run_mode: NSString::alloc(nil).init_str("kCFRunLoopDefaultMode"),
run_date: msg_send![date_cls, distantPast],
+ // Don't become foreground app on launch;
+ // Default mode for menu bar items: blue highlight when selected
msg_send![bar.status_bar_item, setHighlightMode:YES];
- let img_path = match bundled_resource_path("spotify", "png") {
+ // Set title. Only displayed if image fails to load.
+ let title = NSString::alloc(nil).init_str("connectr");
+ NSButton::setTitle_(bar.status_bar_item, title);
+ let _ = msg_send![title, release];
+ // Look for icon in OS X bundle if there is one, otherwise current dir.
+ // See docs/ for explanation of icon files.
+ // TODO: Use the full list of search paths.
+ let icon_name = "connectr_80px_300dpi";
+ let img_path = match bundled_resource_path(icon_name, "png") {
Some(path) => path,
- None => "spotify.png".to_string(),
+ None => format!("{}.png", icon_name),
+ // Set the status bar image. Switching on setTemplate switches it to
+ // using OS X system-style icons that are masked to all white. I
+ // prefer color, but that should maybe be configurable.
let img = NSString::alloc(nil).init_str(&img_path);
let icon = NSImage::alloc(nil).initWithContentsOfFile_(img);
- let _ = msg_send![img, release];
- //let icon = NSImage::alloc(nil).initWithContentsOfFile_(img);
- //let icon = NSImage::imageNamed_(img, img);
- let title = NSString::alloc(nil).init_str("connectr");
- NSButton::setTitle_(bar.status_bar_item, title);
- let _ = msg_send![title, release];
+ //let _ = msg_send![icon, setTemplate: YES]; // enable to make icon white
+ let _ = msg_send![img, release];
let _ = msg_send![icon, release];
+ // Add the same image again as an alternate image. I'm not sure how the
+ // blending is performed, but it behaves differently and better if an
+ // alt image is specified. Without an alt image, the icon darkens too
+ // much in 'dark mode' when selected, and is too light in 'light mode'.
+ let img = NSString::alloc(nil).init_str(&img_path);
+ let icon = NSImage::alloc(nil).initWithContentsOfFile_(img);
+ let _ = msg_send![bar.status_bar_item.button(), setAlternateImage: icon];
+ let _ = msg_send![img, release];
+ let _ = msg_send![icon, release];
bar.object.cb_fn = Some(Box::new(
move |s, sender| {