summary history branches tags files
Recent history
Commit Message Author Date Diff Refs
1a17b07 A few logic changes that might have been able to cause bugs, and one that might run a tiny bit faster. mrmekon 2012-04-13 2 (+11/-7) master
0233fa2 Added license to project file, switched to newer version of cljsbuild, and to less optimization for now. Tested with advanced optimization, and it works. mrmekon 2012-04-13 1 (+6/-2)
d5ad439 Applied BSD license mrmekon 2012-04-13 8 (+74/-1)
d3b9772 New screenshot with colors . mrmekon 2012-04-12 1 (+2/-0)
e57b07e Documentation to go along with the new spikers. mrmekon 2012-04-12 3 (+109/-52)
15f9e77 Spikes kill player while zooming down level. mrmekon 2012-04-12 1 (+16/-2)
4fbffb8 More spiking good fun. Player travels down the level when he wins, and can shoot at the spikes while doing so. Spikes do not kill him at the moment. mrmekon 2012-04-12 2 (+143/-27)
113d4ac Spikes can be shot and destroyed. mrmekon 2012-04-10 1 (+50/-7)
f2029bf Spikes are drawn, but don't interact yet. mrmekon 2012-04-10 3 (+49/-3)
477e4f0 Spikers exist and work, but don't lay spikes. mrmekon 2012-04-10 3 (+116/-31)
Recent branches
Branch Commit Message Author Date
master 1a17b07 A few logic changes that might have been able to cause bugs, and one that might run a tiny bit faster. mrmekon 2012-04-13
Recent tags
Tag Commit Message Author Date
File tree
File Type Mode Size
.gitignore file 644 21
LICENSE file 644 1501 file 644 3139
project.clj file 644 866
resources/ dir 0 0
src/ dir 0 0
tempest/ dir 0 0