summary history branches tags files
Commit Message Author Date Diff Refs
4cfd179 Collision detection with bullets started. Bullets kill enemies, but not in the correct way. mrmekon 2012-03-23 1 (+98/-19)
b425b7b Fixed the 0-width segment on level 6. mrmekon 2012-03-23 1 (+1/-1)
a3570b5 Merge remote-tracking branch 'emezeske/master' mrmekon 2012-03-23 7 (+286/-278)
cf0b8e4 More comments and docstrings mrmekon 2012-03-23 2 (+134/-68)
1002f53 Comments and docstrings. mrmekon 2012-03-23 1 (+149/-67)
5a9685c Shameless plug of the lein-cljsbuild plugin. Evan Mezeske 2012-03-22 7 (+276/-268)
e742a21 Projectiles removed when they hit an extremity, instead of piling up at the edges. mrmekon 2012-03-22 1 (+20/-11)
f719407 More README changes mrmekon 2012-03-22 1 (+17/-3)
bdc85af New screenshot mrmekon 2012-03-22 1 (+2/-0)
59b1bee Space bar shoots. Projectiles also unfinished, but they travel down the level. Never cleaned up, and no collision detection. Some changes to drawing paths so they can be centered around an arbitrary point. mrmekon 2012-03-22 1 (+120/-46)
88bdedc Refactored drawing code, and started filling out code to draw and move player. Left and right keys move player around the board, but it's unfinished. mrmekon 2012-03-21 3 (+115/-63)
a54d370 Test animation of enemies crawling up the level is basically working. mrmekon 2012-03-20 1 (+114/-40)
85cb1d8 Building out a bunch more functions to manipulate objects on a level. Reaching the point where this design crumbles. Moving an enemy down the level is going to take millions of calculations, I think. mrmekon 2012-03-19 1 (+62/-2)
61caeda Removed build files. Added path to draw 'flipper' enemy. Building out functions to manipulate objects by polar coordinates. These will eventually be used for enemy movement. mrmekon 2012-03-19 7 (+149/-22094)
491f67d Started implementing player. Player's ship can be drawn in any orientation. mrmekon 2012-03-18 1 (+76/-0)
d44d220 Testing out screenshots in README Trevor Bentley 2012-03-16 1 (+8/-0)
b03bdee Added functions to define an 'oblong' level from a vector of angles. Allows creation of fairly arbitrary symmetric levels. Added tons of comments explaining the mess I've made. Trevor Bentley 2012-03-16 1 (+189/-37)
2bae658 Flat leves of arbitrary segment count can be generated. Segment width is equal length at the player's end. Trevor Bentley 2012-03-16 1 (+45/-13)
e30495d Generate level 'segments' from the list of lines, instead of explicit data structures. Trevor Bentley 2012-03-15 4 (+75/-70)
fc3251a First round of tempest development. Two levels are roughly defined and drawn in an HTML5 canvas element. Trevor Bentley 2012-03-15 8 (+22224/-4)
9ef4187 Stupid README changes Trevor Bentley 2012-03-15 3 (+27/-7)
b6469ec First commit with Noir default structure Trevor Bentley 2012-03-15