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date:Wed Mar 28 18:40:05 2012 -0400
Huge refactor of namespaces, and a bunch of marginalia documentation.
diff --git a/project.clj b/project.clj
line changes: +10/-8
index 00b3de3..cc99821
--- a/project.clj
+++ b/project.clj
@@ -1,13 +1,15 @@
-(defproject tempest-cljs "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT"
-            :description "Clone of Tempest vector-graphic arcade game."
-            :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
-                           [noir "1.2.1"]]
-            :dev-dependencies [[lein-marginalia "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
-            :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "0.1.3"]]
-            :cljsbuild {
+(defproject tempest-cljs "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT"
+  :description "Clone of Tempest vector-graphic arcade game.
+                Written in ClojureScript, and uses HTML5 2D canvas
+                for display."
+  :dependencies [[org.clojure/clojure "1.3.0"]
+                 [noir "1.2.1"]]
+  :dev-dependencies [[lein-marginalia "0.7.0-SNAPSHOT"]]
+  :plugins [[lein-cljsbuild "0.1.3"]]
+  :cljsbuild {
               :builds [{:source-path "tempest"
                         :compiler {:output-to "resources/public/tempest.js"
                                    :optimizations :simple
                                    :pretty-print true}}]}
-            :main tempest-cljs.server)
+  :main tempest-cljs.server)

diff --git a/tempest/tempest.cljs b/tempest/tempest.cljs
line changes: +51/-900
index 6435424..3c40d3b
--- a/tempest/tempest.cljs
+++ b/tempest/tempest.cljs
@@ -1,18 +1,15 @@
-(ns tempest
+(ns ^{:doc "
+Publicly exported functions to embed Tempest game in HTML.
+  tempest
   (:require [tempest.levels :as levels]
-            [tempest.util :as util]
+            [tempest.draw :as draw]
+            [tempest.core :as c]
             [goog.dom :as dom]
-            [goog.Timer :as timer]
             [ :as events]
-            [goog.math :as math]
-            [ :as key-handler]
-            [ :as key-codes]
-            [clojure.browser.repl :as repl])
-  (:require-macros [tempest.macros :as macros]))
+            [ :as key-handler]))
-;; Rough design notes:
+;; ## Design notes:
 ;;  * Nearly everything is defined with polar coordinates (length and angle)
 ;;  * "Entities" are players, enemies, projectiles
@@ -28,7 +25,7 @@
 ;;    The sign of the stride is direction, with positive strides moving out
 ;;    towards the player.
-;; Obscure design oddities:
+;; ## Obscure design oddities:
 ;;  * draw-path can optionally follow, but not draw, the first line of an
 ;;    entity's path.  There is a crazy reason for this.  The 'center' of
@@ -42,15 +39,8 @@
 ;;    in the front center of the ship.
-(repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl")
-;; TODO:
+;; ## TODO:
-;;   * BUG: there's an extra segment at the top of level 6 with no width
-;;   * Bullet updates should check if they hit or passed over an enemy
 ;;   * Flippers should.. flip.
 ;;   * Player should be sucked down the level if a flipper touches him
@@ -73,842 +63,11 @@
 ;;   * Frame timing, and disassociate movement speed from framerate.
-;; Path that defines player.
-(def ^{:doc "Path, in polar coordinates, describing the player's ship."}
-  *player-path*
-  [[40 90]
-   [44 196]
-   [27 333]
-   [17 135]
-   [30 11]
-   [30 349]
-   [17 225]
-   [27 27]
-   [44 164]])
-(def ^{:doc "Boolean flag to mark if the game is paused."}
-  *paused* (atom false))
-(defn round-path-math
-  "Rounds all numbers in a path (vector of 2-tuples) to nearest integer."
-  [path]
-  (map (fn [coords]
-         [(js/Math.round (first coords))
-          (js/Math.round (peek coords))])
-       path))
-(defn round-path-hack
-  "Rounds all numbers in a path (vector of 2-tuples) to nearest integer.
-   ONLY WORKS WITH POSITIVE NUMBERS.  Faster than round-path-math."
-  [path]
-  (map (fn [[x y]]
-         [(js* "~~" (+ 0.5 x))
-          (js* "~~" (+ 0.5 y))])
-       path))
-(defn round
-  "Perform quick rounding of given number.  ONLY WORKS WITH POSITIVE NUMBERS."
-  [num]
-  (js* "~~" (+ 0.5 num)))
-;; Use round-path-hack for now, since it's theoretically faster
-(def round-path round-path-hack)
-(defn flipper-path-with-width
-  "Returns a path to draw a 'flipper' enemy with given width."
-  [width]
-  (let [r (/ width (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad 16)))]
-    [[0 0]
-     [(/ r 2) 16]
-     [(/ r 4) 214]
-     [(/ r 4) 326]
-     [r 164]
-     [(/ r 4) 326]
-     [(/ r 4) 214]
-     [(/ r 2) 16]]))
-(defn projectile-path-with-width
-  "Returns a path to draw a projectile with the given width."
-  [width]
-  (let [r (/ width (* 2 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad 45))))
-        midheight (* r (js/Math.sin (util/deg-to-rad 45)))]
-    [[midheight 270]
-     [r 45]
-     [r 135]
-     [r 225]
-     [r 315]]))
-(defn build-projectile
-  "Returns a dictionary describing a projectile (bullet) on the given level,
-   in the given segment, with a given stride (steps per update to move, with
-   negative meaning in and positive meaning out), and given step to start on."
-  [level seg-idx stride & {:keys [step] :or {step 0}}]
-  {:step step
-   :stride stride
-   :segment seg-idx
-   :level level
-   :path-fn projectile-path-on-level
-   })
-(defn build-enemy
-  "Returns a dictionary describing an enemy on the given level and segment,
-   and starting on the given step.  Step defaults to 0 (innermost step of
-   level) if not specified. TODO: Only makes flippers."
-  [level seg-idx & {:keys [step] :or {step 0}}]
-  {:step step
-   :stride 1
-   :segment seg-idx
-   :path-fn flipper-path-on-level
-   :level level
-   :hits-remaining 1})
-(defn build-player
-  "Returns a dictionary describing a player on the given level and segment."
-  [level seg-idx]
-  {:segment seg-idx
-   :level level
-   :step (:steps level)
-   :bullet-stride -5})
-(defn entity-next-step
-  "Returns the next step position of given entity, taking into account
-   minimum and maximum positions of the level."
-  [entity]
-  (let [stride (:stride entity)
-        maxstep (:steps (:level entity))
-        newstep (+ stride (:step entity))]
-    (cond
-     (> newstep maxstep) maxstep
-     (< newstep 0) 0
-     :else newstep)))
-(defn test-entity-next-step []
-  (and
-   (= 11 (entity-next-step (build-enemy level 0 :step 10)))
-   (= 6 (entity-next-step (build-projectile level 0 -4 :step 10)))
-   (= 0 (entity-next-step (build-projectile level 0 -4 :step 0)))
-   (= 0 (entity-next-step (build-projectile level 0 -4 :step 2)))
-   (= 100 (entity-next-step (build-projectile level 0 4 :step 100)))
-   (= 100 (entity-next-step (build-projectile level 0 4 :step 98)))))
-(defn update-entity-position!
-  "Return entity updated with a new position based on its current location and
-   stride.  Won't go lower than 0, or higher than the maximum steps of the
-   level."
-  [entity]
-  (assoc entity :step (entity-next-step entity)))
-(defn test-update-entity-position! []
-  (and 
-   (= 11 (:step (update-entity-position! (build-enemy level 0 :step 10))))
-   (= 5 (:step (update-entity-position!
-                (build-projectile level 0 -5 :step 10))))
-   (= 15 (:step (update-entity-position!
-                (build-projectile level 0 5 :step 10))))
-   (= 0 (:step (update-entity-position!
-                (build-projectile level 0 -5 :step 0))))
-   (= 100 (:step (update-entity-position!
-                  (build-projectile level 0 5 :step 100))))))
-(defn update-entity-list
-  "Recursively call update-entity-position! on all entities in list."
-  [entity-list]
-  ((fn [oldlist newlist]
-     (let [entity (first oldlist)]
-       (if (empty? entity)
-         newlist
-         (recur (rest oldlist)
-                (cons (update-entity-position! entity) newlist))))
-         ) entity-list []))
-(defn scale-polar-coord
-  "Return a polar coordinate with the first element (radius) scaled using
-   the function scalefn"
-  [scalefn coord]
-  [(scalefn (first coord)) (peek coord)])
-(defn rotate-path
-  "Add angle to all polar coordinates in path."
-  [angle path]
-  (map (fn [coords]
-         [(first coords)
-          (mod (+ angle (peek coords)) 360)])
-       path))
-(defn scale-path
-  "Multiply all lengths of polar coordinates in path by scale."
-  [scale path]
-  (map (fn [coords]
-         [(* scale (first coords))
-          (peek coords)])
-       path))
-(defn polar-extend
-  "Add 'length' to radius of polar coordinate."
-  [length coord]
-  [(+ length (first coord))
-   (peek coord)])
-(defn path-extend
-  "Add 'length' to all polar coordinates in path"
-  [length path]
-  (map #(polar-extend length %) path))
-(defn polar-entity-coord
-  "Returns current polar coordinates to the entity."
-  [entity]
-  (let [steplen (step-length-segment-midpoint (:level entity)
-                                              (:segment entity))
-        offset (* steplen (:step entity))
-        midpoint (segment-midpoint (:level entity) (:segment entity))]
-    (polar-extend offset midpoint)))
-(defn enemy-angle
-  "Returns the angle from origin that the enemy needs to be rotated to
-   appear in the correct orientation at its current spot on the level.
-   In reality, it returns the angle of the line that traverses the segment
-   across the midpoint of the enemy.  TODO: This should be renamed to
-   'entity-angle', it works with anything on the board."
-  [enemy]
-  (let [edges (polar-lines-for-segment (:level enemy)
-                                       (:segment enemy)
-                                       false)
-        edge-steps (step-lengths-for-segment-lines (:level enemy)
-                                                   (:segment enemy))
-        offset0 (* (first edge-steps) (:step enemy))
-        offset1 (* (peek edge-steps) (:step enemy))
-        point0 (polar-extend offset0 (first edges))
-        point1 (polar-extend offset1 (peek edges))]
-    (util/rad-to-deg
-     (apply js/Math.atan2
-            (vec (reverse (map - (polar-to-cartesian-coords point0)
-                      (polar-to-cartesian-coords point1))))))))
-(defn enemy-desired-width
-  "Returns how wide the given enemy should be drawn to span the full width
-   of its current location.  In reality, that means returning the length of
-   the line that spans the level segment, cutting through the enemy's
-   midpoint.  TODO: rename this entity-desired-width."
-  [enemy]
-  (let [edges (polar-lines-for-segment (:level enemy)
-                                       (:segment enemy)
-                                       false)
-        edge-steps (step-lengths-for-segment-lines (:level enemy)
-                                                   (:segment enemy))
-        offset0 (* (first edge-steps) (:step enemy))
-        offset1 (* (peek edge-steps) (:step enemy))
-        point0 (polar-extend offset0 (first edges))
-        point1 (polar-extend offset1 (peek edges))]
-    (polar-distance point0 point1)))
-(defn player-path-on-level
-  "Returns the path of polar coordinates to draw the player correctly at its
-   current location.  It corrects for size and angle."
-  [player]
-  (let [coord (polar-entity-coord player)]
-    (scale-path 0.6 (rotate-path
-     (enemy-angle player)
-     *player-path*))))
-(defn flipper-path-on-level
-  "Returns the path of polar coordinates to draw a flipper correctly at its
-   current location.  It corrects for size and angle."
-  [flipper]
-  (let [coord (polar-entity-coord flipper)]
-    (rotate-path
-     (enemy-angle flipper)
-     (flipper-path-with-width (* 0.8 (enemy-desired-width flipper))))))
-(defn projectile-path-on-level
-  "Returns the path of polar coordinates to draw a projectile correctly at its
-   current location.  It corrects for size and angle."
-  [projectile]
-  (let [coord (polar-entity-coord projectile)]
-    (rotate-path
-     (enemy-angle projectile)
-     (projectile-path-with-width (* 0.3 (enemy-desired-width projectile))))))
-(defn add-sub
-  "Given two polar coordinates, returns one polar coordinate with the first
-   elements (radii) summed, and the second elements (angles) subtracted.
-   i.e. [r1+r0, th1-th0].  This is used to move point0 to be relative to
-   point1."
-  [point0 point1]
-  [(+ (first point1) (first point0))
-   (- (peek point1) (peek point0))])
-(defn rebase-origin
-  "Return cartesian coordinate 'point' in relation to 'origin'."
-  [point origin]
-  (add-sub point origin))
-(defn polar-to-cartesian-centered
-  "Converts a polar coordinate (r,theta) into a cartesian coordinate (x,y)
-   centered on in a rectangle with given width and height."
-  [point {width :width height :height}]
-  (rebase-origin (polar-to-cartesian-coords point) [(/ width 2) (/ height 2)]))
-(defn draw-path
-  "Draws a 'path', a vector of multiple polar coordinates, on an HTML5 2D
-   drawing canvas.
-   context -- The '2D Context' of an HTML5 canvas element
-   origin -- The point (cartesian coordinate) to start drawing from
-   vecs -- Vector of polar coordinates to draw
-   skipfirst? -- Whether the first line described by vecs should be drawn.  If
-      no, the first line can be used to offset the path, in effect changing the
-      'midpoint' of the entity being drawn.  If yes, the 'midpoint' of the
-      object is the first vertex from which the first line is drawn.
-  "
-  [context origin vecs skipfirst?]
-  (do
-    (.moveTo context (first origin) (peek origin))    
-    ((fn [origin vecs skip?]
-       (if (empty? vecs)
-         nil
-         (let [line (first vecs)
-               point (rebase-origin (polar-to-cartesian-coords line) origin)]
-           (if-not skip?
-             (.lineTo context (first point) (peek point))
-             (.moveTo context (first point) (peek point)))
-           (recur point (next vecs) false))))
-     origin vecs skipfirst?)
-    (.stroke context)))
-(defn polar-to-cartesian-coords
-  "Converts polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates.  If optional length-fn
-   is specified, it is applied to the radius first."
-  ([[r angle]] [(math/angleDx angle r) (math/angleDy angle r)])
-  ([[r angle] length-fn]
-     (let [newr (length-fn r)]
-       [(math/angleDx angle newr) (math/angleDy angle newr)])
-     )
-  )
-(defn polar-distance
-  "Returns distance between to points specified by polar coordinates."
-  [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
-  (js/Math.sqrt
-   (+
-    (js/Math.pow r0 2)
-    (js/Math.pow r1 2)
-    (* -2 r0 r1 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad (- theta1 theta0)))))))
-(defn polar-midpoint-r
-  "Returns the radius to the midpoint of a line drawn between two polar
-   coordinates."
-  [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
-  (js/Math.round
-   (/
-    (js/Math.sqrt 
-     (+
-      (js/Math.pow r0 2)
-      (js/Math.pow r1 2)
-      (* 2 r0 r1 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad (- theta1 theta0))))))
-    2)))
-(defn polar-midpoint-theta
-  "Returns the angle to the midpoint of a line drawn between two polar
-   coordinates."
-  [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
-  (js/Math.round
-   (mod
-    (+ (util/rad-to-deg
-        (js/Math.atan2
-         (+
-          (* r0 (js/Math.sin (util/deg-to-rad theta0)))
-          (* r1 (js/Math.sin (util/deg-to-rad theta1))))
-         (+
-          (* r0 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad theta0)))
-          (* r1 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad theta1))))
-         ))
-       360) 360)))
-(defn polar-midpoint
-  "Returns polar coordinate representing the midpoint between the two
-   points specified.  This can be used to draw a line down the middle
-   of a level segment -- the line that entities should follow."
-  [point0 point1]
-  [(polar-midpoint-r point0 point1)
-   (polar-midpoint-theta point0 point1)]
-  )
-(defn segment-midpoint
-  "Given a level and a segment index, returns the midpoint of the segment.
-   scaled? determines whether it gives you the inner (false) or outer (true)
-   point."
-  [level seg-idx scaled?]
-  (apply polar-midpoint
-         (polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx scaled?)))
-(defn polar-lines-for-segment
-  "Returns vector [line0 line1], where lineN is a polar coordinate describing
-   the line from origin (canvas midpoint) that would draw the edges of a level
-   segment.
-   'scaled?' sets whether you want the unscaled, inner point, or the
-   outer point scaled with the level's scale function.
-   To actually draw a level's line, you would move to the unscaled point
-   without drawing, and then draw to the scaled point.
-   "
-  [level seg-idx scaled?]
-  (let [[seg0 seg1] (get (:segments level) seg-idx)
-        line0 (get (:lines level) seg0)
-        line1 (get (:lines level) seg1)]
-    (if (true? scaled?)
-      [(scale-polar-coord (:length-fn level) line0)
-       (scale-polar-coord (:length-fn level) line1)]
-      [line0 line1]
-      )))
-(defn rectangle-for-segment
-  "Returns vector [[x0 y0] [x1 y1] [x2 y2] [x3 y3]] describing segment's
-   rectangle in cartesian coordinates."
-  [level seg-idx]
-  (let [[seg0 seg1] (get (:segments level) seg-idx)
-        line0 (get (:lines level) seg0)
-        line1 (get (:lines level) seg1)]
-    [(polar-to-cartesian-coords line0)
-     (polar-to-cartesian-coords line0 (:length-fn level))
-     (polar-to-cartesian-coords line1 (:length-fn level))
-     (polar-to-cartesian-coords line1)]
-    ))
-(defn point-to-canvas-coords
-  "Center a cartesian coordinate centered around (0,0) to be centered around
-   the middle of a rectangle with the given width and height.  It inverts y,
-   assuming that the input y is 'up', and in the output y is 'down', as is
-   the case with an HTML5 canvas."
-  [{width :width height :height} p]
-  (let [xmid (/ width 2)
-        ymid (/ height 2)]
-    [(+ (first p) xmid) (- ymid (peek p))]
-  ))
-(defn rectangle-to-canvas-coords
-  "Given a rectangle (vector of 4 cartesian coordinates) centered around (0,0),
-   this function shifts them to be centered around the center of an HTML5
-   canvas with the :width and :height set in dims."
-  [dims rect]
-  (map #(point-to-canvas-coords dims %) rect)
-  )
-(defn draw-rectangle
-  "Draws a rectangle (4 cartesian coordinates in a vector) on the 2D context
-   of an HTML5 canvas."
-  [context [p0 & points]]
-  (.moveTo context (first p0) (peek p0))
-  (doseq [p points]
-    (.lineTo context (first p) (peek p)))
-  (.lineTo context (first p0) (peek p0))
-  (.stroke context)
-  )
-(defn step-length-segment-midpoint
-  "Finds the 'step length' of a line through the middle of a level's segment.
-   This is how many pixels an entity should move per update to travel one
-   step."
-  [level seg-idx]
-  (/
-   (-
-    (first (segment-midpoint level seg-idx true))
-    (first (segment-midpoint level seg-idx false)))
-   (:steps level)))
-(defn step-length-segment-edge
-  "Finds the 'step length' of a line along the edge of a level's segment."
-  [level line]
-  (/
-   (-
-    ((:length-fn level) (first line))
-    (first line))
-   (:steps level)))
-(defn step-length-line
-  "Finds the 'step length' of an arbitrary line on the given level."
-  [level point0 point1]
-  (js/Math.abs
-   (/
-    (-
-     (first point0)
-     (first point1))
-    (:steps level))))
-(defn step-lengths-for-segment-lines
-  "Returns a vector [len0 len1] with the 'step length' for the two edge
-   lines that mark the boundaries of the given segment."
-  [level seg-idx]
-  (let [coords (concat (polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx false)
-                       (polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx true))
-        line0 (take-nth 2 coords)
-        line1 (take-nth 2 (rest coords))]
-    [(apply #(step-length-line level %1 %2) line0)
-     (apply #(step-length-line level %1 %2) line1)]))
-(defn entity-between-steps
-  "Returns true of entity is on seg-idx, and between steps step0 and step1,
-   inclusive."
-  [seg-idx step0 step1 entity]
-  (let [min (min step0 step1)
-        max (max step0 step1)]
-    (and
-     (= (:segment entity) seg-idx)
-     (>= (:step entity) min)
-     (<= (:step entity) max))))
-(defn test-entity-between-steps []
-  (and
-   (true? (entity-between-steps 0 0 10 (build-enemy level 0 :step 5)))
-   (false? (entity-between-steps 0 0 10 (build-enemy level 0 :step 15)))
-   (false? (entity-between-steps 0 0 10 (build-enemy level 1 :step 5)))
-   (false? (entity-between-steps 5 10 20 (build-enemy level 5 :step 5)))
-   (true? (entity-between-steps 5 10 20 (build-enemy level 5 :step 15)))
-  ))
-(defn projectiles-after-collision
-  "Given an entity and a list of projectiles, returns the entity and updated
-   list of projectiles after collisions.  The entity's hits-remaining counter
-   is decremented on a collision, and the projectile is removed."
-  [entity projectile-list]
-  ((fn [entity projectiles-in projectiles-out was-hit?]
-     (if (empty? projectiles-in)
-       {:entity entity :projectiles projectiles-out :was-hit? was-hit?}
-       (let [bullet (first projectiles-in)
-             collision? (entity-between-steps
-                         (:segment bullet)
-                         (:step bullet)
-                         (entity-next-step bullet)
-                         entity)]
-         (if collision?
-           (recur (decrement-enemy-hits entity)
-                  nil
-                  (concat projectiles-out (rest projectiles-in))
-                  true)
-           (recur entity
-                  (rest projectiles-in)
-                  (cons bullet projectiles-out)
-                  was-hit?)))))
-   entity projectile-list '() false))
-(defn test-projectiles-after-collision []
-  (let [level (get levels/*levels* 4)
-        projectiles (list (build-projectile level 0 -1 :step 9)
-                          (build-projectile level 0 -5 :step 9)
-                          (build-projectile level 0 1 :step 9)
-                          (build-projectile level 0 2 :step 9)
-                          (build-projectile level 0 5 :step 20)
-                          (build-projectile level 5 2 :step 9))
-        result (projectiles-after-collision
-                (build-enemy level 0 :step 10)
-                projectiles)]
-    (println (str "Projectiles: "
-                  (pr-str (count (:projectiles result)))
-                  " of "
-                  (pr-str (count projectiles))))
-    (println (str "Hits left: " (pr-str (:hits-remaining (:entity result)))))
-    (println (str "Was hit: " (pr-str (:was-hit? result))))
-     ))
-(defn entities-after-collisions
-  "Given a list of entities and a list of projectiles, returns the lists
-   with entity hit counts updated, entities removed if they have no hits
-   remaining, and collided projectiles removed.
-   See projectiles-after-collision, which is called for each entity in
-   entity-list."
-  [entity-list projectile-list]
-  ((fn [entities-in entities-out projectiles-in]
-     (if (empty? entities-in)
-       {:entities entities-out :projectiles projectiles-in}
-       (let [{entity :entity projectiles :projectiles was-hit? :was-hit?}
-             (projectiles-after-collision (first entities-in)
-                                          projectiles-in)]
-         (if (and was-hit? (<= (:hits-remaining entity) 0))
-           (recur (rest entities-in)
-                  entities-out
-                  projectiles)
-           (recur (rest entities-in)
-                  (cons entity entities-out)
-                  projectiles)))))
-   entity-list '() projectile-list))
-(defn test-entities-after-collisions []
-  (let [level (get levels/*levels* 4)
-        enemies (list (build-enemy level 0 :step 10)
-                      (build-enemy level 1 :step 20)
-                      (build-enemy level 2 :step 30)
-                      (build-enemy level 3 :step 40)
-                      (build-enemy level 4 :step 50)
-                      (build-enemy level 5 :step 60))
-        projectiles (list (build-projectile level 0 -5 :step 9)
-                          (build-projectile level 0 5 :step 9)
-                          (build-projectile level 1 -5 :step 19)
-                          (build-projectile level 1 5 :step 19)
-                          (build-projectile level 3 -5 :step 35)
-                          (build-projectile level 3 5 :step 35))
-        result (entities-after-collisions enemies projectiles)]
-    (println (str "Entities: "
-                  (pr-str (count (:entities result)))
-                  " of "
-                  (pr-str (count enemies))))
-    (println (str "Projectiles: "
-                  (pr-str (count (:projectiles result)))
-                  " of "
-                  (pr-str (count projectiles))))
-    ))
-(defn collisions-with-projectile
-  "Returns map with keys true and false.  Values under true key have or
-   will collide with bullet in the next bullet update.  Values under the
-   false key will not."
-  [enemy-list bullet]
-  (group-by (partial entity-between-steps
-                   (:segment bullet)
-                   (:step bullet)
-                   (entity-next-step bullet))
-            enemy-list))
-(defn decrement-enemy-hits
-  "Decrement hits-remaining count on given enemy."
-  [enemy]
-  (assoc enemy :hits-remaining (dec (:hits-remaining enemy))))
-;; Old, replaced collision detection code
-(defn remove-collided-enemies!
-  [bullet]
-  (def *enemy-list*
-    (atom (get (collisions-with-projectile @*enemy-list* bullet) false))))
-(defn collisions-with-projectile-list
-  "Calls collisions-with-projectile for every projectile in bullet-list.
-   Returns a dictionary with true key for all enemies involved in a collision,
-   and a false key for all unaffected enemies."
-  [enemy-list bullet-list]
-  (doall (map remove-collided-enemies! bullet-list)))
-(defn draw-line
-  "Draws a line on the given 2D context of an HTML5 canves element, between
-   the two given cartesian coordinates."
-  [context point0 point1]
-  (.moveTo context (first point0) (peek point0))
-  (.lineTo context (first point1) (peek point1))
-  (.stroke context))
-(defn draw-player
-  "Draws a player, defined by the given path 'player', on the 2D context of
-   an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
-   given level."
-  [context dims level player]
-  (doseq []
-    (.beginPath context)
-    (draw-path context
-               (vec (map js/Math.round
-                         (polar-to-cartesian-centered
-                          (polar-entity-coord player)
-                          dims)))
-               (round-path (player-path-on-level player))
-               true)
-    (.closePath context)))
-(defn draw-entities
-  "Draws all the entities, defined by paths in 'entity-list', on the 2D context
-   of an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
-   given level."
-  [context dims level entity-list]
-  (doseq [entity entity-list]
-    (.beginPath context)
-    (draw-path context
-               (polar-to-cartesian-centered (polar-entity-coord entity) dims)
-               (round-path ((:path-fn entity) entity))
-               true)
-    (.closePath context)))
-(defn draw-enemies
-  "Draws all the enemies, defined by paths in 'enemy-list', on the 2D context
-   of an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
-   given level. TODO: This only draws flippers."
-  [context dims level]
-  (doseq [enemy @*enemy-list*]
-    (.beginPath context)                           
-    (draw-path context
-               (polar-to-cartesian-centered (polar-entity-coord enemy) dims)
-               (flipper-path-on-level enemy)
-               true)
-    (.closePath context)))
-(defn draw-board
-  "Draws a level on a 2D context of an HTML5 canvas with :height and :width
-   specified in dims."
-  [context dims level]
-  (doseq []
-   (.beginPath context)
-   (doseq [idx (range (count (:segments level)))]
-      (draw-rectangle
-       context
-       (round-path (rectangle-to-canvas-coords
-        dims (rectangle-for-segment level idx)))))
-    (.closePath context)))
-(defn projectile-off-level?
-  "Returns true if a projectile has reached either boundary of the level."
-  [projectile]
-  (cond
-   (zero? (:step projectile)) true
-   (>= (:step projectile) (:steps (:level projectile))) true
-   :else false))
-(defn draw-world
-  "Call all of the drawing functions to redraw the scene, and update all
-   of the entities on the level."
-  [context dims level]
-  (doseq []
-    (.clearRect context 0 0 (:width dims) (:height dims))
-    (comment (.clearRect context
-                (/ (:width dims) 4) (/ (:height dims) 4)
-                (/ (:width dims) 2) (/ (:height dims) 2)))
-    ;;(draw-board context dims level)
-    (draw-player context dims level (deref *player*))
-    (draw-entities context dims level @*enemy-list*)
-    (draw-entities context dims level @*projectile-list*)
-    (when (not @*paused*)
-      (let [new-entities (entities-after-collisions @*enemy-list*
-                                                    @*projectile-list*)]
-        (def *projectile-list* (atom (:projectiles new-entities)))
-        (def *enemy-list* (atom (:entities new-entities))))
-      (def *projectile-list* (atom (update-entity-list @*projectile-list*)))
-      (def *projectile-list* (atom (remove projectile-off-level?
-                                           @*projectile-list*)))
-      (def *enemy-list* (atom (update-entity-list @*enemy-list*)))
-      (*animMethod* #(draw-world context dims level)))
-    (def *frame-count* (atom (inc @*frame-count*)))
-    (when (= 20 @*frame-count*)
-      (let [fps (/ (* 1000 @*frame-count*)
-                   (- ( @*frame-time*))]
-        (dom/setTextContent (dom/getElement "fps")
-                            (str "FPS: " (pr-str (js/Math.round fps)))))
-      (def *frame-count* (atom 0))
-      (def *frame-time* (atom (
-(defn add-player-projectile!
-  "Add a new projectile to the global list of live projectiles, originating
-   from the given player, on the segment he is currently on."
-  [player]
-  (let [level (:level player)
-        seg-idx (:segment player)
-        stride (:bullet-stride player)
-        step (:steps level)]
-    (reset! *projectile-list*
-            (conj @*projectile-list*
-                  (build-projectile level seg-idx stride :step step)))))
-(defn segment-player-left
-  "Returns the segment to the left of the player.  Loops around the level
-   on connected levels, and stops at 0 on unconnected levels."
-  [player]
-  (let [level (:level player)
-        seg-max (dec (count (:segments level)))
-        cur-seg (:segment player)
-        loops? (:loops? level)
-        new-seg (dec cur-seg)]
-    (if (< new-seg 0)
-      (if loops? seg-max 0)
-      new-seg)))
-(defn segment-player-right
-  "Returns the segment to the right of the player.  Loops around the level
-   on connected levels, and stops at max on unconnected levels."
-  [player]
-  (let [level (:level player)
-        seg-max (dec (count (:segments level)))
-        cur-seg (:segment player)
-        loops? (:loops? level)
-        new-seg (inc cur-seg)]
-    (if (> new-seg seg-max)
-      (if loops? 0 seg-max)
-      new-seg)))
-(defn set-global-player-segment!
-  "Sets global *player*'s segment key to a new value."
-  [seg-idx]
-  (reset! *player* (assoc @*player* :segment seg-idx)))
-(defn keypress
-  "Respond to keyboard key presses."
-  [event]
-  (let [player @*player*
-        key (.-keyCode event)]
-    (condp = key
-      key-codes/RIGHT (set-global-player-segment!
-                       (segment-player-right player))
-      key-codes/LEFT (set-global-player-segment!
-                      (segment-player-left player))
-      key-codes/SPACE (add-player-projectile! player)
-      key-codes/ESC (def *paused* (atom (not @*paused*)))
-      nil
-      )))
-(defn animationFrameMethod []
-  "Returns a callable javascript function to schedule a frame to be drawn.
-   Tries to use requestAnimationFrame, or the browser-specific version of
-   it that is available.  Falls back on setTimeout if requestAnimationFrame
-   is not available on player's browser.
-   requestAnimationFrame tries to figure out a consistent framerate based
-   on how long frame takes to render.
-   The setTimeout fail-over is hard-coded to attempt 30fps.
-   "
-  (let [window (dom/getWindow)
-        names ["requestAnimationFrame"
-               "webkitRequestAnimationFrame"
-               "mozRequestAnimationFrame"
-               "oRequestAnimationFrame"
-               "msRequestAnimationFrame"]
-        options (map (fn [name] #(aget window name)) names)]
-    ((fn [[current & remaining]]
-       (cond
-        (nil? current) #((.-setTimeout window) % (/ 1000 30))
-        (fn? (current)) (current)
-        :else (recur remaining)))
-     options)))
-(def ^{:doc
-       "Stores the frame-scheduling function for the current browser.
-        This function should be called at the end of each frame to
-        schedule the next frame to be drawn at the appropriate time."}
-  *animMethod* (animationFrameMethod))
 (defn ^:export canvasDraw
-  "Begins a camge of tempest.  'level' specified as a string representation
+  "Begins a game of tempest.  'level' specified as a string representation
    of an integer."
   (let [document (dom/getDocument)
-        timer (goog.Timer. 20)
         level (get levels/*levels* (- (js/parseInt level) 1))
         canvas (dom/getElement "canv-fg")
         context (.getContext canvas "2d")
@@ -917,54 +76,46 @@
         handler ( document)
         dims {:width (.-width canvas) :height (.-height canvas)}]
-    (.log js/console (str "Animation function: " (pr-str *animMethod*)))
-    (draw-board bgcontext dims level)
-    (def *frame-count* (atom 0))
-    (def *frame-time* (atom (
-    (def *enemy-list*
-      (atom
-       (list
-        (build-enemy level 0 :step 0)
-        (build-enemy level 1 :step 0)
-        (build-enemy level 1 :step 10)
-        (build-enemy level 1 :step 20)
-        (build-enemy level 1 :step 30)
-        (build-enemy level 1 :step 40)
-        (build-enemy level 1 :step 50)
-        (build-enemy level 1 :step 60)
-        (build-enemy level 1 :step 70)
-        (build-enemy level 3 :step 0)
-        (build-enemy level 3 :step 10)
-        (build-enemy level 3 :step 20)
-        (build-enemy level 3 :step 30)
-        (build-enemy level 3 :step 40)
-        (build-enemy level 3 :step 50)
-        (build-enemy level 3 :step 60)
-        (build-enemy level 3 :step 70)
-        (build-enemy level 7 :step 0)
-        (build-enemy level 7 :step 10)
-        (build-enemy level 7 :step 20)
-        (build-enemy level 7 :step 30)
-        (build-enemy level 7 :step 40)
-        (build-enemy level 7 :step 50)
-        (build-enemy level 8 :step 0)
-        (build-enemy level 8 :step 10)
-        (build-enemy level 8 :step 20)
-        (build-enemy level 8 :step 30)
-        (build-enemy level 8 :step 40)
-        (build-enemy level 8 :step 50)
-        (build-enemy level 8 :step 60)
-        (build-enemy level 11 :step 10))))
-    (def *player*
-      (atom (doall (build-player level 7))))
-    (def *projectile-list*
-      (atom (list)))
+    (.log js/console (str "Animation function: " (pr-str c/*animMethod*)))
+    (reset! c/*player* (c/build-player level 7))
+    (reset! c/*enemy-list*
+            (list
+             (c/build-enemy level 0 :step 0)
+             (c/build-enemy level 1 :step 0)
+             (c/build-enemy level 1 :step 10)
+             (c/build-enemy level 1 :step 20)
+             (c/build-enemy level 1 :step 30)
+             (c/build-enemy level 1 :step 40)
+             (c/build-enemy level 1 :step 50)
+             (c/build-enemy level 1 :step 60)
+             (c/build-enemy level 1 :step 70)
+             (c/build-enemy level 3 :step 0)
+             (c/build-enemy level 3 :step 10)
+             (c/build-enemy level 3 :step 20)
+             (c/build-enemy level 3 :step 30)
+             (c/build-enemy level 3 :step 40)
+             (c/build-enemy level 3 :step 50)
+             (c/build-enemy level 3 :step 60)
+             (c/build-enemy level 3 :step 70)
+             (c/build-enemy level 7 :step 0)
+             (c/build-enemy level 7 :step 10)
+             (c/build-enemy level 7 :step 20)
+             (c/build-enemy level 7 :step 30)
+             (c/build-enemy level 7 :step 40)
+             (c/build-enemy level 7 :step 50)
+             (c/build-enemy level 8 :step 0)
+             (c/build-enemy level 8 :step 10)
+             (c/build-enemy level 8 :step 20)
+             (c/build-enemy level 8 :step 30)
+             (c/build-enemy level 8 :step 40)
+             (c/build-enemy level 8 :step 50)
+             (c/build-enemy level 8 :step 60)
+             (c/build-enemy level 11 :step 10)))
-    (*animMethod* #(draw-world context dims level))
-    (events/listen handler "key" (fn [e] (keypress e)))))
+    (draw/draw-board bgcontext dims level)
+    (c/*animMethod* #(c/update-game! context dims level))
+    (events/listen handler "key" (fn [e] (c/keypress e)))))

diff --git a/tempest/tempest/core.cljs b/tempest/tempest/core.cljs
line changes: +397/-0
index 0000000..29eae94
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/tempest/core.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,397 @@
+(ns ^{:doc "
+Functions related to the game of tempest, and game state.
+Functions in this module create the game state, and modify it based on
+player actions or time.  This includes management of entities such as
+the player's ship, enemies, and projectiles.
+  tempest.core
+  (:require [tempest.levels :as levels]
+            [tempest.util :as util]
+            [tempest.draw :as draw]
+            [tempest.path :as path]
+            [goog.dom :as dom]
+            [ :as events]
+            [ :as key-codes]
+            [clojure.browser.repl :as repl]))
+(repl/connect "http://localhost:9000/repl")
+(def ^{:doc "Boolean flag to mark if the game is paused."}
+  *paused* (atom false))
+(defn build-projectile
+  "Returns a dictionary describing a projectile (bullet) on the given level,
+   in the given segment, with a given stride (steps per update to move, with
+   negative meaning in and positive meaning out), and given step to start on."
+  [level seg-idx stride & {:keys [step] :or {step 0}}]
+  {:step step
+   :stride stride
+   :segment seg-idx
+   :level level
+   :path-fn path/projectile-path-on-level
+   })
+(defn build-enemy
+  "Returns a dictionary describing an enemy on the given level and segment,
+   and starting on the given step.  Step defaults to 0 (innermost step of
+   level) if not specified. TODO: Only makes flippers."
+  [level seg-idx & {:keys [step] :or {step 0}}]
+  {:step step
+   :stride 1
+   :segment seg-idx
+   :path-fn path/flipper-path-on-level
+   :level level
+   :hits-remaining 1
+   :bounding-fn path/flipper-path-bounding-box
+   })
+(defn build-player
+  "Returns a dictionary describing a player on the given level and segment."
+  [level seg-idx]
+  {:segment seg-idx
+   :level level
+   :step (:steps level)
+   :bullet-stride -5})
+(defn entity-next-step
+  "Returns the next step position of given entity, taking into account
+   minimum and maximum positions of the level."
+  [entity]
+  (let [stride (:stride entity)
+        maxstep (:steps (:level entity))
+        newstep (+ stride (:step entity))]
+    (cond
+     (> newstep maxstep) maxstep
+     (< newstep 0) 0
+     :else newstep)))
+(defn test-entity-next-step []
+  (and
+   (= 11 (entity-next-step (build-enemy level 0 :step 10)))
+   (= 6 (entity-next-step (build-projectile level 0 -4 :step 10)))
+   (= 0 (entity-next-step (build-projectile level 0 -4 :step 0)))
+   (= 0 (entity-next-step (build-projectile level 0 -4 :step 2)))
+   (= 100 (entity-next-step (build-projectile level 0 4 :step 100)))
+   (= 100 (entity-next-step (build-projectile level 0 4 :step 98)))))
+(defn update-entity-position!
+  "Return entity updated with a new position based on its current location and
+   stride.  Won't go lower than 0, or higher than the maximum steps of the
+   level."
+  [entity]
+  (assoc entity :step (entity-next-step entity)))
+(defn test-update-entity-position! []
+  (and 
+   (= 11 (:step (update-entity-position! (build-enemy level 0 :step 10))))
+   (= 5 (:step (update-entity-position!
+                (build-projectile level 0 -5 :step 10))))
+   (= 15 (:step (update-entity-position!
+                (build-projectile level 0 5 :step 10))))
+   (= 0 (:step (update-entity-position!
+                (build-projectile level 0 -5 :step 0))))
+   (= 100 (:step (update-entity-position!
+                  (build-projectile level 0 5 :step 100))))))
+(defn update-entity-list
+  "Recursively call update-entity-position! on all entities in list."
+  [entity-list]
+  ((fn [oldlist newlist]
+     (let [entity (first oldlist)]
+       (if (empty? entity)
+         newlist
+         (recur (rest oldlist)
+                (cons (update-entity-position! entity) newlist))))
+         ) entity-list []))
+(defn entity-between-steps
+  "Returns true of entity is on seg-idx, and between steps step0 and step1,
+   inclusive."
+  [seg-idx step0 step1 entity]
+  (let [min (min step0 step1)
+        max (max step0 step1)]
+    (and
+     (= (:segment entity) seg-idx)
+     (>= (:step entity) min)
+     (<= (:step entity) max))))
+(defn test-entity-between-steps []
+  (and
+   (true? (entity-between-steps 0 0 10 (build-enemy level 0 :step 5)))
+   (false? (entity-between-steps 0 0 10 (build-enemy level 0 :step 15)))
+   (false? (entity-between-steps 0 0 10 (build-enemy level 1 :step 5)))
+   (false? (entity-between-steps 5 10 20 (build-enemy level 5 :step 5)))
+   (true? (entity-between-steps 5 10 20 (build-enemy level 5 :step 15)))
+  ))
+(defn projectiles-after-collision
+  "Given an entity and a list of projectiles, returns the entity and updated
+   list of projectiles after collisions.  The entity's hits-remaining counter
+   is decremented on a collision, and the projectile is removed."
+  [entity projectile-list]
+  ((fn [entity projectiles-in projectiles-out was-hit?]
+     (if (empty? projectiles-in)
+       {:entity entity :projectiles projectiles-out :was-hit? was-hit?}
+       (let [bullet (first projectiles-in)
+             collision? (entity-between-steps
+                         (:segment bullet)
+                         (:step bullet)
+                         (entity-next-step bullet)
+                         entity)]
+         (if collision?
+           (recur (decrement-enemy-hits entity)
+                  nil
+                  (concat projectiles-out (rest projectiles-in))
+                  true)
+           (recur entity
+                  (rest projectiles-in)
+                  (cons bullet projectiles-out)
+                  was-hit?)))))
+   entity projectile-list '() false))
+(defn test-projectiles-after-collision []
+  (let [level (get levels/*levels* 4)
+        projectiles (list (build-projectile level 0 -1 :step 9)
+                          (build-projectile level 0 -5 :step 9)
+                          (build-projectile level 0 1 :step 9)
+                          (build-projectile level 0 2 :step 9)
+                          (build-projectile level 0 5 :step 20)
+                          (build-projectile level 5 2 :step 9))
+        result (projectiles-after-collision
+                (build-enemy level 0 :step 10)
+                projectiles)]
+    (println (str "Projectiles: "
+                  (pr-str (count (:projectiles result)))
+                  " of "
+                  (pr-str (count projectiles))))
+    (println (str "Hits left: " (pr-str (:hits-remaining (:entity result)))))
+    (println (str "Was hit: " (pr-str (:was-hit? result))))
+     ))
+(defn entities-after-collisions
+  "Given a list of entities and a list of projectiles, returns the lists
+   with entity hit counts updated, entities removed if they have no hits
+   remaining, and collided projectiles removed.
+   See projectiles-after-collision, which is called for each entity in
+   entity-list."
+  [entity-list projectile-list]
+  ((fn [entities-in entities-out projectiles-in]
+     (if (empty? entities-in)
+       {:entities entities-out :projectiles projectiles-in}
+       (let [{entity :entity projectiles :projectiles was-hit? :was-hit?}
+             (projectiles-after-collision (first entities-in)
+                                          projectiles-in)]
+         (if (and was-hit? (<= (:hits-remaining entity) 0))
+           (recur (rest entities-in)
+                  entities-out
+                  projectiles)
+           (recur (rest entities-in)
+                  (cons entity entities-out)
+                  projectiles)))))
+   entity-list '() projectile-list))
+(defn test-entities-after-collisions []
+  (let [level (get levels/*levels* 4)
+        enemies (list (build-enemy level 0 :step 10)
+                      (build-enemy level 1 :step 20)
+                      (build-enemy level 2 :step 30)
+                      (build-enemy level 3 :step 40)
+                      (build-enemy level 4 :step 50)
+                      (build-enemy level 5 :step 60))
+        projectiles (list (build-projectile level 0 -5 :step 9)
+                          (build-projectile level 0 5 :step 9)
+                          (build-projectile level 1 -5 :step 19)
+                          (build-projectile level 1 5 :step 19)
+                          (build-projectile level 3 -5 :step 35)
+                          (build-projectile level 3 5 :step 35))
+        result (entities-after-collisions enemies projectiles)]
+    (println (str "Entities: "
+                  (pr-str (count (:entities result)))
+                  " of "
+                  (pr-str (count enemies))))
+    (println (str "Projectiles: "
+                  (pr-str (count (:projectiles result)))
+                  " of "
+                  (pr-str (count projectiles))))
+    ))
+(defn collisions-with-projectile
+  "Returns map with keys true and false.  Values under true key have or
+   will collide with bullet in the next bullet update.  Values under the
+   false key will not."
+  [enemy-list bullet]
+  (group-by (partial entity-between-steps
+                   (:segment bullet)
+                   (:step bullet)
+                   (entity-next-step bullet))
+            enemy-list))
+(defn decrement-enemy-hits
+  "Decrement hits-remaining count on given enemy."
+  [enemy]
+  (assoc enemy :hits-remaining (dec (:hits-remaining enemy))))
+(defn projectile-off-level?
+  "Returns true if a projectile has reached either boundary of the level."
+  [projectile]
+  (cond
+   (zero? (:step projectile)) true
+   (>= (:step projectile) (:steps (:level projectile))) true
+   :else false))
+(defn add-player-projectile!
+  "Add a new projectile to the global list of live projectiles, originating
+   from the given player, on the segment he is currently on."
+  [player]
+  (let [level (:level player)
+        seg-idx (:segment player)
+        stride (:bullet-stride player)
+        step (:steps level)]
+    (reset! *projectile-list*
+            (conj @*projectile-list*
+                  (build-projectile level seg-idx stride :step step)))))
+(defn segment-player-left
+  "Returns the segment to the left of the player.  Loops around the level
+   on connected levels, and stops at 0 on unconnected levels."
+  [player]
+  (let [level (:level player)
+        seg-max (dec (count (:segments level)))
+        cur-seg (:segment player)
+        loops? (:loops? level)
+        new-seg (dec cur-seg)]
+    (if (< new-seg 0)
+      (if loops? seg-max 0)
+      new-seg)))
+(defn segment-player-right
+  "Returns the segment to the right of the player.  Loops around the level
+   on connected levels, and stops at max on unconnected levels."
+  [player]
+  (let [level (:level player)
+        seg-max (dec (count (:segments level)))
+        cur-seg (:segment player)
+        loops? (:loops? level)
+        new-seg (inc cur-seg)]
+    (if (> new-seg seg-max)
+      (if loops? 0 seg-max)
+      new-seg)))
+(defn set-global-player-segment!
+  "Sets global *player*'s segment key to a new value."
+  [seg-idx]
+  (reset! *player* (assoc @*player* :segment seg-idx)))
+(defn keypress
+  "Respond to keyboard key presses."
+  [event]
+  (let [player @*player*
+        key (.-keyCode event)]
+    (condp = key
+      key-codes/RIGHT (set-global-player-segment!
+                       (segment-player-right player))
+      key-codes/LEFT (set-global-player-segment!
+                      (segment-player-left player))
+      key-codes/SPACE (add-player-projectile! player)
+      key-codes/ESC (def *paused* (atom (not @*paused*)))
+      nil
+      )))
+(defn animationFrameMethod []
+  "Returns a callable javascript function to schedule a frame to be drawn.
+   Tries to use requestAnimationFrame, or the browser-specific version of
+   it that is available.  Falls back on setTimeout if requestAnimationFrame
+   is not available on player's browser.
+   requestAnimationFrame tries to figure out a consistent framerate based
+   on how long frame takes to render.
+   The setTimeout fail-over is hard-coded to attempt 30fps.
+   "
+  (let [window (dom/getWindow)
+        names ["requestAnimationFrame"
+               "webkitRequestAnimationFrame"
+               "mozRequestAnimationFrame"
+               "oRequestAnimationFrame"
+               "msRequestAnimationFrame"]
+        options (map (fn [name] #(aget window name)) names)]
+    ((fn [[current & remaining]]
+       (cond
+        (nil? current) #((.-setTimeout window) % (/ 1000 30))
+        (fn? (current)) (current)
+        :else (recur remaining)))
+     options)))
+(def ^{:doc
+       "Stores the frame-scheduling function for the current browser.
+        This function should be called at the end of each frame to
+        schedule the next frame to be drawn at the appropriate time."}
+  *animMethod* (animationFrameMethod))
+(def *frame-count* (atom 0))
+(def *frame-time* (atom (
+(def *enemy-list* (atom (list)))
+(def *player* (atom (list)))
+(def *projectile-list* (atom (list)))
+(defn build-game-state
+  []
+  (atom
+   {:enemy-list '()
+    :projectile-list '()
+    :player '()
+    :context nil
+    :dims nil
+    :level nil
+    :frame-count 0
+    :frame-time 0
+    :paused? false
+    }))
+(defn update-game!
+  "Call all of the drawing functions to redraw the scene, and update all
+   of the entities on the level."
+  [context dims level]
+  (doseq []
+    (.clearRect context 0 0 (:width dims) (:height dims))
+    (draw/draw-player context dims level (deref *player*))
+    (draw/draw-entities context dims level @*enemy-list*)
+    (draw/draw-entities context dims level @*projectile-list*)
+    (when (not @*paused*)
+      (let [new-entities (entities-after-collisions @*enemy-list*
+                                                      @*projectile-list*)]
+        (def *projectile-list* (atom (:projectiles new-entities)))
+        (def *enemy-list* (atom (:entities new-entities))))
+      (def *projectile-list* (atom (update-entity-list @*projectile-list*)))
+      (def *projectile-list* (atom (remove projectile-off-level?
+                                           @*projectile-list*)))
+      (def *enemy-list* (atom (update-entity-list @*enemy-list*)))
+      (*animMethod* #(update-game! context dims level)))
+    (def *frame-count* (atom (inc @*frame-count*)))
+    (when (= 20 @*frame-count*)
+      (let [fps (/ (* 1000 @*frame-count*)
+                   (- ( @*frame-time*))]
+        (dom/setTextContent (dom/getElement "fps")
+                            (str "FPS: " (pr-str (js/Math.round fps)))))
+      (def *frame-count* (atom 0))
+      (def *frame-time* (atom (

diff --git a/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs b/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs
line changes: +106/-0
index 0000000..86ac2d7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/tempest/draw.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+(ns ^{:doc "
+Functions related to drawing on an HTML5 canvas.
+The functions in this module are responsible for drawing paths on an
+HTML5 canvas.  This includes both primitive draw functions, and higher
+level functions to draw complete game entities using the primitives.
+  tempest.draw
+  (:require [tempest.levels :as levels]
+            [tempest.util :as util]
+            [tempest.path :as path]
+            [goog.dom :as dom]))
+(defn draw-rectangle
+  "Draws a rectangle (4 cartesian coordinates in a vector) on the 2D context
+   of an HTML5 canvas."
+  [context [p0 & points]]
+  (.moveTo context (first p0) (peek p0))
+  (doseq [p points]
+    (.lineTo context (first p) (peek p)))
+  (.lineTo context (first p0) (peek p0))
+  (.stroke context)
+  )
+(defn draw-line
+  "Draws a line on the given 2D context of an HTML5 canves element, between
+   the two given cartesian coordinates."
+  [context point0 point1]
+  (.moveTo context (first point0) (peek point0))
+  (.lineTo context (first point1) (peek point1))
+  (.stroke context))
+(defn draw-path
+  "Draws a 'path', a vector of multiple polar coordinates, on an HTML5 2D
+   drawing canvas.
+   context -- The '2D Context' of an HTML5 canvas element
+   origin -- The point (cartesian coordinate) to start drawing from
+   vecs -- Vector of polar coordinates to draw
+   skipfirst? -- Whether the first line described by vecs should be drawn.  If
+      no, the first line can be used to offset the path, in effect changing the
+      'midpoint' of the entity being drawn.  If yes, the 'midpoint' of the
+      object is the first vertex from which the first line is drawn.
+  "
+  [context origin vecs skipfirst?]
+  (do
+    (.moveTo context (first origin) (peek origin))    
+    ((fn [origin vecs skip?]
+       (if (empty? vecs)
+         nil
+         (let [line (first vecs)
+               point (path/rebase-origin (path/polar-to-cartesian-coords line)
+                                         origin)]
+           (if-not skip?
+             (.lineTo context (first point) (peek point))
+             (.moveTo context (first point) (peek point)))
+           (recur point (next vecs) false))))
+     origin vecs skipfirst?)
+    (.stroke context)))
+(defn draw-player
+  "Draws a player, defined by the given path 'player', on the 2D context of
+   an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
+   given level."
+  [context dims level player]
+  (doseq []
+    (.beginPath context)
+    (draw-path context
+               (vec (map js/Math.round
+                         (path/polar-to-cartesian-centered
+                          (path/polar-entity-coord player)
+                          dims)))
+               (path/round-path (path/player-path-on-level player))
+               true)
+    (.closePath context)))
+(defn draw-entities
+  "Draws all the entities, defined by paths in 'entity-list', on the 2D context
+   of an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
+   given level."
+  [context dims level entity-list]
+  (doseq [entity entity-list]
+    (.beginPath context)
+    (draw-path context
+               (path/polar-to-cartesian-centered
+                (path/polar-entity-coord entity)
+                dims)
+               (path/round-path ((:path-fn entity) entity))
+               true)
+    (.closePath context)))
+(defn draw-board
+  "Draws a level on a 2D context of an HTML5 canvas with :height and :width
+   specified in dims."
+  [context dims level]
+  (doseq []
+   (.beginPath context)
+   (doseq [idx (range (count (:segments level)))]
+      (draw-rectangle
+       context
+       (path/round-path (path/rectangle-to-canvas-coords
+        dims (path/rectangle-for-segment level idx)))))
+    (.closePath context)))

diff --git a/tempest/tempest/levels.cljs b/tempest/tempest/levels.cljs
line changes: +60/-59
index a19fcf3..04841ab
--- a/tempest/tempest/levels.cljs
+++ b/tempest/tempest/levels.cljs
@@ -1,37 +1,42 @@
-(ns tempest.levels
+(ns ^{:doc "
+Functions related to generating paths representing levels.
+  tempest.levels
   (:require [tempest.util :as util]))
-;;;; Levels are defined by a vector of polar coordinates [r theta],
-;;;; which are used to build a vector of 'segments' that form a level.
-;;;; Levels can be manually specified by building a vector of lines
-;;;; manually.
-;;;; Some types of levels can be built automatically by calling helper
-;;;; functions in this module with various parameters.
-;;;; Levels are drawn radially, from the center point of the canvas.
-;;;; Levels are stored in the *levels* vector as a list of maps.
-;;;; Terminology in this module:
-;;;; "length" and "depth" both refer to how far from origin the inner
-;;;; line is drawn, in pixels.
-;;;; "length-fn" is a function to determine how long between inner and
-;;;; outer line.  Takes one argument 'r' to the inner line.  Returns
-;;;; 'r' to the outer line.  Default is 'inner r' multiplied by 4.
-;;;; "width" is how wide, in pixels, the outer line segment is.
-;;;; Enemies travel up segments in steps.  A level has the same number
-;;;; of steps per segment, but the size of the steps can vary depending
-;;;; on the dimensions of the segment.  Instead of keeping track of its
-;;;; coordinates, an enemy keeps track of which segment it is on, and
-;;;; how many steps up the segment.
+;; ## Level Terminology:
+;; *length* and *depth* both refer to how far from origin the inner
+;; line is drawn, in pixels.
+;; *length-fn* is a function to determine how long between inner and
+;; outer line.  Takes one argument 'r' to the inner line.  Returns
+;; 'r' to the outer line.  Default is 'inner r' multiplied by 4.
+;; *width* is how wide, in pixels, the outer line segment is.
+;; ## Level design
+;; Levels are defined by a vector of polar coordinates [r theta],
+;; which are used to build a vector of 'segments' that form a level.
+;; Levels can be manually specified by building a vector of lines
+;; manually.
+;; Some types of levels can be built automatically by calling helper
+;; functions in this module with various parameters.
+;; Levels are drawn radially, from the center point of the canvas.
+;; Levels are stored in the \*levels\* vector as a list of maps.
+;; Enemies travel up segments in steps.  A level has the same number
+;; of steps per segment, but the size of the steps can vary depending
+;; on the dimensions of the segment.  Instead of keeping track of its
+;; coordinates, an enemy keeps track of which segment it is on, and
+;; how many steps up the segment.
 (def ^{:doc "Default length, in pixels, from origin to inner line."}
@@ -60,18 +65,18 @@
-;; "Flat" level functions follow:
+;; ## "Flat" level functions
 ;; Functions for generating "flat" levels: levels where the edge appears as
 ;; a straight line.  Something like this garbage:
-;;       ___________________________
-;;      /  /  / |  |  |  |  |   \   \
-;;     /  |  |  |  |  |  |   |   \   \
-;;    /  /  |  |   |  |   |   |   |   \
-;;   /  /  /   |  |   |   |   |    |   \
-;;  /  /  /   |   |   |   |    |    |   \
-;; ----------------------------------------
+;;           ___________________________
+;;          /  /  / |  |  |  |  |   \   \
+;;         /  |  |  |  |  |  |   |   \   \
+;;        /  /  |  |   |  |   |   |   |   \
+;;       /  /  /   |  |   |   |   |    |   \
+;;      /  /  /   |   |   |   |    |    |   \
+;;     ----------------------------------------
 ;; Flat levels always start with a line dropped straight down, and build
 ;; out symmetrically from there.  The width of segments at the "outer" edge
@@ -111,21 +116,23 @@
-;; "Oblong" level functions follow:
+;; ## "Oblong" level functions
 ;; Functions for generating oblong triangles using Law of Cosines.
 ;; Use to generate arbitrary levels from a list of angles, gamma(0)..gamma(N),
-;; where gamma is the angle between the previous line segment 'towards the player'
-;; and the line segment that makes the 'width' of the segment.
-;;             ____
-;;            /    / \
-;;           /    /   \ 
-;;          /    /     /
-;;         /    /     /
-;; gamma1-/->  /     /
-;;       /____/     /
-;;             \  </--- gamma0
-;;              \ /
+;; where gamma is the angle between the previous line segment 'towards the
+;; player' and the line segment that makes the 'width' of the segment.
+;;                   ____
+;;                  /    / \
+;;                 /    /   \ 
+;;                /    /     /
+;;               /    /     /
+;;       gamma1-/->  /     /
+;;             /____/     /
+;;                   \  </--- gamma0
+;;                    \ /
 ;; Named 'oblong' after the triangles formed when the lines are extended to origin.
 ;; As opposed to the flat-levels, which are constructed of right triangles.
@@ -190,15 +197,9 @@

diff --git a/tempest/tempest/macros.clj b/tempest/tempest/macros.clj
line changes: +7/-2
index eb483ed..5fe9533
--- a/tempest/tempest/macros.clj
+++ b/tempest/tempest/macros.clj
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
-(ns tempest.macros)
+(ns tempest.macros
+  "Macros for Tempest, in separate namespace because of ClojureScript
+   limitation."
+  )
-(defmacro fntime [& body]
+(defmacro fntime
+  "Log time taken to run given expressions to javascript console."
+  [& body]
   `(let [starttime# (]

diff --git a/tempest/tempest/path.cljs b/tempest/tempest/path.cljs
line changes: +374/-0
index 0000000..18a2e0e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tempest/tempest/path.cljs
@@ -0,0 +1,374 @@
+(ns ^{:doc "
+Functions related to path and coordinate creation and manipulation.
+Functions in this module work with polar coordinates, cartesian coordinate,
+and 'paths' consisting of a sequence of coordinates.
+  tempest.path
+  (:require [tempest.levels :as levels]
+            [tempest.util :as util]
+            [goog.dom :as dom]
+            [goog.math :as math]))
+(defn add-sub
+  "Given two polar coordinates, returns one polar coordinate with the first
+   elements (radii) summed, and the second elements (angles) subtracted.
+   i.e. [r1+r0, th1-th0].  This is used to move point0 to be relative to
+   point1."
+  [point0 point1]
+  [(+ (first point1) (first point0))
+   (- (peek point1) (peek point0))])
+(defn rebase-origin
+  "Return cartesian coordinate 'point' in relation to 'origin'."
+  [point origin]
+  (add-sub point origin))
+(defn polar-to-cartesian-centered
+  "Converts a polar coordinate (r,theta) into a cartesian coordinate (x,y)
+   centered on in a rectangle with given width and height."
+  [point {width :width height :height}]
+  (rebase-origin (polar-to-cartesian-coords point) [(/ width 2) (/ height 2)]))
+(defn polar-to-cartesian-coords
+  "Converts polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates.  If optional length-fn
+   is specified, it is applied to the radius first."
+  ([[r angle]] [(math/angleDx angle r) (math/angleDy angle r)])
+  ([[r angle] length-fn]
+     (let [newr (length-fn r)]
+       [(math/angleDx angle newr) (math/angleDy angle newr)])
+     )
+  )
+(defn round-path-math
+  "Rounds all numbers in a path (vector of 2-tuples) to nearest integer."
+  [path]
+  (map (fn [coords]
+         [(js/Math.round (first coords))
+          (js/Math.round (peek coords))])
+       path))
+(defn round-path-hack
+  "Rounds all numbers in a path (vector of 2-tuples) to nearest integer.
+   ONLY WORKS WITH POSITIVE NUMBERS.  Faster than round-path-math."
+  [path]
+  (map (fn [[x y]]
+         [(js* "~~" (+ 0.5 x))
+          (js* "~~" (+ 0.5 y))])
+       path))
+;; Use round-path-hack for now, since it's theoretically faster
+(def round-path round-path-hack)
+(defn point-to-canvas-coords
+  "Center a cartesian coordinate centered around (0,0) to be centered around
+   the middle of a rectangle with the given width and height.  It inverts y,
+   assuming that the input y is 'up', and in the output y is 'down', as is
+   the case with an HTML5 canvas."
+  [{width :width height :height} p]
+  (let [xmid (/ width 2)
+        ymid (/ height 2)]
+    [(+ (first p) xmid) (- ymid (peek p))]
+  ))
+(defn rectangle-to-canvas-coords
+  "Given a rectangle (vector of 4 cartesian coordinates) centered around (0,0),
+   this function shifts them to be centered around the center of an HTML5
+   canvas with the :width and :height set in dims."
+  [dims rect]
+  (map #(point-to-canvas-coords dims %) rect)
+  )
+(defn rectangle-for-segment
+  "Returns vector [[x0 y0] [x1 y1] [x2 y2] [x3 y3]] describing segment's
+   rectangle in cartesian coordinates."
+  [level seg-idx]
+  (let [[seg0 seg1] (get (:segments level) seg-idx)
+        line0 (get (:lines level) seg0)
+        line1 (get (:lines level) seg1)]
+    [(polar-to-cartesian-coords line0)
+     (polar-to-cartesian-coords line0 (:length-fn level))
+     (polar-to-cartesian-coords line1 (:length-fn level))
+     (polar-to-cartesian-coords line1)]
+    ))
+(defn polar-entity-coord
+  "Returns current polar coordinates to the entity."
+  [entity]
+  (let [steplen (step-length-segment-midpoint (:level entity)
+                                              (:segment entity))
+        offset (* steplen (:step entity))
+        midpoint (segment-midpoint (:level entity) (:segment entity))]
+    (polar-extend offset midpoint)))
+(defn step-length-segment-midpoint
+  "Finds the 'step length' of a line through the middle of a level's segment.
+   This is how many pixels an entity should move per update to travel one
+   step."
+  [level seg-idx]
+  (/
+   (-
+    (first (segment-midpoint level seg-idx true))
+    (first (segment-midpoint level seg-idx false)))
+   (:steps level)))
+(defn step-length-segment-edge
+  "Finds the 'step length' of a line along the edge of a level's segment."
+  [level line]
+  (/
+   (-
+    ((:length-fn level) (first line))
+    (first line))
+   (:steps level)))
+(defn step-length-line
+  "Finds the 'step length' of an arbitrary line on the given level."
+  [level point0 point1]
+  (js/Math.abs
+   (/
+    (-
+     (first point0)
+     (first point1))
+    (:steps level))))
+(defn step-lengths-for-segment-lines
+  "Returns a vector [len0 len1] with the 'step length' for the two edge
+   lines that mark the boundaries of the given segment."
+  [level seg-idx]
+  (let [coords (concat (polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx false)
+                       (polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx true))
+        line0 (take-nth 2 coords)
+        line1 (take-nth 2 (rest coords))]
+    [(apply #(step-length-line level %1 %2) line0)
+     (apply #(step-length-line level %1 %2) line1)]))
+(defn polar-distance
+  "Returns distance between to points specified by polar coordinates."
+  [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
+  (js/Math.sqrt
+   (+
+    (js/Math.pow r0 2)
+    (js/Math.pow r1 2)
+    (* -2 r0 r1 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad (- theta1 theta0)))))))
+(defn polar-midpoint-r
+  "Returns the radius to the midpoint of a line drawn between two polar
+   coordinates."
+  [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
+  (js/Math.round
+   (/
+    (js/Math.sqrt 
+     (+
+      (js/Math.pow r0 2)
+      (js/Math.pow r1 2)
+      (* 2 r0 r1 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad (- theta1 theta0))))))
+    2)))
+(defn polar-midpoint-theta
+  "Returns the angle to the midpoint of a line drawn between two polar
+   coordinates."
+  [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
+  (js/Math.round
+   (mod
+    (+ (util/rad-to-deg
+        (js/Math.atan2
+         (+
+          (* r0 (js/Math.sin (util/deg-to-rad theta0)))
+          (* r1 (js/Math.sin (util/deg-to-rad theta1))))
+         (+
+          (* r0 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad theta0)))
+          (* r1 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad theta1))))
+         ))
+       360) 360)))
+(defn polar-midpoint
+  "Returns polar coordinate representing the midpoint between the two
+   points specified.  This can be used to draw a line down the middle
+   of a level segment -- the line that entities should follow."
+  [point0 point1]
+  [(polar-midpoint-r point0 point1)
+   (polar-midpoint-theta point0 point1)]
+  )
+(defn segment-midpoint
+  "Given a level and a segment index, returns the midpoint of the segment.
+   scaled? determines whether it gives you the inner (false) or outer (true)
+   point."
+  [level seg-idx scaled?]
+  (apply polar-midpoint
+         (polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx scaled?)))
+(defn scale-polar-coord
+  "Return a polar coordinate with the first element (radius) scaled using
+   the function scalefn"
+  [scalefn coord]
+  [(scalefn (first coord)) (peek coord)])
+(defn polar-extend
+  "Add 'length' to radius of polar coordinate."
+  [length coord]
+  [(+ length (first coord))
+   (peek coord)])
+(defn polar-lines-for-segment
+  "Returns vector [line0 line1], where lineN is a polar coordinate describing
+   the line from origin (canvas midpoint) that would draw the edges of a level
+   segment.
+   'scaled?' sets whether you want the unscaled, inner point, or the
+   outer point scaled with the level's scale function.
+   To actually draw a level's line, you would move to the unscaled point
+   without drawing, and then draw to the scaled point.
+   "
+  [level seg-idx scaled?]
+  (let [[seg0 seg1] (get (:segments level) seg-idx)
+        line0 (get (:lines level) seg0)
+        line1 (get (:lines level) seg1)]
+    (if (true? scaled?)
+      [(scale-polar-coord (:length-fn level) line0)
+       (scale-polar-coord (:length-fn level) line1)]
+      [line0 line1]
+      )))
+;; Path that defines player.
+(def ^{:doc "Path, in polar coordinates, describing the player's ship."}
+  *player-path*
+  [[40 90]
+   [44 196]
+   [27 333]
+   [17 135]
+   [30 11]
+   [30 349]
+   [17 225]
+   [27 27]
+   [44 164]])
+(defn bounding-box-from-radius
+  [origin radius]
+  (let [d (* radius 2)]
+    {:x (- (first origin) radius)
+     :y (- (peek origin) radius)
+     :width d
+     :height d}))
+(defn player-path-on-level
+  "Returns the path of polar coordinates to draw the player correctly at its
+   current location.  It corrects for size and angle."
+  [player]
+  (let [coord (polar-entity-coord player)]
+    (scale-path 0.6 (rotate-path
+     (enemy-angle player)
+     *player-path*))))
+(defn flipper-path-bounding-circle-radius
+  "Returns the radius of the bounding circle around the given flipper's path."
+  [path]
+  (max (map first path)))
+(defn flipper-path-on-level
+  "Returns the path of polar coordinates to draw a flipper correctly at its
+   current location.  It corrects for size and angle."
+  [flipper]
+  (let [coord (polar-entity-coord flipper)]
+    (rotate-path
+     (enemy-angle flipper)
+     (flipper-path-with-width (* 0.8 (entity-desired-width flipper))))))
+(defn projectile-path-on-level
+  "Returns the path of polar coordinates to draw a projectile correctly at its
+   current location.  It corrects for size and angle."
+  [projectile]
+  (let [coord (polar-entity-coord projectile)]
+    (rotate-path
+     (enemy-angle projectile)
+     (projectile-path-with-width (* 0.3 (entity-desired-width projectile))))))
+(defn flipper-path-with-width
+  "Returns a path to draw a 'flipper' enemy with given width."
+  [width]
+  (let [r (/ width (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad 16)))]
+    [[0 0]
+     [(/ r 2) 16]
+     [(/ r 4) 214]
+     [(/ r 4) 326]
+     [r 164]
+     [(/ r 4) 326]
+     [(/ r 4) 214]
+     [(/ r 2) 16]]))
+(defn projectile-path-with-width
+  "Returns a path to draw a projectile with the given width."
+  [width]
+  (let [r (/ width (* 2 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad 45))))
+        midheight (* r (js/Math.sin (util/deg-to-rad 45)))]
+    [[midheight 270]
+     [r 45]
+     [r 135]
+     [r 225]
+     [r 315]]))
+(defn rotate-path
+  "Add angle to all polar coordinates in path."
+  [angle path]
+  (map (fn [coords]
+         [(first coords)
+          (mod (+ angle (peek coords)) 360)])
+       path))
+(defn scale-path
+  "Multiply all lengths of polar coordinates in path by scale."
+  [scale path]
+  (map (fn [coords]
+         [(* scale (first coords))
+          (peek coords)])
+       path))
+(defn path-extend
+  "Add 'length' to all polar coordinates in path"
+  [length path]
+  (map #(polar-extend length %) path))
+(defn enemy-angle
+  "Returns the angle from origin that the enemy needs to be rotated to
+   appear in the correct orientation at its current spot on the level.
+   In reality, it returns the angle of the line that traverses the segment
+   across the midpoint of the enemy.  TODO: This should be renamed to
+   'entity-angle', it works with anything on the board."
+  [enemy]
+  (let [edges (polar-lines-for-segment (:level enemy)
+                                       (:segment enemy)
+                                       false)
+        edge-steps (step-lengths-for-segment-lines (:level enemy)
+                                                   (:segment enemy))
+        offset0 (* (first edge-steps) (:step enemy))
+        offset1 (* (peek edge-steps) (:step enemy))
+        point0 (polar-extend offset0 (first edges))
+        point1 (polar-extend offset1 (peek edges))]
+    (util/rad-to-deg
+     (apply js/Math.atan2
+            (vec (reverse (map - (polar-to-cartesian-coords point0)
+                      (polar-to-cartesian-coords point1))))))))
+(defn entity-desired-width
+  "Returns how wide the given enemy should be drawn to span the full width
+   of its current location.  In reality, that means returning the length of
+   the line that spans the level segment, cutting through the enemy's
+   midpoint.  TODO: rename this entity-desired-width."
+  [enemy]
+  (let [edges (polar-lines-for-segment (:level enemy)
+                                       (:segment enemy)
+                                       false)
+        edge-steps (step-lengths-for-segment-lines (:level enemy)
+                                                   (:segment enemy))
+        offset0 (* (first edge-steps) (:step enemy))
+        offset1 (* (peek edge-steps) (:step enemy))
+        point0 (polar-extend offset0 (first edges))
+        point1 (polar-extend offset1 (peek edges))]
+    (polar-distance point0 point1)))

diff --git a/tempest/tempest/util.cljs b/tempest/tempest/util.cljs
line changes: +12/-3
index 5f47ca5..c3f9ee5
--- a/tempest/tempest/util.cljs
+++ b/tempest/tempest/util.cljs
@@ -1,9 +1,18 @@
-(ns tempest.util)
+(ns ^{:doc "Small utility and math helper functions."}
+  tempest.util)
-(defn rad-to-deg [rad]
+(defn rad-to-deg
+  "Convert radians to degrees"
+  [rad]
   (/ (* rad 180) 3.14159265358979))
-(defn deg-to-rad [deg]
+(defn deg-to-rad
+  "Convert degrees to radians"
+  [deg]
   (/ (* deg 3.14159265358979) 180))
+(defn round
+  "Perform quick rounding of given number.  ONLY WORKS WITH POSITIVE NUMBERS."
+  [num]
+  (js* "~~" (+ 0.5 num)))