(< newstep 0) (assoc object :step 0)
:else (assoc object :step newstep))))
-(comment (defn update-enemy-position [enemy]
- (if (< (:step enemy) (:steps (:level enemy)))
- (assoc enemy :step (+ (:stride enemy) (:step enemy)))
- enemy)))
(defn update-entity-list
"Recursively call update-entity-position! on all entities in list."
(defn polar-to-cartesian-coords
+ "Converts polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates. If optional length-fn
+ is specified, it is applied to the radius first."
([[r angle]] [(math/angleDx angle r) (math/angleDy angle r)])
([[r angle] length-fn]
(let [newr (length-fn r)]
-(defn polar-distance [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
+(defn polar-distance
+ "Returns distance between to points specified by polar coordinates."
+ [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
(js/Math.pow r0 2)
(js/Math.pow r1 2)
(* -2 r0 r1 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad (- theta1 theta0)))))))
-(defn polar-midpoint-r [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
+(defn polar-midpoint-r
+ "Returns the radius to the midpoint of a line drawn between two polar
+ coordinates."
+ [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
(* 2 r0 r1 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad (- theta1 theta0))))))
-(defn polar-midpoint-theta [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
+(defn polar-midpoint-theta
+ "Returns the angle to the midpoint of a line drawn between two polar
+ coordinates."
+ [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
(+ (util/rad-to-deg
360) 360)))
-(defn polar-midpoint [line0 line1]
- [(polar-midpoint-r line0 line1)
- (polar-midpoint-theta line0 line1)]
+(defn polar-midpoint
+ "Returns polar coordinate representing the midpoint between the two
+ points specified. This can be used to draw a line down the middle
+ of a level segment -- the line that entities should follow."
+ [point0 point1]
+ [(polar-midpoint-r point0 point1)
+ (polar-midpoint-theta point0 point1)]
-(defn segment-midpoint [level seg-idx scaled?]
+(defn segment-midpoint
+ "Given a level and a segment index, returns the midpoint of the segment.
+ scaled? determines whether it gives you the inner (false) or outer (true)
+ point."
+ [level seg-idx scaled?]
(apply polar-midpoint
(polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx scaled?)))
-;; Returns vector [line0 line1], where lineN is the polar coordinates
-;; describing an edge line of a segment.
-(defn polar-lines-for-segment [level seg-idx scaled?]
+(defn polar-lines-for-segment
+ "Returns vector [line0 line1], where lineN is a polar coordinate describing
+ the line from origin (canvas midpoint) that would draw the edges of a level
+ segment.
+ 'scaled?' sets whether you want the unscaled, inner point, or the
+ outer point scaled with the level's scale function.
+ To actually draw a level's line, you would move to the unscaled point
+ without drawing, and then draw to the scaled point.
+ "
+ [level seg-idx scaled?]
(let [[seg0 seg1] (get (:segments level) seg-idx)
line0 (get (:lines level) seg0)
line1 (get (:lines level) seg1)]
[line0 line1]
-;; Returns vector [[x0 y0] [x1 y1] [x2 y2] [x3 y3]] describing segment rectangle
-;; in cartesian coordinates.
-(defn rectangle-for-segment [level seg-idx]
+(defn rectangle-for-segment
+ "Returns vector [[x0 y0] [x1 y1] [x2 y2] [x3 y3]] describing segment's
+ rectangle in cartesian coordinates."
+ [level seg-idx]
(let [[seg0 seg1] (get (:segments level) seg-idx)
line0 (get (:lines level) seg0)
line1 (get (:lines level) seg1)]
(polar-to-cartesian-coords line1)]
-(defn point-to-canvas-coords [{width :width height :height} p]
+(defn point-to-canvas-coords
+ "Center a cartesian coordinate centered around (0,0) to be centered around
+ the middle of a rectangle with the given width and height. It inverts y,
+ assuming that the input y is 'up', and in the output y is 'down', as is
+ the case with an HTML5 canvas."
+ [{width :width height :height} p]
(let [xmid (/ width 2)
ymid (/ height 2)]
[(+ (first p) xmid) (- ymid (last p))]
-(defn rectangle-to-canvas-coords [dims rect]
+(defn rectangle-to-canvas-coords
+ "Given a rectangle (vector of 4 cartesian coordinates) centered around (0,0),
+ this function shifts them to be centered around the center of an HTML5
+ canvas with the :width and :height set in dims."
+ [dims rect]
(map #(point-to-canvas-coords dims %) rect)
-(defn rand-coord [{width :width height :height}]
- [(math/randomInt width)
- (math/randomInt height)])
-(defn draw-random-line [context dims]
- (let [[x1 y1] (rand-coord dims)
- [x2 y2] (rand-coord dims)]
- (.moveTo context x1,y1)
- (.lineTo context x2,y2)
- (.stroke context)))
-(defn draw-rectangle [context [p0 & points]]
+(defn draw-rectangle
+ "Draws a rectangle (4 cartesian coordinates in a vector) on the 2D context
+ of an HTML5 canvas."
+ [context [p0 & points]]
(.moveTo context (first p0) (last p0))
(doseq [p points]
(.lineTo context (first p) (last p)))
(.stroke context)
-(defn step-length-segment-midpoint [level seg-idx]
+(defn step-length-segment-midpoint
+ "Finds the 'step length' of a line through the middle of a level's segment.
+ This is how many pixels an entity should move per update to travel one
+ step."
+ [level seg-idx]
(first (segment-midpoint level seg-idx true))
(first (segment-midpoint level seg-idx false)))
(:steps level)))
-(defn step-length-segment-edge [level line]
+(defn step-length-segment-edge
+ "Finds the 'step length' of a line along the edge of a level's segment."
+ [level line]
((:length-fn level) (first line))
(first line))
(:steps level)))
-(defn step-length-line [level point0 point1]
+(defn step-length-line
+ "Finds the 'step length' of an arbitrary line on the given level."
+ [level point0 point1]
(first point1))
(:steps level))))
-(defn step-lengths-for-segment-lines [level seg-idx]
+(defn step-lengths-for-segment-lines
+ "Returns a vector [len0 len1] with the 'step length' for the two edge
+ lines that mark the boundaries of the given segment."
+ [level seg-idx]
(let [coords (concat (polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx false)
(polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx true))
line0 (take-nth 2 coords)
(apply #(step-length-line level %1 %2) line1)]))
-(defn draw-line [context point0 point1]
- (.moveTo context (first point0) (peek point0))
- (.lineTo context (first point1) (peek point1))
- (.stroke context))
+(defn draw-line
+ "Draws a line on the given 2D context of an HTML5 canves element, between
+ the two given cartesian coordinates."
+ [context point0 point1]
+ (.moveTo context (first point0) (peek point0))
+ (.lineTo context (first point1) (peek point1))
+ (.stroke context))
-(defn draw-player [context dims level player]
+(defn draw-player
+ "Draws a player, defined by the given path 'player', on the 2D context of
+ an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
+ given level."
+ [context dims level player]
(doseq []
(.beginPath context)
(draw-path context
(.closePath context)))
-(defn draw-entities [context dims level entity-list]
+(defn draw-entities
+ "Draws all the entities, defined by paths in 'entity-list', on the 2D context
+ of an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
+ given level."
+ [context dims level entity-list]
(doseq [entity entity-list]
(.beginPath context)
(draw-path context
(.closePath context)))
-(defn draw-enemies [context dims level]
+(defn draw-enemies
+ "Draws all the enemies, defined by paths in 'enemy-list', on the 2D context
+ of an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
+ given level. TODO: This only draws flippers."
+ [context dims level]
(doseq [enemy *enemy-list*]
(.beginPath context)
(draw-path context
(.closePath context)))
-(defn draw-board [context dims level]
+(defn draw-board
+ "Draws a level on a 2D context of an HTML5 canvas with :height and :width
+ specified in dims."
+ [context dims level]
(doseq []
(.beginPath context)
(doseq [idx (range (count (:segments level)))]
dims (rectangle-for-segment level idx))))
(.closePath context)))
-(defn projectile-off-level? [projectile]
+(defn projectile-off-level?
+ "Returns true if a projectile has reached either boundary of the level."
+ [projectile]
(zero? (:step projectile)) true
(>= (:step projectile) (:steps (:level projectile))) true
:else false))
-(defn draw-world [context dims level]
+(defn draw-world
+ "Call all of the drawing functions to redraw the scene, and update all
+ of the entities on the level."
+ [context dims level]
(doseq []
(.clearRect context 0 0 (:width dims) (:height dims))
(draw-board context dims level)
(draw-player context dims level (deref *player*))
- (comment (draw-enemies context dims level))
(draw-entities context dims level *enemy-list*)
(draw-entities context dims level @*projectile-list*)
(when (not @*paused*)
(def *projectile-list* (atom (vec (remove projectile-off-level? @*projectile-list*))))
-(defn add-projectile [level seg-idx stride step]
+(defn add-projectile
+ "Add a new projectile to the global list of live projectiles."
+ [level seg-idx stride step]
(def *projectile-list*
(vec (conj @*projectile-list*
(build-projectile level seg-idx stride :step step))))))
-(defn keypress [event]
+(defn keypress
+ "Respond to keyboard key presses."
+ [event]
(let [player @*player*
level (:level player)
seg-count (count (:segments level))
(def *paused* (atom false))
-(defn ^:export canvasDraw [level]
+(defn ^:export canvasDraw
+ "Begins a camge of tempest. 'level' specified as a string representation
+ of an integer."
+ [level]
(let [document (dom/getDocument)
timer (goog.Timer. 50)
level (get levels/*levels* (- (js/parseInt level) 1))
(events/listen handler "key" (fn [e] (keypress e)))
(. timer (start))))
-(comment (defn ^:export canvasDraw []
- (let [canvas (dom/getElement "canv1")
- context (.getContext canvas "2d")
- timer (goog.Timer. 500)
- dims {:width 500 :height 400}]
- ;;(.log js/console (str "Enemy: " (pr-str (:segment enemy)))))
- (events/listen timer goog.Timer/TICK #(draw-random-line context dims))
- (. timer (start))
- )))