summary history branches tags files
Commit Message Author Date Diff Refs
ba61b41 Test alarms Trevor Bentley 2017-08-06 1 (+14/-0)
aa96568 Add API for registering multiple alarm clocks (Daily, Weekdays, or Weekends) Trevor Bentley 2017-06-16 5 (+170/-3)
e9970c1 Add quick-save and search buttons. Trevor Bentley 2017-08-05 8 (+246/-74)
6585d83 Add dependencies to readme Trevor Bentley 2017-08-05 1 (+7/-0)
0c2ed9a Remove hyper submodule. Compatible version published now. Trevor Bentley 2017-08-04 3 (+1/-6)
035a9e3 Delete rubrail submodule. It exists on its own now. Trevor Bentley 2017-08-04 2 (+0/-4)
ba6dad6 Accept UTF-8 in web config Trevor Bentley 2017-08-04 1 (+1/-1)
9c9b22c Github markdown :( Trevor Bentley 2017-08-04 1 (+4/-5)
8febb92 Wait less time before refreshing after commands Trevor Bentley 2017-08-04 1 (+10/-2)
d4e332c Readme format update for 0.2.0. Trevor Bentley 2017-08-04 1 (+69/-39)
68458ea Add script to generate release zips on OS X Trevor Bentley 2017-08-04 1 (+15/-0)
17e67b0 Add button to go to Spotify's web player search Trevor Bentley 2017-08-04 1 (+7/-0)
1094609 Add touchbar screenshot Trevor Bentley 2017-08-03 1 (+0/-0)
4a376c9 (cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.2.1-rc Trevor Bentley 2017-08-03 1 (+1/-1)
402caff Release 0.2.0 Trevor Bentley 2017-08-03 1 (+1/-1)
1f0b148 Use proper HTTP response for web config reply. Quit Windows cleanly. Trevor Bentley 2017-08-03 2 (+7/-3)
0eb3b4b Delay automated tests to wait for HTTP server to really start Trevor Bentley 2017-08-03 1 (+3/-0)
eef451d Move to builder pattern for initializing Spotify API, so tests can fake it Trevor Bentley 2017-08-03 3 (+81/-42)
96c24f3 Fruitbasket 0.5, handle launching on non-OS-X Trevor Bentley 2017-08-02 2 (+12/-9)
30de5c7 Handle new error code from fruitbasket Trevor Bentley 2017-08-02 2 (+2/-2)
7310fd9 Update test case for new optional API Trevor Bentley 2017-08-02 1 (+3/-3)
6ce033f Support configuring Connectr via local web server Trevor Bentley 2017-08-02 8 (+377/-142)
bbb3d0e Switch to self-bundling and Mac app handling with fruitbasket Trevor Bentley 2017-07-30 9 (+63/-91)
eae57f0 (cargo-release) start next development iteration 0.1.1-rc Trevor Bentley 2017-07-26 1 (+1/-1)
fe7c26e Release 0.1.0 Trevor Bentley 2017-07-26 1 (+1/-1)
897956a Support cargo-release Trevor Bentley 2017-07-26 1 (+12/-0)
79d32c8 Bump cocoa dep Trevor Bentley 2017-07-26 1 (+1/-1)
02a65b4 Bump to Rubrail 0.4.2. Build on Travis with Xcode 8.3 to support it. Trevor Bentley 2017-07-26 3 (+5/-4)
af5b720 Fix rubrail submodule to point to https instead of ssh Trevor Bentley 2017-07-26 1 (+1/-1)
9698d5b Point to rubrail 0.4.1 Trevor Bentley 2017-07-26 2 (+7/-7)
7182c1c Use rubrail 0.5.0 in Trevor Bentley 2017-07-26 1 (+8/-8)
70de127 Tap support for touchbar "now playing". Fix crash on unknown play state. Trevor Bentley 2017-07-26 5 (+99/-34)
af33aef Support swipe-selection on the track title Trevor Bentley 2017-07-25 1 (+35/-7)
62b6ab4 Give more touchbar space for track title Trevor Bentley 2017-07-24 1 (+1/-1)
e657cce Bump rubrail submodule Trevor Bentley 2017-07-24 1 (+1/-1)
460bb07 Shrink touchbar buttons. Alternate play/pause icons. Trevor Bentley 2017-07-24 1 (+23/-6)
db75c87 Don't panic on failed Spotify commands Trevor Bentley 2017-07-24 1 (+2/-5)
01f4c9c Spotify web requests moved to separate thread. Touch Bar fully functional Trevor Bentley 2017-07-24 1 (+146/-96)
52fbd87 Device and Preset touchbar UIs working Trevor Bentley 2017-07-23 2 (+36/-19)
a603330 Clean up more touchbar->rubrail stuff Trevor Bentley 2017-07-21 1 (+0/-6)
5fec43f Cleanup touchbar->rubrail transition Trevor Bentley 2017-07-21 1 (+3/-7)
64c377a Remove Touchbar mod that became Rubrail Trevor Bentley 2017-07-21 1 (+0/-741)
ccae0ed Add support for Rubrail Trevor Bentley 2017-07-21 4 (+274/-183)
7a3e27c Add rubrail dependency Trevor Bentley 2017-07-20 2 (+4/-0)
74db92b Rustify touchbar interface Trevor Bentley 2017-07-12 2 (+82/-60)
c331b83 Support sliders Trevor Bentley 2017-07-12 2 (+52/-63)
d9b427a Buttons call up the stack Trevor Bentley 2017-07-10 2 (+71/-16)
be5d099 Trait instead of fn pointers Trevor Bentley 2017-07-10 2 (+11/-45)
d0c1de8 scrubber callbacks mostly working Trevor Bentley 2017-07-10 2 (+101/-60)
29ed314 touchbar scrubber temp progress Trevor Bentley 2017-07-09 4 (+613/-32)