summary history branches tags files
date:Tue Apr 3 00:22:15 2012 -0400
Documentation and removed commented out blocks.
diff --git a/tempest/tempest/core.cljs b/tempest/tempest/core.cljs
line changes: +29/-7
index 5918bc8..96fc7ab
--- a/tempest/tempest/core.cljs
+++ b/tempest/tempest/core.cljs
@@ -67,9 +67,11 @@ after passing through all the other functions.  This implements the game loop.
    :path-fn path/projectile-path-on-level
-(def DirectionEnum {"NONE" 0 "CW" 1 "CCW" 2})
+(def ^{:doc "Enumeration of directions a flipper can be flipping."}
+  DirectionEnum {"NONE" 0 "CW" 1 "CCW" 2})
 (defn direction-string-from-value
+  "Given a value from DirectionEnum, return the corresponding string."
   (first (first (filter #(= 1 (peek %)) (into [] maptest)))))
@@ -94,6 +96,7 @@ after passing through all the other functions.  This implements the game loop.
 (defn build-flipper
+  "A more specific form of build-enemy for initializing a flipper."
   [level seg-idx & {:keys [step] :or {step 0}}]
   (assoc (build-enemy level seg-idx :step step)
     :bounding-fn path/flipper-path-bounding-box
@@ -107,10 +110,6 @@ after passing through all the other functions.  This implements the game loop.
     :flip-permanent-dir nil
-;; TODO: CW usually right, not always
-;; CCW rotation goes through level
-;; adding 360 deg to angle fixes it... but when??
 (defn flip-angle-stride
   "Returns the angle stride of a flipper, which is how many radians to
 increment his current flip angle by to be completely flipped onto his
@@ -139,6 +138,9 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
    :else (if cw? dir1 dir0))))
 (defn mark-flipper-for-flipping
+  "Updates a flipper's map to indicate that it is currently flipping in the
+   given direction, to the given segment index.  cw? should be true if
+   flipping clockwise, false for counter-clockwise."
   [flipper direction seg-idx cw?]
   (let [point (path/flip-point-between-segments
                (:level flipper)
@@ -168,6 +170,7 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
       :flip-permanent-dir permanent)))
 (defn update-entity-stop-flipping
+  "Updates an entity and marks it as not currently flipping."
   (assoc flipper
     :stride (:old-stride flipper)
@@ -175,19 +178,27 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
     :flip-cur-angle 0
     :segment (:flip-to-segment flipper)))
-(defn random-direction-string
+(defn random-direction
+  "Returns a random direction from DirectionEnum (not 'NONE')"
   (condp = (rand-int 2)
         0 (DirectionEnum "CW")
         (DirectionEnum "CCW")))
 (defn segment-for-flip-direction
+  "Returns the segment that the given flipper would flip into if it flipped
+   in direction flip-dir.  If the flipper can't flip that way, it will
+   return the flipper's current segment."
   [flipper flip-dir]
   (condp = flip-dir
         (DirectionEnum "CW") (segment-entity-cw flipper)
         (segment-entity-ccw flipper)))
 (defn swap-flipper-permanent-dir
+  "Given a flipper with its 'permanent direction' set, this swaps the
+   permanent direction to be opposite.  A flipper's permanent direction is
+   the direction it flips constantly along the outermost edge of the level
+   until it hits a boundary."
   (let [cur-dir (:flip-permanent-dir flipper)
         new-dir (if (= (DirectionEnum "CW") cur-dir)
@@ -196,6 +207,10 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
     (assoc flipper :flip-permanent-dir new-dir)))
 (defn maybe-engage-flipping
+  "Given a flipper, returns the flipper possibly modified to be in a state
+   of flipping to another segment.  This will always be true if the flipper
+   is on the outermost edge of the level, and will randomly be true if it
+   has not reached the edge."
   (let [should-flip (and (or
                           (= (:step flipper) 50)
@@ -205,7 +220,7 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
                          (= (:flip-dir flipper) (DirectionEnum "NONE")))
         permanent-dir (:flip-permanent-dir flipper)
-        flip-dir (or permanent-dir (random-direction-string))
+        flip-dir (or permanent-dir (random-direction))
         flip-seg-idx (segment-for-flip-direction flipper flip-dir)
         cw? (= flip-dir (DirectionEnum "CW"))]
@@ -217,16 +232,23 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
      :else flipper)))
 (defn update-entity-is-flipping
+  "Decide if an enemy should start flipping for every enemy on the level."
   (let [{enemy-list :enemy-list} game-state]
     (assoc game-state :enemy-list (map maybe-engage-flipping enemy-list))))
 (defn update-entity-flippyness
+  "Update the position of any actively flipping enemy for every enemy on the
+   level."
   (let [{enemy-list :enemy-list} game-state]
     (assoc game-state :enemy-list (map update-flip-angle enemy-list))))
 (defn update-flip-angle
+  "Given a flipper in the state of flipping, updates its current angle.  If
+   the update would cause it to 'land' on its new segment, the flipper is
+   updated and returned as a no-longer-flipping.  If the given enemy is
+   not flipping, returns it unchanged."
   (let [new-angle (+ (:flip-stride flipper) (:flip-cur-angle flipper))
         remaining (dec (:flip-steps-remaining flipper))

diff --git a/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs b/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs
line changes: +1/-4
index e643dfa..b80e8c6
--- a/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs
+++ b/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs
@@ -122,10 +122,7 @@ level functions to draw complete game entities using the primitives.
                (path/round-path ((:path-fn entity) entity))
                (:flip-point entity)
-               ;;[20 -20]
-               (:flip-cur-angle entity)
-               ;;0
-               )
+               (:flip-cur-angle entity))
     (.closePath context)))
 (defn draw-board

diff --git a/tempest/tempest/path.cljs b/tempest/tempest/path.cljs
line changes: +8/-25
index 049754e..9d01e96
--- a/tempest/tempest/path.cljs
+++ b/tempest/tempest/path.cljs
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ and 'paths' consisting of a sequence of coordinates.
      (polar-to-cartesian-coords point1)]))
 (defn cartesian-point-between-segments
+  "Returns the cartesian coordinates of the point on the edge in between
+   the two given segments at the given step.  This is the point about which
+   a flipping enemy should rotate."
   [level seg-idx0 seg-idx1 step]
   (let [line (edge-line-between-segments level seg-idx0 seg-idx1)
         line-steps (step-length-for-level-line level line)        
@@ -46,6 +49,8 @@ and 'paths' consisting of a sequence of coordinates.
 (defn edge-line-between-segments
+  "Returns the polar coordinates (i.e. description of a line) of the line
+   between the given segments."
   [level seg-idx0 seg-idx1]
   (let [segs0 (get (:segments level) seg-idx0)
         segs1 (get (:segments level) seg-idx1)
@@ -63,6 +68,9 @@ given level."
 (defn flip-point-between-segments
+  "Returns the point about which an enemy on seg-idx-cur flipping to
+   seg-idx-new from step step should be rotated.  cw? should be true
+   if enemy would be flipping clockwise, false otherwise."
   [level seg-idx-cur seg-idx-new step cw?]
   (let [[x0 y0] (cartesian-point-between-segments level
@@ -73,19 +81,6 @@ given level."
         edge-points (cartesian-edge-coordinates level seg-idx-new step)]
     [(- x1 x0) (- y0 y1)]))
-(defn flip-point-between-segments
-  [level seg-idx-cur seg-idx-new step cw?]
-  (let [[x0 y0] (polar-to-cartesian-coords
-                 (polar-segment-midpoint level seg-idx-cur step))
-        [[x1 y1] [x2 y2]] (cartesian-edge-coordinates level seg-idx-new step)]
-    (.log js/console (str "CW? " (pr-str cw?) " "
-                          (pr-str [(- x0 x2) (- y2 y0)]
-                                  [(- x1 x0) (- y0 y1)])))
-    (if cw?
-      [(- x0 x2) (- y2 y0)]
-      [(- x1 x0) (- y0 y1)])))
 (defn rebase-origin
   "Return cartesian coordinate 'point' in relation to 'origin'."
@@ -176,18 +171,6 @@ given level."
                           (:segment entity)
                           (:step entity)))
-  (defn polar-entity-coord
-  "Returns current polar coordinates to the entity."
-  [entity]
-  (let [steplen (step-length-segment-midpoint (:level entity)
-                                              (:segment entity))
-        offset (* steplen (:step entity))
-        midpoint (segment-midpoint (:level entity) (:segment entity))]
-    (polar-extend offset midpoint)))
-  )
 (defn step-length-segment-midpoint
   "Finds the 'step length' of a line through the middle of a level's segment.
    This is how many pixels an entity should move per update to travel one