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date:Sat Apr 7 23:50:38 2012 -0400
Updated TODO list.  Added links to my sites.
diff --git a/src/tempest_cljs/views/welcome.clj b/src/tempest_cljs/views/welcome.clj
line changes: +11/-0
index 4710971..b616b5d
--- a/src/tempest_cljs/views/welcome.clj
+++ b/src/tempest_cljs/views/welcome.clj
@@ -11,6 +11,17 @@
 (defpage "/tempest/:level" {:keys [level]}
    (include-js "/tempest.js")
+   [:div#links {:style "color: #FFFFFF; position: absolute; z-index: 2;"}
+    (link-to {:style (str "color: #FFFFFF; position:absolute;"
+                          "width:200px; text-decoration: none;"
+                          "border-bottom: 1px dotted;")}
+             ""
+             "tempest-cljs on github")
+    (link-to {:style (str "color: #FFFFFF; position: absolute;"
+                          "left: 201px; width: 100px; text-decoration: none;"
+                          "border-bottom: 1px dotted;")}
+             ""
+             "trevor bentley")]
    [:canvas#canv-bg {:width "1000" :height "700"
                      :style (str "position: absolute; z-index: 0;"
                                  "background-color: #000000;")}]

diff --git a/tempest/tempest.cljs b/tempest/tempest.cljs
line changes: +0/-8
index 03d61ac..8f4bee6
--- a/tempest/tempest.cljs
+++ b/tempest/tempest.cljs
@@ -41,24 +41,16 @@ Publicly exported functions to embed Tempest game in HTML.
 ;; ## TODO:
-;;   * Flippers should.. flip.
-;;   * Player should be sucked down the level if a flipper touches him
 ;;   * Jump?  Is that possible with this design?  I think so, easily, by
 ;;     scaling just the first, undrawn line of player.  It ends up being
 ;;     normal to the segment's top line.
 ;;   * Power ups.  Bonus points if they're crazy swirly particle things.
-;;   * Board colors.  Blue on black is the classic.
-;;   * Current segment highlight color
 ;;   * Browser + keyboard input stuff
-;;     - Find appropriate size for canvas.  Maybe there's a way to make it
-;;       "full screen"
-;;     - Don't let spacebar scroll the screen, or use a different key
 ;;     - Any way to change repeat rate?  Probably not
 ;;     - Any way to use the mouse?
 ;;     - I'm not above making a custom rotary controller.
 ;;     - Two keys at the same time?  Gotta swirl-n-shoot.
-;;   * Offset flat levels up more, instead of displaying them at the bottom.
 ;;   * Rate-limit bullets
 ;;   * Frame timing, and disassociate movement speed from framerate.