
extern crate cocoa;
app: *mut objc::runtime::Object,
status_bar_item: *mut objc::runtime::Object,
menu_bar: *mut objc::runtime::Object,
- touchbar: Touchbar,
// Run loop state
// Keeping these in persistent state instead of recalculating saves quite a
run_count: Cell<u64>,
run_mode: *mut objc::runtime::Object,
run_date: *mut objc::runtime::Object,
- touch_rx: Receiver<TouchbarCommand>,
- label: Cell<u64>,
- scrubber: Rc<TouchbarHandler>,
-const ITEMS: &'static [&'static str] = &["a rather longer first one", "one","two","much longer than two","three", "seventeen", "A speaker with a very long name is not an impossible thing."];
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
-enum TouchbarEvent {
- Play,
- SelectDevice,
-#[derive(Serialize, Deserialize, Debug)]
-struct TouchbarCommand {
- event: TouchbarEvent,
- item: touchbar::ItemId,
- value: Option<u32>,
-struct TouchbarHandler {
- devices: RefCell<Vec<String>>,
- touch_tx: Sender<TouchbarCommand>,
-impl TouchbarHandler {
- fn play(&self, item: touchbar::ItemId) {
- info!("Handler BUTTON: {}", item);
- self.touch_tx.send(TouchbarCommand {
- event: TouchbarEvent::Play,
- item: item,
- value: None
- });
- }
-impl TScrubberData for TouchbarHandler {
- fn count(&self, item: touchbar::ItemId) -> u32 {
- let dev = self.devices.borrow();
- let len = (*dev).len();
- self.devices.borrow().len() as u32
- }
- fn text(&self, item: touchbar::ItemId, idx: u32) -> String {
- self.devices.borrow()[idx as usize].to_string()
- }
- fn width(&self, item: touchbar::ItemId, idx: u32) -> u32 {
- info!("scrub_width {}", idx);
- // 10px per character + some padding seems to work nicely for the default
- // font. no idea what it's like on other machines. does the touchbar
- // font change? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- let len = self.devices.borrow()[idx as usize].len() as u32;
- let width = len * 8 + 20;
- info!("Width for {}: {}", len, width);
- width
- }
- fn touch(&self, item: touchbar::ItemId, idx: u32) {
- info!("scrub touch: {}", idx);
- self.touch_tx.send(TouchbarCommand {
- event: TouchbarEvent::SelectDevice,
- item: item,
- value: None
- });
- }
impl TStatusBar for OSXStatusBar {
let mut bar;
unsafe {
let app = NSApp();
- let (touch_tx,touch_rx) = channel::<TouchbarCommand>();
let status_bar = NSStatusBar::systemStatusBar(nil);
let date_cls = Class::get("NSDate").unwrap();
- let scrubber = Rc::new(TouchbarHandler {
- devices: RefCell::new(vec!["one".to_string(), "two".to_string(),
- "a little bit longer one".to_string(),
- "three".to_string(),
- "this one is really quite a bit longer than the others".to_string()]),
- //Vec::<String>::new(),
- touch_tx: touch_tx,
- });
bar = OSXStatusBar {
app: app,
status_bar_item: status_bar.statusItemWithLength_(NSVariableStatusItemLength),
menu_bar: NSMenu::new(nil),
object: NSObj::alloc(tx).setup(),
- touchbar: Touchbar::alloc(),
pool: Cell::new(nil),
run_count: Cell::new(0),
run_mode: NSString::alloc(nil).init_str("kCFRunLoopDefaultMode"),
run_date: msg_send![date_cls, distantPast],
- touch_rx: touch_rx,
- label: Cell::new(0),
- scrubber: scrubber.clone(),
// Don't become foreground app on launch;
#[cfg(feature = "mac_white_icon")]
let _ = msg_send![icon, setTemplate: YES]; // enable to make icon white
- bar.touchbar.set_icon(&img_path);
let _ = msg_send![img, release];
let _ = msg_send![icon, release];
cb(sender, &s.tx);
- let barid = bar.touchbar.create_bar();
- let scrub1 = scrubber.clone();
- let b1id = bar.touchbar.create_button(None, Some("hi1"), Box::new(move |s| {}));
- let b2id = bar.touchbar.create_button(None, Some("hi2"), Box::new(move |_| {}));
- let s2id = bar.touchbar.create_text_scrubber(scrubber.clone());
- bar.touchbar.select_scrubber_item(s2id, 3);
- let sl1id = bar.touchbar.create_slider(0.0, 50.0, Box::new(move |s,v| {info!("Slid to: {}", v);}));
- bar.touchbar.update_slider(sl1id, 15.0);
- let popid = bar.touchbar.create_bar();
- let p1id = bar.touchbar.create_popover_item(None, Some("heyhey"), popid);
- let b3id = bar.touchbar.create_button(None, Some("hi3"), Box::new(move |_| {}));
- bar.touchbar.add_items_to_bar(popid, vec![b3id, sl1id, s2id]);
- let s1id = bar.touchbar.create_text_scrubber(scrubber.clone());
- bar.touchbar.select_scrubber_item(s1id, 1);
- let l1id = bar.touchbar.create_label("froop doop poop\nsecond level");
- bar.touchbar.add_items_to_bar(barid, vec![b1id, b2id, p1id, l1id, s1id]);
- bar.touchbar.set_bar_as_root(barid);
- // for fuckery
- bar.label.set(s1id);
- let _: () = msg_send![app, finishLaunching];
- bar.touchbar.enable();
- fn touchbar(&mut self) {
- info!("Touchbar fucker!");
- self.scrubber.devices.borrow_mut().push("a new device!".to_string());
- let l1id = self.label.get();
- //self.touchbar.select_scrubber_item(l1id, 0);
- self.touchbar.refresh_scrubber(l1id);
- //self.touchbar.update_label(l1id);
- unsafe {
- //let barid = self.touchbar.create_bar();
- //let text = NSString::alloc(nil).init_str("hi1");
- //let b1id = self.touchbar.create_button(nil, text, Box::new(move |_| {}));
- //let text = NSString::alloc(nil).init_str("hi2");
- //let b2id = self.touchbar.create_button(nil, text, Box::new(move |_| {}));
- //
- //let popid = self.touchbar.create_bar();
- //let p1id = self.touchbar.create_popover_item(popid);
- //let text = NSString::alloc(nil).init_str("hi3");
- //let b3id = self.touchbar.create_button(nil, text, Box::new(move |_| {}));
- //self.touchbar.add_items_to_bar(popid, vec![b3id]);
- //
- ////bar.touchbar.add_items_to_bar(barid, vec![b1id, b2id, p1id]);
- //self.touchbar.add_items_to_bar(barid, vec![b1id]);
- //self.touchbar.set_bar_as_root(barid);
- }
- }
fn can_redraw(&mut self) -> bool {
fn run(&mut self, block: bool) {
loop {
- if let Ok(cmd) = self.touch_rx.try_recv() {
- match cmd.event {
- TouchbarEvent::Play => {
- info!("PLAY on main thread");
- },
- _ => {}
- }
- }
unsafe {
let run_count = self.run_count.get();
// Create a new release pool every once in a while, draining the old one