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date:Fri Mar 23 01:05:16 2012 -0400
More comments and docstrings
diff --git a/tempest/levels.cljs b/tempest/levels.cljs
line changes: +20/-10
index c0e08a8..9906ba8
--- a/tempest/levels.cljs
+++ b/tempest/levels.cljs
@@ -78,28 +78,32 @@
 ;; (closer to the player) is uniform.
-(defn theta-flat [n width depth]
+(defn theta-flat 
   "Return theta for segment n.  Width is width of segment at the outer edge,
    closest to the player, and depth is the distance to origin."
+  [n width depth]
   (js/Math.round (util/rad-to-deg (js/Math.atan (/ (* (+ n 1) width) depth)))))
-(defn r-flat [theta depth]
+(defn r-flat 
   "Return r for given theta (see theta-flat)."
+  [theta depth]
   (js/Math.round (/ depth (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad theta)))))
-(defn r-theta-pair-flat [n width depth angle-center angle-multiplier]
+(defn r-theta-pair-flat 
   "Returns [r theta] for nth straight line segment.  angle-center is the
    angle that theta should be in reference to (probably 270 degrees, a line
    straight down), and angle-multiplier should be -1 to built left or 1 to
    build right."
+  [n width depth angle-center angle-multiplier]
   (let [th (theta-flat n width depth)]
     [(r-flat th depth) (+ angle-center (* th angle-multiplier))]))
-(defn flat-level [segment-count segment-width segment-depth]
+(defn flat-level 
   "Return a list of line segments representing a flat level with segment-count
    segments ON EACH SIDE OF CENTER (2*segment-count total), width at the player
    edge of segment-width, and distance from origin to inner-edge as
+  [segment-count segment-width segment-depth]
   (concat (reverse (map #(r-theta-pair-flat % segment-width segment-depth 270 -1) (range segment-count)))
           [[80 270]]
           (map #(r-theta-pair-flat % segment-width segment-depth 270 1) (range segment-count))))
@@ -131,22 +135,24 @@
 ;; a list of angles.
-(defn r-oblong [gamma width r0]
+(defn r-oblong 
   "Calculate the next radius of an oblong triangle.  Depends on the gamma
    specified for this segment, the width of the segment, and the previous
    radius r0.  For the first segment, r0 should be straight down
    (270 degrees)."
+  [gamma width r0]
   (js/Math.sqrt (+ (js/Math.pow width 2)
                    (js/Math.pow r0 2)
                    (* -2 width r0 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad gamma)))
-(defn theta-oblong [width r1 r0 theta0 sumfn]
+(defn theta-oblong 
   "Calculate the next theta, the angle (in degrees) in relation to origin,
    for an oblong triangle.  This depends on the width of the segment, the
    previous radius r0, the current radius r1 (see r-oblong), the previous
    theta theta0.  Provide a function, either + or -, to determine the
    direction.  - builds segments clockwise, + builds counterclockwise."
+  [width r1 r0 theta0 sumfn]
   (sumfn theta0
      (util/rad-to-deg (js/Math.acos
                   (/  (+ (js/Math.pow r1 2)
@@ -154,16 +160,18 @@
                          (* -1 (js/Math.pow width 2)))
                       (* 2 r1 r0))))))
-(defn r-theta-pair-oblong [gamma width r0 theta0 sumfn]
+(defn r-theta-pair-oblong 
   "Return a vector [r theta] representing a line segment.  See
    theta-oblong and r-oblong for parameters."
+  [gamma width r0 theta0 sumfn]
   (let [r1 (r-oblong gamma width r0)]
     (vec (map js/Math.round [r1 (theta-oblong width r1 r0 theta0 sumfn)]))
-(defn oblong-half-level [gammas width height sumfn]
+(defn oblong-half-level 
   "Builds vector of line segments in relation to a line dropped straight down,
    with the angles given in gammas.  Only builds in one direction."
+  [gammas width height sumfn]
   ((fn [gammas r0 theta0 segments]
      (if (= (count gammas) 0)
@@ -171,9 +179,10 @@
          (recur (rest gammas) (first pair) (last pair) (cons pair segments)))))
    gammas height 270 []))
-(defn oblong-level [gammas width height]
+(defn oblong-level 
   "Builds a full level from the angles given in gammas.  Level is symmetric,
    and can be open or closed.  Always starts with a straight down line."
+  [gammas width height]
    (oblong-half-level gammas width height -)
    [[height 270]]
@@ -235,11 +244,12 @@
-(defn make-level-entry [lines loops?]
+(defn make-level-entry 
   "Make a map that defines a level.  A level contains a vector of lines, a
    vector of segments constructed of pairs of lines, and a length function.
    This function takes a vector of lines, and a boolean specifying whether
    the level is a closed loop, or open."
+  [lines loops?]
   {:lines lines
    :segments (build-segment-list (- (count lines) 1) loops?)
    :length-fn *default-length-fn*

diff --git a/tempest/tempest.cljs b/tempest/tempest.cljs
line changes: +114/-58
index 77b1aab..5426b91
--- a/tempest/tempest.cljs
+++ b/tempest/tempest.cljs
@@ -174,11 +174,6 @@
      (< newstep 0) (assoc object :step 0)
      :else (assoc object :step newstep))))
-(comment (defn update-enemy-position [enemy]
-  (if (< (:step enemy) (:steps (:level enemy)))
-    (assoc enemy :step (+ (:stride enemy) (:step enemy)))
-    enemy)))
 (defn update-entity-list
   "Recursively call update-entity-position! on all entities in list."
@@ -348,6 +343,8 @@
 (defn polar-to-cartesian-coords
+  "Converts polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates.  If optional length-fn
+   is specified, it is applied to the radius first."
   ([[r angle]] [(math/angleDx angle r) (math/angleDy angle r)])
   ([[r angle] length-fn]
      (let [newr (length-fn r)]
@@ -355,14 +352,19 @@
-(defn polar-distance [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
+(defn polar-distance
+  "Returns distance between to points specified by polar coordinates."
+  [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
     (js/Math.pow r0 2)
     (js/Math.pow r1 2)
     (* -2 r0 r1 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad (- theta1 theta0)))))))
-(defn polar-midpoint-r [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
+(defn polar-midpoint-r
+  "Returns the radius to the midpoint of a line drawn between two polar
+   coordinates."
+  [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
@@ -372,7 +374,10 @@
       (* 2 r0 r1 (js/Math.cos (util/deg-to-rad (- theta1 theta0))))))
-(defn polar-midpoint-theta  [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
+(defn polar-midpoint-theta
+  "Returns the angle to the midpoint of a line drawn between two polar
+   coordinates."
+  [[r0 theta0] [r1 theta1]]
     (+ (util/rad-to-deg
@@ -386,18 +391,35 @@
        360) 360)))
-(defn polar-midpoint [line0 line1]
-  [(polar-midpoint-r line0 line1)
-   (polar-midpoint-theta line0 line1)]
+(defn polar-midpoint
+  "Returns polar coordinate representing the midpoint between the two
+   points specified.  This can be used to draw a line down the middle
+   of a level segment -- the line that entities should follow."
+  [point0 point1]
+  [(polar-midpoint-r point0 point1)
+   (polar-midpoint-theta point0 point1)]
-(defn segment-midpoint [level seg-idx scaled?]
+(defn segment-midpoint
+  "Given a level and a segment index, returns the midpoint of the segment.
+   scaled? determines whether it gives you the inner (false) or outer (true)
+   point."
+  [level seg-idx scaled?]
   (apply polar-midpoint
          (polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx scaled?)))
-;; Returns vector [line0 line1], where lineN is the polar coordinates
-;; describing an edge line of a segment.
-(defn polar-lines-for-segment [level seg-idx scaled?]
+(defn polar-lines-for-segment
+  "Returns vector [line0 line1], where lineN is a polar coordinate describing
+   the line from origin (canvas midpoint) that would draw the edges of a level
+   segment.
+   'scaled?' sets whether you want the unscaled, inner point, or the
+   outer point scaled with the level's scale function.
+   To actually draw a level's line, you would move to the unscaled point
+   without drawing, and then draw to the scaled point.
+   "
+  [level seg-idx scaled?]
   (let [[seg0 seg1] (get (:segments level) seg-idx)
         line0 (get (:lines level) seg0)
         line1 (get (:lines level) seg1)]
@@ -407,9 +429,10 @@
       [line0 line1]
-;; Returns vector [[x0 y0] [x1 y1] [x2 y2] [x3 y3]] describing segment rectangle
-;; in cartesian coordinates.
-(defn rectangle-for-segment [level seg-idx]
+(defn rectangle-for-segment
+  "Returns vector [[x0 y0] [x1 y1] [x2 y2] [x3 y3]] describing segment's
+   rectangle in cartesian coordinates."
+  [level seg-idx]
   (let [[seg0 seg1] (get (:segments level) seg-idx)
         line0 (get (:lines level) seg0)
         line1 (get (:lines level) seg1)]
@@ -419,28 +442,30 @@
      (polar-to-cartesian-coords line1)]
-(defn point-to-canvas-coords [{width :width height :height} p]
+(defn point-to-canvas-coords
+  "Center a cartesian coordinate centered around (0,0) to be centered around
+   the middle of a rectangle with the given width and height.  It inverts y,
+   assuming that the input y is 'up', and in the output y is 'down', as is
+   the case with an HTML5 canvas."
+  [{width :width height :height} p]
   (let [xmid (/ width 2)
         ymid (/ height 2)]
     [(+ (first p) xmid) (- ymid (last p))]
-(defn rectangle-to-canvas-coords [dims rect]
+(defn rectangle-to-canvas-coords
+  "Given a rectangle (vector of 4 cartesian coordinates) centered around (0,0),
+   this function shifts them to be centered around the center of an HTML5
+   canvas with the :width and :height set in dims."
+  [dims rect]
   (map #(point-to-canvas-coords dims %) rect)
-(defn rand-coord [{width :width height :height}]
-  [(math/randomInt width)
-   (math/randomInt height)])
-(defn draw-random-line [context dims]
-  (let [[x1 y1] (rand-coord dims)
-        [x2 y2] (rand-coord dims)]
-    (.moveTo context x1,y1)
-    (.lineTo context x2,y2)
-    (.stroke context)))  
-(defn draw-rectangle [context [p0 & points]]
+(defn draw-rectangle
+  "Draws a rectangle (4 cartesian coordinates in a vector) on the 2D context
+   of an HTML5 canvas."
+  [context [p0 & points]]
   (.moveTo context (first p0) (last p0))
   (doseq [p points]
     (.lineTo context (first p) (last p)))
@@ -448,21 +473,29 @@
   (.stroke context)
-(defn step-length-segment-midpoint [level seg-idx]
+(defn step-length-segment-midpoint
+  "Finds the 'step length' of a line through the middle of a level's segment.
+   This is how many pixels an entity should move per update to travel one
+   step."
+  [level seg-idx]
     (first (segment-midpoint level seg-idx true))
     (first (segment-midpoint level seg-idx false)))
    (:steps level)))
-(defn step-length-segment-edge [level line]
+(defn step-length-segment-edge
+  "Finds the 'step length' of a line along the edge of a level's segment."
+  [level line]
     ((:length-fn level) (first line))
     (first line))
    (:steps level)))
-(defn step-length-line [level point0 point1]
+(defn step-length-line
+  "Finds the 'step length' of an arbitrary line on the given level."
+  [level point0 point1]
@@ -470,7 +503,10 @@
      (first point1))
     (:steps level))))
-(defn step-lengths-for-segment-lines [level seg-idx]
+(defn step-lengths-for-segment-lines
+  "Returns a vector [len0 len1] with the 'step length' for the two edge
+   lines that mark the boundaries of the given segment."
+  [level seg-idx]
   (let [coords (concat (polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx false)
                        (polar-lines-for-segment level seg-idx true))
         line0 (take-nth 2 coords)
@@ -479,13 +515,20 @@
      (apply #(step-length-line level %1 %2) line1)]))
-(defn draw-line [context point0 point1]
-    (.moveTo context (first point0) (peek point0))
-    (.lineTo context (first point1) (peek point1))
-    (.stroke context))
+(defn draw-line
+  "Draws a line on the given 2D context of an HTML5 canves element, between
+   the two given cartesian coordinates."
+  [context point0 point1]
+  (.moveTo context (first point0) (peek point0))
+  (.lineTo context (first point1) (peek point1))
+  (.stroke context))
-(defn draw-player [context dims level player]
+(defn draw-player
+  "Draws a player, defined by the given path 'player', on the 2D context of
+   an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
+   given level."
+  [context dims level player]
   (doseq []
     (.beginPath context)
     (draw-path context
@@ -497,7 +540,11 @@
     (.closePath context)))
-(defn draw-entities [context dims level entity-list]
+(defn draw-entities
+  "Draws all the entities, defined by paths in 'entity-list', on the 2D context
+   of an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
+   given level."
+  [context dims level entity-list]
   (doseq [entity entity-list]
     (.beginPath context)
     (draw-path context
@@ -506,7 +553,11 @@
     (.closePath context)))
-(defn draw-enemies [context dims level]
+(defn draw-enemies
+  "Draws all the enemies, defined by paths in 'enemy-list', on the 2D context
+   of an HTML5 canvas, with :height and :width specified in dims, and on the
+   given level. TODO: This only draws flippers."
+  [context dims level]
   (doseq [enemy *enemy-list*]
     (.beginPath context)
     (draw-path context
@@ -515,7 +566,10 @@
     (.closePath context)))
-(defn draw-board [context dims level]
+(defn draw-board
+  "Draws a level on a 2D context of an HTML5 canvas with :height and :width
+   specified in dims."
+  [context dims level]
   (doseq []
    (.beginPath context)
     (doseq [idx (range (count (:segments level)))]
@@ -525,18 +579,22 @@
         dims (rectangle-for-segment level idx))))
     (.closePath context)))
-(defn projectile-off-level? [projectile]
+(defn projectile-off-level?
+  "Returns true if a projectile has reached either boundary of the level."
+  [projectile]
    (zero? (:step projectile)) true
    (>= (:step projectile) (:steps (:level projectile))) true
    :else false))
-(defn draw-world [context dims level]
+(defn draw-world
+  "Call all of the drawing functions to redraw the scene, and update all
+   of the entities on the level."
+  [context dims level]
   (doseq []
    (.clearRect context 0 0 (:width dims) (:height dims))
    (draw-board context dims level)
    (draw-player context dims level (deref *player*))
-   (comment (draw-enemies context dims level))
    (draw-entities context dims level *enemy-list*)
    (draw-entities context dims level @*projectile-list*)
    (when (not @*paused*)
@@ -545,13 +603,17 @@
      (def *projectile-list* (atom (vec (remove projectile-off-level? @*projectile-list*))))
-(defn add-projectile [level seg-idx stride step]
+(defn add-projectile
+  "Add a new projectile to the global list of live projectiles."
+  [level seg-idx stride step]
   (def *projectile-list*
      (vec (conj @*projectile-list*
                 (build-projectile level seg-idx stride :step step))))))
-(defn keypress [event]
+(defn keypress
+  "Respond to keyboard key presses."
+  [event]
   (let [player @*player*
         level (:level player)
         seg-count (count (:segments level))
@@ -574,7 +636,10 @@
 (def *paused* (atom false))
-(defn ^:export canvasDraw [level]
+(defn ^:export canvasDraw
+  "Begins a camge of tempest.  'level' specified as a string representation
+   of an integer."
+  [level]
   (let [document (dom/getDocument)
         timer (goog.Timer. 50)
         level (get levels/*levels* (- (js/parseInt level) 1))
@@ -600,12 +665,3 @@
     (events/listen handler "key" (fn [e] (keypress e)))
     (. timer (start))))
-(comment (defn ^:export canvasDraw []
-  (let [canvas (dom/getElement "canv1")
-        context (.getContext canvas "2d")
-        timer (goog.Timer. 500)
-        dims {:width 500 :height 400}]
-    ;;(.log js/console (str "Enemy: " (pr-str (:segment enemy)))))
-    (events/listen timer goog.Timer/TICK #(draw-random-line context dims))
-    (. timer (start))
-  )))