Player can shoot down enemy bullets.
{:step step
:stride stride
:segment seg-idx
+ :damage-segment seg-idx
:level level
:path-fn path/projectile-path-on-level
:from-enemy? from-enemy?
projectiles projectile-list]
(if (nil? enemy) projectiles
(if (and (<= (rand) (:shoot-probability enemy))
- (not= (:step enemy) (:steps (:level enemy))))
+ (not= (:step enemy) (:steps (:level enemy)))
+ (pos? (:stride enemy)))
(recur enemies (add-enemy-projectile projectiles enemy))
(recur enemies projectiles)))))
:projectile-list plist
:enemy-list elist))))
+(defn bullets-will-collide?
+ "Returns true if two bullets will collide within the next frame, and one is
+ from the player and the other is from an enemy."
+ [bullet1 bullet2]
+ (let [max-stride (max (:stride bullet1) (:stride bullet2))
+ min-stride (min (:stride bullet1) (:stride bullet2))
+ step1 (:step bullet1)
+ step2 (:step bullet2)
+ next-step1 (entity-next-step bullet1)
+ next-step2 (entity-next-step bullet2)]
+ (and (or (and (>= step1 step2) (<= next-step1 next-step2))
+ (and (>= step2 step1) (<= next-step2 next-step1)))
+ (neg? min-stride)
+ (pos? max-stride)
+ (if (:from-enemy? bullet1)
+ (not (:from-enemy? bullet2))
+ (:from-enemy? bullet2)))))
+(defn projectile-list-without-collisions
+ "Given a list of projectiles, returns the list minus any bullet-on-bullet
+ collisions that occur within it."
+ [projectiles]
+ (loop [[bullet & others] projectiles
+ survivors '()]
+ (if (nil? bullet) survivors
+ (let [{not-hit false hit true}
+ (group-by #(bullets-will-collide? bullet %) others)]
+ (if-not (empty? hit)
+ (recur (concat not-hit (rest hit)) survivors)
+ (recur others (cons bullet survivors)))))))
(defn remove-collided-bullets
- "TODO: remove bullets that hit each other"
+ "Remove bullets that have hit each other. Only player-vs-enemy collisions
+ count. Breaks list of projectiles into one list per segment, and then
+ runs projectile-list-without-collisions on each of those lists to get
+ back a final list of only bullets that aren't involved in collisions."
- (let [projectile-list (:projectile-list game-state)]
- ;; Gets a group of lists of projectils, where each group contains
- ;; projectiles in the same spot.
- (filter #(> (count %) 1) (vals (group-by #(select-keys % [:segment :step]) projectile-list)))
- game-state))
+ (let [projectile-list (:projectile-list game-state)
+ segment-lists (vals (group-by :segment projectile-list))
+ non-collided (mapcat projectile-list-without-collisions segment-lists)]
+ (assoc game-state :projectile-list non-collided)))
(defn update-projectile-locations
"Returns game-state with all projectiles updated to have new positions