Breakpoints can be specified in multiple ways. Address, file/line, function, or just line.
Basic functionality:
* Display source code
-* Set breakpoints by file/line
* View memory
* View disassembly
* View global and local symbols
except TranslatorException:
- print "%s:%d ==> 0x%X" % (fullpath.split("/")[-1], line+i, info.lStartAddr)
addr = info.lStartAddr
return addr
return data
return None
+ def getFunctionAddress(self, funcname):
+ sv = self.assembly.getLookup().lookup(SymbolViewProvider)
+ info = sv.getRawSymbol(funcname)
+ if not info or info.Type() != 64: # 64 is magic number found by inspection
+ return None
+ return info.Address()
def getSymbolValue(self, symbol):
sv = self.assembly.getLookup().lookup(SymbolViewProvider)
info = sv.getRawSymbol(symbol)
+ def _addrFileAndLine(self, file, line):
+ '''Return address for instruction at given line of given file.'''
+ return self.dbg.findBreakableAddressInFile(file, line)
+ def _addrFunction(self, fn):
+ '''Return address of function fn (string)'''
+ return self.dbg.getFunctionAddress(fn)
+ def _addrLine(self, line):
+ '''Return address of instruction at given line in current file'''
+ pc = self.dbg.getPC()
+ (curfile,_) = self.dbg.addressToSourceLine(pc, stripdir=False)
+ return self.dbg.findBreakableAddressInFile(curfile, line)
+ def _safeStrToInt(self, numstr):
+ '''Try to convert string to int, return None on failure'''
+ try:
+ return int(numstr,0)
+ except ValueError:
+ return None
def cmdBreak(self, args):
Set a breakpoint
-Usage: break <address>
+ break *<address>
+ break <file>:<line>
+ break <line>
+ break <function name>
<address> is a memory address specified in decimal, or hexadecimal with an '0x'
- addr = int(args,0)
- self.dbg.setBreakpoint(addr)
+ elems = args.split(":")
+ if args[0] == "*": # *<address>
+ addr = self._safeStrToInt(args[1:])
+ elif len(elems) >= 2:
+ addr = self._addrFileAndLine(elems[0], self._safeStrToInt(elems[1]))
+ else:
+ num = self._safeStrToInt(elems[0])
+ if num:
+ addr = self._addrLine(num)
+ else:
+ addr = self._addrFunction(elems[0])
+ return self.dbg.setBreakpoint(addr)
def cmdBreakpoints(self, args):