(repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl")
-(def ^{:doc "Boolean flag to mark if the game is paused."}
- *paused* (atom false))
(defn build-projectile
"Returns a dictionary describing a projectile (bullet) on the given level,
in the given segment, with a given stride (steps per update to move, with
(>= (:step projectile) (:steps (:level projectile))) true
:else false))
-(defn add-player-projectile!
+(defn add-player-projectile
"Add a new projectile to the global list of live projectiles, originating
from the given player, on the segment he is currently on."
- [player]
+ [projectile-list player]
(let [level (:level player)
seg-idx (:segment player)
stride (:bullet-stride player)
step (:steps level)]
- (reset! *projectile-list*
- (conj @*projectile-list*
- (build-projectile level seg-idx stride :step step)))))
+ (conj projectile-list
+ (build-projectile level seg-idx stride :step step))))
(defn segment-player-left
"Returns the segment to the left of the player. Loops around the level
(reset! *player* (assoc @*player* :segment seg-idx)))
-(defn keypress
- "Respond to keyboard key presses."
+(def ^{:doc
+ "Global queue for storing player's keypresses. The browser
+ sticks keypresses in this queue via callback, and keys are
+ later pulled out and applied to the game state during the
+ game logic loop."}
+ *key-event-queue* (atom '()))
+(defn queue-keypress
+ "Atomically queue keypress in global queue for later handling. This should
+ be called as the browser's key-handling callback."
- (let [player @*player*
- key (.-keyCode event)]
+ (let [key (.-keyCode event)]
+ (swap! *key-event-queue* #(concat % [key]))))
+(defn handle-keypress
+ "Returns new game state updated to reflect the results of a player's
+ keypress.
+ ## Key map
+ * Right -- Move counter-clockwise
+ * Left -- Move clockwise
+ * Space -- Shoot
+ * Escape -- Pause
+ "
+ [game-state key]
+ (let [player (:player game-state)
+ projectile-list (:projectile-list game-state)
+ paused? (:paused? game-state)]
(condp = key
- key-codes/RIGHT (set-global-player-segment!
- (segment-player-right player))
- key-codes/LEFT (set-global-player-segment!
- (segment-player-left player))
- key-codes/SPACE (add-player-projectile! player)
- key-codes/ESC (def *paused* (atom (not @*paused*)))
- nil
+ key-codes/RIGHT (assoc game-state
+ :player
+ (assoc player :segment (segment-player-right player)))
+ key-codes/LEFT (assoc game-state
+ :player
+ (assoc player :segment (segment-player-left player)))
+ key-codes/SPACE (assoc game-state
+ :projectile-list
+ (add-player-projectile projectile-list player))
+ key-codes/ESC (assoc game-state (not paused?))
+ game-state
+(defn dequeue-keypresses
+ "Atomically dequeue keypresses from global queue and pass to handle-keypress,
+ until global queue is empty. Returns game state updated after applying
+ all keypresses.
+ Has a side effect of clearing global *key-event-queue*.
+ ### Implementation details:
+ Use compare-and-set! instead of swap! to test against the value we
+ entered the loop with, instead of the current value. compare-and-set!
+ returns true only if the update was a success (i.e. the queue hasn't
+ changed since entering the loop), in which case we handle the key.
+ If the queue has changed, we do nothing. The loop always gets called
+ again with the current deref of the global state.
+ "
+ [game-state]
+ (loop [state game-state
+ queue @*key-event-queue*]
+ (if (empty? queue)
+ state
+ (let [key (first queue)
+ valid? (compare-and-set! *key-event-queue* queue (rest queue))]
+ (if valid?
+ (recur (handle-keypress state key) @*key-event-queue*)
+ (recur state @*key-event-queue*))))))
(defn animationFrameMethod []
"Returns a callable javascript function to schedule a frame to be drawn.
Tries to use requestAnimationFrame, or the browser-specific version of
:else (recur remaining)))
-(def ^{:doc
- "Stores the frame-scheduling function for the current browser.
- This function should be called at the end of each frame to
- schedule the next frame to be drawn at the appropriate time."}
- *animMethod* (animationFrameMethod))
-(def *frame-count* (atom 0))
-(def *frame-time* (atom (goog.now)))
-(def *enemy-list* (atom (list)))
-(def *player* (atom (list)))
-(def *projectile-list* (atom (list)))
(defn build-game-state
+ "Returns an empty game-state map."
- (atom
- {:enemy-list '()
- :projectile-list '()
- :player '()
- :context nil
- :anim-fn identity
- :dims {:width 0 :height 0}
- :level nil
- :frame-count 0
- :frame-time 0
- :paused? false
- }))
-(defn game-loop
- [initial-game-state]
- (loop [game-state initial-game-state]
- (recur (update-game game-state))))
+ {:enemy-list '()
+ :projectile-list '()
+ :player '()
+ :context nil
+ :anim-fn identity
+ :dims {:width 0 :height 0}
+ :level nil
+ :frame-count 0
+ :frame-time 0
+ :paused? false
+ })
(defn clear-frame
+ "Returns game state unmodified, clears the HTML5 canvas as a side-effect."
(let [{context :context
{width :width height :height} :dims}
- (.clearRect context 0 0 (:width dims) (:height dims))
+ (.clearRect context 0 0 width height dims)
(defn render-frame
+ "Draws the current game-state on the HTML5 canvas. Returns the game state
+ unmodified (drawing is a side-effect)."
(let [{context :context
dims :dims
projectile-list :projectile-list
player :player}
- (.clearRect context 0 0 (:width dims) (:height dims))
(draw/draw-player context dims level player)
(draw/draw-entities context dims level enemy-list)
(draw/draw-entities context dims level projectile-list)
(defn remove-collided-entities
+ "Detects and removes projectiles that have collided with enemies, and enemies
+ whose hit counts have dropped to zero. Returns updated game-state."
(let [{enemy-list :enemy-list
projectile-list :projectile-list}
:enemy-list elist))))
(defn update-projectile-locations
+ "Returns game-state with all projectiles updated to have new positions
+ based on their speeds and current position."
- (let [{projectile-list :projectile-list} game-state]
+ (let [{projectile-list :projectile-list} game-state
+ rm-fn (partial remove projectile-off-level?)]
(assoc game-state
:projectile-list (-> projectile-list
- (partial remove projectile-off-level?)))))
+ rm-fn))))
(defn update-enemy-locations
+ "Returns game-state with all of the enemies updated to have new positions
+ based on their speeds and current position."
(let [{enemy-list :enemy-list} game-state]
(assoc game-state :enemy-list (update-entity-list enemy-list))))
(defn schedule-next-frame
+ "Tells the player's browser to schedule the next frame to be drawn, using
+ whatever the best mechanism the browser has to do so."
- (let [{context :context
- dims :dims
- level :level
- anim-fn :anim-fn}
- game-state]
- (anim-fn #(update-game! context dims level))))
+ ((:anim-fn game-state) #(next-game-state game-state)))
(defn update-frame-count
+ "Increments the game-state's frame counter, which is a count of frames since
+ the last FPS measurement."
- (let [{frame-count :frame-count
- frame-time :frame-time}
+ (let [{frame-count :frame-count}
(assoc game-state :frame-count (inc frame-count))))
(defn render-fps-display
+ "Print a string representation of the most recent FPS measurement in
+ an HTML element named 'fps'. This resets the frame-count and frame-time
+ currently stored in the game state."
(let [{frame-count :frame-count
frame-time :frame-time}
:frame-time (goog.now))))
(defn maybe-render-fps-display
+ "Calls render-fps-display if the frame-count is above a certain threshhold."
(if (= (:frame-count game-state) 20)
(render-fps-display game-state)
(defn next-game-state
+ "Given the current game-state, threads it through a series of functions that
+ calculate the next game-state. This is the most fundamental call in the
+ game; it applies all of the logic."
(->> game-state
+ dequeue-keypresses
-(defn update-game!
- "Call all of the drawing functions to redraw the scene, and update all
- of the entities on the level."
- [context dims level]
- (doseq []
- (.clearRect context 0 0 (:width dims) (:height dims))
- (draw/draw-player context dims level (deref *player*))
- (draw/draw-entities context dims level @*enemy-list*)
- (draw/draw-entities context dims level @*projectile-list*)
- (when (not @*paused*)
- (let [new-entities (entities-after-collisions @*enemy-list*
- @*projectile-list*)]
- (def *projectile-list* (atom (:projectiles new-entities)))
- (def *enemy-list* (atom (:entities new-entities))))
- (def *projectile-list* (atom (update-entity-list @*projectile-list*)))
- (def *projectile-list* (atom (remove projectile-off-level?
- @*projectile-list*)))
- (def *enemy-list* (atom (update-entity-list @*enemy-list*)))
- (*animMethod* #(update-game! context dims level)))
- (def *frame-count* (atom (inc @*frame-count*)))
- (when (= 20 @*frame-count*)
- (let [fps (/ (* 1000 @*frame-count*)
- (- (goog.now) @*frame-time*))]
- (dom/setTextContent (dom/getElement "fps")
- (str "FPS: " (pr-str (js/Math.round fps)))))
- (def *frame-count* (atom 0))
- (def *frame-time* (atom (goog.now))))))