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date:Thu Apr 12 00:32:02 2012 -0400
More spiking good fun.  Player travels down the level when he wins, and can shoot at the spikes while doing so.  Spikes do not kill him at the moment.
diff --git a/tempest/tempest/core.cljs b/tempest/tempest/core.cljs
line changes: +120/-21
index 43a3702..c11084c
--- a/tempest/tempest/core.cljs
+++ b/tempest/tempest/core.cljs
@@ -40,9 +40,40 @@ again by the browser sometime in the future with the update game-state
 after passing through all the other functions.  This implements the game loop.
-  (if (:is-zooming? game-state)
-    (game-logic-non-playable game-state)
-    (game-logic-playable game-state)))
+  (cond
+   (:paused? game-state) (game-logic-paused game-state)
+   (:player-zooming? game-state)
+   (game-logic-player-shooping-down-level game-state)
+   (and (:is-zooming? game-state))
+   (game-logic-non-playable game-state)
+   :else (game-logic-playable game-state)))
+(defn game-logic-paused
+  "Called by next-game-state when game is paused.  Just listens for keypress
+   to unpause game."
+  [game-state]
+  (->> game-state
+       dequeue-keypresses-while-paused
+       schedule-next-frame))
+(defn game-logic-player-shooping-down-level
+  "That's right, I named it that."
+  [game-state]
+  (->> game-state
+       clear-player-segment
+       dequeue-keypresses
+       highlight-player-segment
+       clear-frame
+       draw-board
+       render-frame       
+       remove-spiked-bullets
+       update-projectile-locations
+       animate-player-shooping
+       maybe-change-level
+       update-frame-count
+       maybe-render-fps-display                 
+       schedule-next-frame
+       ))
 (defn game-logic-playable
   "Called by next-game-state when game and player are active."
@@ -84,6 +115,7 @@ after passing through all the other functions.  This implements the game loop.
   "Called by next-game-state for non-playable animations."
   (->> game-state
+       dequeue-keypresses-while-paused
@@ -113,6 +145,7 @@ after passing through all the other functions.  This implements the game loop.
    :zoom-in? true
    :zoom 0.0
    :level-done? false
+   :player-zooming? false
 (defn check-if-enemies-remain
@@ -126,8 +159,14 @@ after passing through all the other functions.  This implements the game loop.
         remaining (+ on-board unlaunched)]
     (if (zero? remaining)
       ;; TODO instead of clearing spikes, zoom down level
-      (assoc (clear-level-entities game-state)
-        :is-zooming? true :zoom-in? false)
+      ;;(assoc (clear-level-entities game-state) :is-zooming? true :zoom-in? false)
+      (do (.log js/console "player zooming")
+          (assoc game-state
+            :player (assoc player :stride -2)
+            :player-zooming? true
+            ;;:is-zooming? true
+            ;;:zoom-in? false
+            ))
 (defn change-level
@@ -142,6 +181,8 @@ after passing through all the other functions.  This implements the game loop.
       :zoom-in? true
       :is-zooming? true
       :level-done? false
+      :player-zooming? false
+      :is-dead? false
       :projectile-list '()
       :enemy-list '()
       :spikes (vec (take (count (:segments level)) (repeat 0))))))
@@ -713,6 +754,27 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
     (assoc game-state
       :enemy-list (concat (map kill-tanker-at-top tankers) others))))
+(defn animate-player-shooping
+  "Updates the player's position as he travels ('shoops') down the level after
+   defeating all enemies.  Player moves relatively slowly.  Camera zooms in
+   (actually, level zooms out) a little slower than the player moves.  After
+   player reaches bottom, camera zooms faster.  Level marked as finished when
+   zoom level is very high (10x normal)."
+  [game-state]
+  (let [player (:player game-state)
+        level (:level game-state)
+        zoom (:zoom game-state)]
+    (cond
+     (:level-done? game-state) game-state
+     (>= zoom 10) (assoc game-state :level-done? true)
+     (zero? (:step player)) (assoc game-state :zoom (+ zoom .2))
+     :else (assoc game-state
+             :player (update-entity-position! player)
+             :zoom (+ 1 (/ (- (:steps level) (:step player)) 150))
+             :is-zooming? true
+             :zoom-in? false
+             ))))
 (defn animate-player-capture
   "Updates player's position on board while player is in the process of being
    captured by an enemy, and marks player as dead when he reaches the inner
@@ -727,7 +789,7 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
                        :player (assoc player :is-dead? true)
                        :is-zooming? true
                        :zoom-in? false)
-     :else  (assoc game-state :player (update-entity-position! player)))))
+     :else (assoc game-state :player (update-entity-position! player)))))
 (defn clear-level-entities
   "Clears enemies, projectiles, and spikes from level."
@@ -793,7 +855,9 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
         (draw/draw-board (assoc game-state
                            :dims {:width (/ width zoom)
                                   :height (/ height zoom)}))
-        (update-zoom game-state))
+        (if (:player-zooming? game-state)
+          game-state
+          (update-zoom game-state)))
@@ -882,6 +946,29 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
     (.preventDefault event)
     (.stopPropagation event)))
+(defn dequeue-keypresses-while-paused
+  "See dequeue-keypresses for details.  This unqueues all keypresses, but only
+   responds to unpause."
+  [game-state]
+  (loop [state game-state
+         queue @*key-event-queue*]
+    (if (empty? queue)
+      state
+      (let [key (first queue)
+            valid? (compare-and-set! *key-event-queue* queue (rest queue))]
+        (if valid?
+          (recur (handle-keypress-unpause state key) @*key-event-queue*)
+          (recur state @*key-event-queue*))))))
+(defn handle-keypress-unpause
+  "See handle-keypress.  This version only accepts unpause."
+  [game-state key]
+  (let [paused? (:paused? game-state)]
+    (condp = key
+      key-codes/ESC (assoc game-state :paused? (not paused?))
+      game-state)))
 (defn handle-keypress
   "Returns new game state updated to reflect the results of a player's
@@ -907,9 +994,8 @@ flipper appears to flip 'inside' the level:
       key-codes/SPACE (assoc game-state
                         (add-player-projectile projectile-list player))
-      key-codes/ESC (assoc game-state (not paused?))
-      game-state
-      )))
+      key-codes/ESC (assoc game-state :paused? (not paused?))
+      game-state)))
 (defn dequeue-keypresses
   "Atomically dequeue keypresses from global queue and pass to handle-keypress,
@@ -934,9 +1020,14 @@ again with the current deref of the global state.
       (let [key (first queue)
             valid? (compare-and-set! *key-event-queue* queue (rest queue))]
-        (if (and valid? (not (:captured? (:player game-state))))
-          (recur (handle-keypress state key) @*key-event-queue*)
-          (recur state @*key-event-queue*))))))
+        (cond
+         (not valid?) (recur state @*key-event-queue*)
+         (not (:captured? (:player game-state))) (recur (handle-keypress
+                                                         state
+                                                         key)
+                                                        @*key-event-queue*)
+         :else (recur (handle-keypress-unpause state key) @*key-event-queue*)
+        )))))
 (defn animationFrameMethod
@@ -985,17 +1076,25 @@ The setTimeout fail-over is hard-coded to attempt 30fps.
          player :player}
         {enemy-shots true player-shots false}
-        (group-by :from-enemy? projectile-list)]
-    (draw/draw-all-spikes game-state)
+        (group-by :from-enemy? projectile-list)
+        zoom (:zoom game-state)
+        zoom-dims {:width (/ (:width dims) zoom)
+                   :height (/ (:height dims) zoom)}]
+    (draw/draw-all-spikes (assoc game-state :dims zoom-dims))
     (if (not (:is-dead? player))
-      (draw/draw-player context dims level player))
-    (draw/draw-entities context dims level enemy-list {:r 150 :g 10 :b 10})
-    (draw/draw-entities context dims level
+      (draw/draw-player context zoom-dims level player (:zoom game-state)))
+    (draw/draw-entities context zoom-dims level
+                        enemy-list
+                        {:r 150 :g 10 :b 10}
+                        zoom)
+    (draw/draw-entities context zoom-dims level
-                        {:r 255 :g 255 :b 255})
-    (draw/draw-entities context dims level
+                        {:r 255 :g 255 :b 255}
+                        zoom)
+    (draw/draw-entities context zoom-dims level
-                        {:r 150 :g 15 :b 150})
+                        {:r 150 :g 15 :b 150}
+                        zoom)
 (defn remove-collided-entities

diff --git a/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs b/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs
line changes: +23/-6
index c2f8eff..8856acb
--- a/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs
+++ b/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs
@@ -96,9 +96,13 @@ level functions to draw complete game entities using the primitives.
   "Draws a player, defined by the given path 'player', on the 2D context of
    an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
    given level."
-  [context dims level player]
+  [context dims level player zoom]
   (doseq []
+    (.save context)
     (.beginPath context)
+    (if (zero? zoom)
+      (.scale context 0.00001 0.0001)
+      (.scale context zoom zoom))
     (set! (. context -strokeStyle) (str "rgb(255,255,0)"))
     (draw-path context
@@ -106,15 +110,20 @@ level functions to draw complete game entities using the primitives.
                (path/round-path (path/player-path-on-level player))
-    (.closePath context)))
+    (.closePath context)
+    (.restore context)))
 (defn draw-entities
   "Draws all the entities, defined by paths in 'entity-list', on the 2D context
    of an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
    given level."
-  [context dims level entity-list color]
+  [context dims level entity-list color zoom]
   (let [{r :r g :g b :b} color
         color-str (str "rgb(" r "," g "," b ")")]
+    (.save context)
+    (if (zero? zoom)
+      (.scale context 0.00001 0.0001)
+      (.scale context zoom zoom))
     (doseq [entity entity-list]
       (.beginPath context)
       (set! (. context -strokeStyle) color-str)
@@ -126,7 +135,8 @@ level functions to draw complete game entities using the primitives.
                          (:flip-point entity)
                          (:flip-cur-angle entity))
-      (.closePath context))))
+      (.closePath context))
+    (.restore context)))
 (defn draw-spike
   [{:keys [dims context level]} seg-idx length]
@@ -141,11 +151,18 @@ level functions to draw complete game entities using the primitives.
 (defn draw-all-spikes
-  (let [spikes (:spikes game-state) spike-count (count spikes)]
+  (let [context (:context game-state) zoom (:zoom game-state)
+        spikes (:spikes game-state) spike-count (count spikes)]
+    (.save context)
+    (if (zero? zoom)
+      (.scale context 0.00001 0.0001)
+      (.scale context zoom zoom))
     (doseq [idx (range spike-count)]
       (let [length (nth spikes idx)] 
         (if (pos? length)
-          (draw-spike game-state idx length))))))
+          (draw-spike game-state idx length))))
+    (.restore context)
+    ))
 ;;(for [idx (range spike-count)
 ;;                  spike (nth spikes idx)