Last commit was a lie. Fixed animation method to be correct again, and replaced setInterval with setTimer since it's less accurate, but can be called once per frame like the other callbacks.
(defn animationFrameMethod []
(let [window (dom/getWindow)
- options (list (.-requestAnimationFrame window)
- (.-webkitRequestAnimationFrame window)
- (.-mozRequestAnimationFrame window)
- (.-oRequestAnimationFrame window)
- (.-msRequestAnimationFrame window))]
+ options (list #(.-requestAnimationFrame window)
+ #(.-webkitRequestAnimationFrame window)
+ #(.-mozRequestAnimationFrame window)
+ #(.-oRequestAnimationFrame window)
+ #(.-msRequestAnimationFrame window))]
((fn [[current & remaining]]
- (nil? current) #((.-setInterval window) % (/ 1000 60))
- (fn? current) current
+ (nil? current) #((.-setTimeout window) % (/ 1000 30))
+ (fn? (current)) (current)
:else (recur remaining)))
handler ( document)
dims {:width (.-width canvas) :height (.-height canvas)}]
+ (.log js/console (str "Animation function: " (pr-str *animMethod*)))
(draw-board bgcontext dims level)
(def *frame-count* (atom 0))
(*animMethod* #(draw-world context dims level))
- (events/listen handler "key" (fn [e] (keypress e)))
- (. timer (start))))
+ (events/listen handler "key" (fn [e] (keypress e)))))